After giving the phone to Wang Xiaoye, Xiao Haozi was ready to step aside and leave the space completely to Wang Xiaoye.

Wang Xiaoye also knew that this was actually a statement.

That is, let Wang Xiaoye look at the evidence first, and then choose whether to let them know too much.

This is equivalent to giving Wang Xiaoye the right to choose.

At the same time, it also avoids the situation that if there is any big news in the evidence, it will embarrass Wang Xiaoye.

But after Wang Xiaoye took the phone, he said directly, "Let's watch it together."

"My second uncle is my second uncle, I am me, although we are relatives, but what should be done is what should be done."

This sentence is equivalent to completely showing her trust in Xiao Haozi and his group.

After all, in the minds of the Dragon people, any family affairs are more or less private.

Anyone with a little sense of boundaries knows that when encountering such things, you need to avoid suspicion.

Even though Wang Ruhu is the second in command of the Tiger Gang, to some extent, if he does something behind the scenes, it is also official business.

Now Wang Xiaoye is willing to let them know the whole situation, which means he trusts them thoroughly.

Xiao Haozi's face flashed with relief and touching when he heard the voice.

But it was only a moment, and he hurriedly said, "Why don't you watch it first, Big Sister?"

"Just tell us some of them after you finish watching it."

"You talk a lot of nonsense." Wang Xiaoye also knew his intention.

This is because he is afraid that she will deliberately say polite words, and he is actively giving her a way out.

She glared at Xiao Haozi unhappily, and said directly, "You are all brothers I trust, there is nothing to be taboo about."

With that, without waiting for Xiao Haozi to persuade again, she simply opened the mobile phone of the middle-aged man in black and found a video synchronized from other devices in it.

Click to play and turn up the volume.

As the video began to play, the voice of the middle-aged man in black soon came out, "Mr. Wang, will there be any problem with this Sanhe Society tattoo?"

"I have learned that the craftsmanship of this thing is a bit special. It is difficult to wash off after it is tattooed."

"There must be no problem with the style and details of this tattoo, otherwise my plan to disguise as a member of the Sanhe Society will be ruined."

After the voice of the middle-aged man in black, there was a strong male voice that Wang Xiaoye and everyone present were extremely familiar with, "Don't worry, it's right."

"The tattoo of the Sanhe Society looks simple, but in fact there are several small anti-counterfeiting tricks."

"These small tricks are specially marked in the benchmark pattern I gave you."

"If you follow that tattoo, even the people of the Sanhe Society will be deceived if they encounter it."

It was Wang Ruhu, the second in command of the Tiger Gang and Wang Xiaoye's second uncle.

Although Wang Xiaoye knew everything through Lin Chuan's diary a long time ago, looking at Wang Ruhu's confident look in the picture, the hand holding the mobile phone couldn't help but tremble.

In the video, the middle-aged man in black continued to ask questions, "Are you sure?"

"This detail is really related to the key step of my pretending to be a member of the Sanhe Society."

Seeing this, Wang Ruhu seemed a little impatient and said unhappily, "Of course I am sure, I thought of this when I made this plan."

"So, before this, I actually had a joint effort with a vice president of the Sanhe Society."

"The partner of my plan also participated in the formulation of this plan."

"And this pattern was given to me by him, do you understand?"


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