Perfect Feast

Vol 2 Chapter 36: Catch ducks on the shelves

Chapter 36—Catch the Ducks

Zheng Qijun, sitting in the position of the host of the Letters and Calls Office, had no idea except to go to work and drink tea and read the newspaper.

This year he is 58 years old. At his age, he can sit in this position without being driven to the CPPCC National People's Congress to take care of himself. Don't underestimate this place, the position is not prominent, but after all, it is the first class, remember that there are really many people on the bench under his buttocks.

For a long time, Zheng Qijun held the thought of not approaching or sinning anyone, rather than doing anything special. However, the oversight inspection office came to the door and read all the petition files received by the petition office in the past two years.

Actually speaking, she, the director of the Letters and Calls Office and the director of the inspection office, is as big as an official. Everyone is recorded as belonging to the municipal government. But the people who went to the inspection room on behalf of the mayor, like the imperial commissioners who held the imperial edicts in ancient times, had a feeling of seeing the third grade of government officials.

At the beginning, although Zheng Qijun felt wrong, he did not take it too seriously. It was just for the person who cooperated with the inspection room to read the information. He still hid in his office and drank tea.

But looking up, the two young men in the inspection room got angry.

The letters and visits office has received more than 150 incidents in the past two years, but only one-tenth of them have been reported to the municipal government. Most of them were directly intercepted by the letters and visits office without the instructions of the leaders. They were placed in the cabinet, and the dossier was covered with a layer of smoke.

To be fair, no matter who sits in the letter office, there are always things that cannot be shown to the leaders. This is not to say that these dossiers are not important. They are worthy to bother and disturb leaders. But there are some people and things involved in it, and showing it to the leaders will cause uproar.

Sometimes the director of the Letters and Calls Office needs to have a shrewd mind, knowing what things can hold him down. For those files that are very implicated and consciously be able to suppress the okay, the petition office is just to do a good job and to get rid of the people is complete.

However, now that the inspection room has turned over the information cabinet of the Letters and Calls Office suddenly, the two young men are better like buns, and they don't understand the underlying rules.

They were more genuine, and the ordinary people of the Letters and Calls Office also panicked and hurriedly reported to Zheng Qijun. Zheng Qijun felt a headache when he heard it. It always means that there is always a policy and a countermeasure. Everyone agrees, and even if they know it, no one will talk about this leak.

Looking at the inspection room now, it seems that it is necessary to turn out all the old accounts from a few years ago. The problem is, I just don't know who the inspection room is trying to pierce with a cold dagger.

Are they taking the opportunity to beat themselves, or do they really want to talk about these old accounts and troublesome people involved in those files? Unclear about this, Zheng Qijun felt that his hundreds of dollars a pound of tea was not fragrant.

He grabbed the phone and asked Director Yang to check the situation. After dialing two numbers, he suddenly remembered. Yang Qiqi has now gone to Sihe County as a secretary. How about it?

He called Ling Xiaoguang, the director of the government office, and found out that the person who now manages the inspection room is Liu Yang, the little secretary who has just made a high-profile effort some time ago.

The vicissitudes of life, time is old!

After hearing that name, Zheng Qijun could only sigh like that.

When he was his age, in which township did he become an agricultural technician? Just like sitting on a rocket, not only catching up with myself, but also seeing that it will soon surpass itself.

What does this guy want to do? I heard that he talked with Lao Xia's girlfriend for a while, wouldn't it be that he wanted to pull himself down and let Lao Xia come to the top?

But if you think about it, Zheng Qijun thinks it is impossible. Some time ago, Lao Xia asked herself to introduce her baby girl to her. Then the guy should hate Lao Xia, how could he help her out?

But to say that Liu Yang didn't come for himself, then he just took over the inspection room and let people come to investigate himself. What did he want to do?

The most important point is that he asked the inspector to come to his side. Is it what he meant or what Mayor Zhang meant?

No, I have to report to Mayor Zhang about his recent work.

While going out with the book in hand, Zheng Qijun suddenly found out that he originally felt that he didn't have any disregard for this position, but once he knew that he might lose it, he felt that, in fact, deep down, he felt this The location is still very "emotional".

After coming to Mayor Zhang's office, Liu Yang was not seen sitting in the position of secretary, which made Zheng Qijun feel relaxed for a while.

After entering Zhang Jing's office, he talked about some units, and then gave Zhang Jing a determination: "Mayor Zhang, regarding the work of the inspection office to clear the petition case, I promise to cooperate fully and never Push and shove ... "

As he said, his eyes were fixed on Zhang Jing's face, and he wanted to judge whether Zhang Jing had arranged to do it through the expression on Zhang Jing's face.

