Just when Ye Shishi was so comfortable, the diary was updated again.

And the paragraph was quite long, and the short and weak pounce seemed to mean that he had turned over a new leaf.

"Fuck, is this guy full of chicken blood?"

"Did he eat Jin Ke La?"

Ye Shishi was shocked all of a sudden.


In the barbecue stall, Wang Xiaoye, who was originally extremely annoyed, also stopped calling names and scolding, and began to read the diary update seriously.

[In fact, some people should be very curious about why no one can see Long Shuang'er's problem after living under the same roof for so long]

[Everyone lives together, if there are two people in the room, they will definitely be able to see it, right? ]

[In fact, for several years so far, since Long Shuang'er moved in, not only did no one notice it, even my wife Youchu, the landlord, didn't know what the problem was]

[No matter from the contact with each other or the diet and daily life, no one found any problem with Long Shuang'er. ]

[After all, in Mingyun Villa, there is not even a separate bathroom except for the master bedroom. ]

[If there really is an eighth tenant in Long Shuang'er's room, how did she solve the problems of going to the toilet and taking a shower? ]

[If anyone can see this diary, they will probably have similar questions. ]

[However, everyone has actually fallen into a kind of ideological misunderstanding. ]

[In other words, everyone is obsessed with a dead end.]

[The reason why no one has discovered it for so many years is actually very simple, that is, Long Shuang'er and the eighth tenant Long Fei'er are a pair of identical twins! ]


[These two people look exactly the same. Normally, no one would find the problem as long as they don't appear in the villa at the same time.]

[In addition, the two people talk and act the same, and even their clothing styles are exactly the same. Even if they stand together, it is difficult for ordinary people to find the difference between the two people with a magnifying glass. ]

[So, the two of them only need to be a little more careful on weekdays, and it is not a problem to pretend to be the same person~]

This time, the length of the diary update is also very long.

So after reading it, Wang Xiaoye was completely stunned.

"Good, I'm so freaking good."

"So they're twins, no wonder I couldn't find the eighth tenant, even though I'm so smart."

"All the styles are exactly the same, I'm going to use my head to find the difference!"

After coming to her senses, Wang Xiaoye couldn't help but marvel.

She had never thought that it would be such a scene.

Two identical twins lived in the villa at the same time, and took turns to appear in front of everyone.

As long as they didn't say anything, it would be impossible for anyone to find out.

And the most important thing is that these two people usually look like strangers, and they don't interact with people at all.

"I said, with my personality of being loved by everyone, how could anyone ignore me."

Wang Xiaoye snorted coldly.

She thought of her previous experience with Long Shuang'er and others, and couldn't help but feel a little indignant.

Big Sister Wang is a social person after all, and she is naturally outgoing and can chat with anyone.

But with Long Shuang'er, she has almost no communication.

What is a true nodding acquaintance?

It means nodding to you when you meet, and then ignoring you directly!

When Wang Xiaoye first entered Mingyun Villa, he originally wanted to get familiar with everyone in the villa with the intention of paying homage to the mountain master.

Needless to say, Lin Youchu is Wang Xiaoye's best friend.

Lin Danzhuang and Lu Taoyao are similar. Both of them know Wang Xiaoye's identity and background, and they are quite polite to each other. At most, Lu Taoyao likes to quarrel with Wang Xiaoye, but they keep it within a controllable range, and the relationship between the two is even good.

As for Ye Shishi and Yang Mi...

Big Sister Wang is afraid of leading a student astray - although the facts prove that this girl ends up playing more than anyone else.

A showbiz person, so he is quite familiar with her, but Wang Xiaoye is allergic to the sound of the clip. Da Mimi's natural sound of the clip makes Wang Xiaoye very uncomfortable, but they can still communicate normally.

Except this Long Shuang'er.

When Wang Xiaoye went to pay respect to the mountain, this woman basically said "um", "OK", "no problem".

She was so frugal with words, so cold.

She almost made Sister Wang angry.

If Wang Xiaoye hadn't thought it was not good to fight in an unfamiliar environment, he would have fought with this woman.

"Damn, this woman is so cold, just to hide her identity as two people."

"But then again, these two people, hiding their identities is a purposeWhat? You can't really plan to pay one less person's rent, right? "

"Damn, how can I guess about this kind of thing? If no one specifically reminds me, it's really hard to think about it in this way."

"Who the hell knew that someone who usually lives with me would actually be a twin brother! "

Wang Xiaoye instructed the younger brother to pay the bill while walking towards the door thinking.

Although Lin Chuan's diary was updated, Wang Xiaoye was more confused.

Dad often taught her that if something seemed unreasonable, there must be something fishy behind it.

Especially when such a thing happened to her and was related to her, she must not ignore it.

Now Wang Xiaoye has taken this matter seriously.

After all, she is the little princess of the underground leader of Zhonghai City. There are always villains who want to harm me. Wang Xiaoye has inherited this kind of thinking from her father.

Who is Long Shuang'er? What secrets does she have? What is her purpose in hiding her twin identity?

These questions appeared in Wang Xiaoye's mind one by one.

"Big sister, the bill has been settled. This is your card."

The younger brother's diligent call interrupted Wang Xiaoye's train of thought.

"How much did you give?"

Wang Xiaoye heard it seemingly unintentionally.

"Six hundred and eight, the boss directly rounded off the zero. "The younger brother said hurriedly.

Wang Xiaoye slapped him on the forehead directly.

"Big sister, why did you hit me? This account is correct."

The younger brother was hit, but he didn't know why he was hit, and he was a little confused.

"Of course I hit you because you did something wrong."

Wang Xiaoye said unhappily.

"Just now, a few of us made a fuss in the store and scared away all the customers. You don't know to ask people to swipe more and ask them to round off. How can you do things like this?"

Big sister Wang's main point is a positive outlook.

Not bullying ordinary people is a rule she set for herself and her younger brother.

"Oh, next time, big sister, just say it directly..."

The younger brother took the card again, looking aggrieved, but under Wang Xiaoye's tiger eyes, he could only swallow part of the unfinished words back into his stomach, and ran into the store again with the card.

"Damn, none of them makes me worry-free. "

Wang Xiaoye spat in annoyance, not knowing whether he was talking about Long Shuang'er or his own little brother.

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