Lin Danzhuang and Lu Taoyao had a brainstorming session, but the cute Youchu was very angry at the moment.

She sat on a chair in the bedroom, holding her phone in one hand and watching the surveillance camera at the door of the villa, and reading the surveillance data sent by the secret guard in the other hand.

Aunt Wang stood behind her, standing quietly, like a transparent person.

"This Ye Han actually moved diagonally across from my house. What does he want to do?"

"Aunt Wang, can you confirm the time when he moved in?"

Lin Youchu asked while looking at the data.

Aunt Wang nodded and said directly: "Just last night, he moved in right after Miss Ye Shishi, less than half an hour later, which was obviously premeditated."

Lin Youchu got the expected answer, and was not surprised, but just murmured: "Strange, according to Shishi, she has already booked a hotel for her brother."

"Why is Ye Han so anxious to move into Mingyun Villa, and it's so close to our house..."

"What is his purpose? He can't just want to live closer to Shishi, right?"

Aunt Wang's expression gradually became serious when she heard this.

"I have arranged for someone to investigate this matter, but Ye Han's background is very mysterious. It is difficult to find out his activities abroad in the past few years. Knowing his background, we should be able to understand his purpose."

When the dark guards perform such protection tasks, almost everyone around them is their investigation target. God knows if someone will suddenly appear one day to pose a threat to their protection targets.

For example, the No. 1 male gun in the Japanese server was just an ordinary photographer before he took action.

Lin Youchu didn't expect that Aunt Wang and others did such a meticulous job. After thinking about it, she couldn't help but remind him: "Well, Ye Han's title abroad is Dragon King. Aunt Wang, you can check it based on this."

Aunt Wang was a little surprised: "Dragon King? I understand."

Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. Although she doesn't know where Lin Youchu's information comes from, Aunt Wang will definitely not say anything.

Lin Youchu nodded and continued to watch the surveillance.

But the more she watched, the tighter the little girl's brows frowned.

The surveillance collected by the secret guards showed that Ye Han had been observing on the second floor of the villa given to him by the Jiang family, and he was hiding very secretly. If he hadn't deliberately monitored that building, it would be difficult for anyone to discover his existence.

What's more frightening is that since last night, Ye Han has been observing and operating towards the beautiful woman's villa.

When Lin Youchu saw this scene, his eyes widened.

"This guy has been monitoring us since last night. It's obvious that he has bad intentions! Is he a pervert?"

"Sister Mimi is so miserable. She is being plotted against. It's so hateful and bad. How can there be such a bad person!"

"Sister Mimi is just a little bit prettier, but she is targeted by such a person. This..."

Lin Youchu couldn't understand it.

Considering Ye Han's behavior, this guy seems to be not only indifferent to human life, but also a perverted erotic maniac?

If he can do such a thing as peeping, what else can he not do!

When Lin Youchu thought that her family would be stared at by such a pervert every day, she felt a chill.

"Miss, do you want us to deal with Ye Han secretly? Such a person is indeed a hidden danger."

Auntie Wang said coldly beside her, obviously wanting to kill Ye Han.


Lin Youchu flatly denied this idea.

"Ye Han's fighting power is too high. Even if all of your secret guards come together, they are definitely no match for him."

"What if something happens to you?"

Auntie Wang couldn't help but say, "Miss, we secret guards are not afraid of death. Now Ye Han has seriously threatened your safety. We can't just sit back and watch!"

Lin Youchu pondered for a moment, and then continued, "No, I still can't let you die."

"And I have a way to know what Ye Han has done in advance. If there is any situation, I will notify you to take action."

"Don't act rashly, just keep observing in secret."

Auntie Wang wanted to say something, but seeing Lin Youchu's firm attitude, she had to give up.

Lin Youchu moved the chair forward, put his arms around Aunt Wang's waist, buried his head in her arms, and said sincerely:

"Aunt Wang, you have watched me grow up since I was a child, and I have already regarded you as a relative."

"Listen to me about Ye Han's matter. This person is very scary, especially in terms of personal combat power. If something happens to you, I will be sad."

Aunt Wang smiled bitterly and rubbed Lin Youchu's head: "We are originally here for you, Miss."Alive, as long as the young lady is safe and healthy, what does it matter if we sacrifice ourselves?"

"But meaningless sacrifice is unnecessary. Ye Han has not shown hostility to me yet, and we don't know his ultimate goal. If you act now, I can't think of any other results except alerting the enemy and sacrificing in vain."

Lin Youchu's voice was very low.

The diary recorded Ye Han's combat power at the beginning.

Lin Youchu knew very well that the terrifying strength would not threaten Ye Han unless heavy firepower was used to cover it, and assassination was even more nonsense.

She didn't want Aunt Wang and her group to be in danger because of this.

If that day really came, I'm afraid Lin Youchu would feel guilty for the rest of her life...

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