As a result, he really saw a trace of surprise from Zhang Jing's face. But soon, Mayor Zhang said faintly: "I know this, it's just a routine inspection, it's not a big deal. Since Director Zheng said so, I'm relieved. I believe you and the governor The investigation room will cooperate very well to find out the backlog of the city's petitions in the past two years. There is no other way, and the people will not take the petition. This is related to the city's people's ability to execute our government and for the people The attitude of service recognition must not be sloppy ... "

Zheng Qijun already knew at this time that 80% of the incident was really made by Liu Yang's kid in private. Obviously, in the beginning, Mayor Zhang's expression was clear that he didn't know, didn't understand. However, in order to maintain the authority of the inspection room and to stand up for her little secretary, she had to say so.

However, from her voice, he also saw Zhang Jing's trust and support for Liu Yang.

Therefore, when I saw Liu Yang after going out, he was angry at first, but he thought of Zhang Jing's attitude towards Liu Yang. He still pressed his anger, changed his smile, and kindly invited Liu Yang to sit together at night. sit.

Similarly, the old guy didn't give Liu Yang time to object. He turned around and called Yao Zhanyuan. He smiled at Liu Yang and said, "Director Liu, we'll make it this way ..." Going forward.

Liu Yang looked at his back with a wry smile, and said to his heart what crazy thing the old man was making? Do I know you well? You are going to invite me to dinner when there are so many people, what do you mean?

Originally, Liu Yang felt that Yao Zhanyuan came over, but it was just a show that he was close to Mayor Zhang. I do n’t know. Zhang Jing and Yao Zhanyuan talked for quite a long time. They talked for more than half an hour before Yao Zhanyuan came out of Zhang Jing's office. I didn't know what Zhang Jing had said to him. Anyway, this guy was blushing after coming out, just like drinking two or two. He greeted Liu Yang and walked out.

Next, it was Ji Dongping's turn.

As a result, Ji Dongping was really called by Zhang Jing to play the board. As soon as he entered the door, Zhang Jing sank his face and looked at Ji Dongping without talking or letting him sit, which made Ji Dongping very embarrassed.

"Director Ji, I asked you to come, just to ask you, is there any pollution in Sunshine Paper, and if so, what is the degree of pollution?" After more than a minute, it was in Ji Dongping Zhang Jing finally opened his mouth when the sweat on his back kept flowing down the spinal ditch.

To put it in context, in terms of environmental protection, Ji Dongping is a knowledgeable person, and even more so when talking about environmental testing. However, he is a cadre sent from the province, and he is sensitive to some things. This time, a deputy director of the provincial environmental protection department personally sat down to investigate the environmental pollution problems of Sunshine Paper. Hall attitude.

When we came down, we were looking for something. The idlers spread out, don't shed blood ...

With this understanding, what did you ask Ji Dongping to say?

"The people from the Provincial Environmental Protection Department said that they were investigated after they received a report from our Renzhou city, but they have been reluctant to report who the report was. If it is really for the protection of the reporter, I can also do this. Understand. However, during your usual inspections, there have been no problems found in this factory. Why did the people in the provincial department detect the problem as soon as possible? As the director of the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, you must give me an explanation. "

Zhang Jing said, his face became more and more quiet like water: "The problem of this factory is not serious in the end, you must come to a conclusion. The people of the Provincial Department also said that there were no problems found in the factory. Their basis, It is because the air around the plant has a pungent smell, and there is a large area of ​​yellow leaves on the east side of the sewage treatment plant behind the plant. It is said that this must be due to soil and water contamination and necrosis of the tree roots. I want to know Yes, even if the trees are really yellow for this reason, it must be figured out whether it was formed by the paper mill of Sunshine Paper ... Director Ji, can this matter be an expert in environmental protection? "

"I ..." Ji Dongping said heartily, didn't you mean to ask someone from the Ministry of Environmental Protection to do the evaluation? Why did you give me this bad job again?

"Three days, is there enough time?" Zhang Jing wasn't consulting him at all, but giving him an order as the mayor.

As a municipal department, the authority of the mayor cannot be challenged. Even if Ji Dongping was unwilling, he could only agree: "Enough ... enough, two days, I can get the data in two days ..."

Since it is unavoidable to be involved, then I might as well be bachelor.

The book first appeared on the reading rim

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