Perfect Feast

Vol 2 Chapter 73: Which one do we belong to

Chapter 73—Which Type Do We Belong to

When Wei Rixin saw Zhang Fang kneeling, the fullness of his uniform shook violently, making people look a little dizzy. Think of this woman staying beside him, always being tender to himself, he couldn't help but wander, and wanted to stretch her hand.

However, when he said that was not the case, he remembered the young man who had just arrived in the game.

He allowed Zhang Fang to kneel and asked coldly, "What are you doing? Why is this happening? I can't rub the sand in my eyes ..."

The tears in Zhang Fang's eyes dripped one by one, sadly telling: "Brother-in-law, I, I admit that I have a good opinion of Zhang Jin ... But that kind of goodwill is not between a man and a woman. I As I said just now, this guy is smart and does not work rigidly. In addition, he mainly wants to climb you through me for progress. People are also thinking about you. I feel that such talents will be robbed by others Go, that's why I ... I didn't expect it to be misunderstood by you like this ... oh, it's a loss because someone called your brother-in-law from a young age and gave it back to you ... oh ... "

"Do you really mean it?" Wei Rixin felt incredible, and said to his heart that this little aunt knew how to gang up and cultivate her strength? This is hard to come by.

"Woohoo ... people have you, this life is enough, what else do you think?" Zhang Fang's ability to change is really outstanding, lying does not need to make drafts. She knew that Wei Rixin couldn't bear to treat her like that, just to scare her and prevent her from going out of the wall.

Wei Rixin was suspicious, his eyes stared at Zhang Fang, and said in a low voice: "So, this kid is really a personal talent?" Zhang Fang rushed to the iron while he was hot: "Well, I dare tell you this after many tests. Take it. In the case last time, did Jiang Ruifeng not want to borrow that thing to your advantage? It was Zhang Jin who saw the clumsy hidden in the report, and then pointed out to tell me, and I will tell you. Otherwise, how can I know Those words ... "

The matter Zhang Fang said was a case conducted by a deputy director of the Public Security Bureau called Jiang Ruifeng three months ago. This involved Wei Rixin's close relative, Ma Hongyun, director of the Beihe Subdistrict Police Station.

Ma Hongyun's son went to school in a middle and junior high school. Only a fifteen-year-old little fart boy had a small girl with a big belly. The little guy didn't know what to say, and stole the **** money and led the little girl to the county hospital to have a baby.

Coincidentally, this little girl met a stupid doctor, and she didn't know how to make such a small operation a big bleeding. The doctor asked the parents to come and sign at the time, and Ma Hongyun's son was frightened. How dare to call the little girl's family? So I called this to his mother.

After Ma Hongyun arrived, the parents who pretended to be little girls signed and used the relationship in their hands to find the director of the hospital and sealed the mouth. The little girl stayed in the hospital for a week in the hospital, and everyone didn't know.

After all, the little girl returned home after being discharged from the hospital, but the careful parents discovered the abnormality. After some interrogation, the little girl told her about her.

As soon as the parents heard that the girl was so young, she was involved in this kind of thing, and almost died at the hospital. The anger was burning, and he forgot his daughter's reputation, but he was afraid that Ma Hongyun, the police station director, might be so powerful that he dared not go to Ma Hongyun directly, but ran to the hospital to make trouble.

The hospital was afraid that something would happen, so it hurried to call the police.

Deputy Commissioner Jiang Ruifeng, who was on duty that day at the Public Security Bureau, called the police in person, and Ma Hongyun, who was informed of the news, hurried over. She grabbed the little girl's family before Jiang Ruifeng.

After Jiang Ruifeng understood the truth of the matter, the family members of the little girl were not upset. I don't know what benefit the other party got from Ma Hongyun. When he left, there was still a hint of joy.

After returning, when Jiang Ruifeng wrote the report, he said that this incident was prevented by the time of Chairman Ma Hongyun's timely appearance. In the report, Jiang Ruifeng exaggerated Ma Hongyun like a flower, but never mentioned that the matter was originally caused by Ma Hongyun's son.

At that time, Wei Rixin thought that Jiang Ruifeng had lost his temper, and almost let the Propaganda Section erected Ma Hongyun into a typical vigorous propaganda. If it weren't for Zhang Fang whispering in her ear that night, he would have almost cheated Jiang Ruifeng.

This incident happened in the Nanhe police station. What did she do to deal with it? Do you really think the police are one? If you vigorously propagate Ma Hongyun, when a leader asks how Ma Hongyun handles it, how do you answer? There is no such thing as a matter of course. If the publicity is in full swing, it will definitely cause people's attention. At that time, someone who knows the truth will come forward to discuss it. Isn't this the Public Security Bureau pouring oil on the fire and grilling Ma Hongyun on it?

"Oh?" Of course, Wei Rixin's experience in life and official wisdom are far above Zhang Fang, but when she heard this, Zhang Jin saw the flaw, and she felt a little secret admiration for the boy. At a young age, the problem is so far-reaching, maybe it is really a good seed.

However, no matter how good your sprout grows, but you try to reach out into my yard, this thing is intolerable. Isn't there such a word, what kind of grass is Ning, and what seedlings are not needed? This statement actually makes sense.

However, seeing Zhang Fang kneeling on the ground and crying pitifully, he was still a bit unbearable, so he calmed down and asked, "So, are you doing for me?"

As he said, Wei Rixin narrowed his eyes and stared at Zhang Fang's shaking chest.

Zhang Fang was full of tears and raised a delicate little face, with a charming and unstoppable charm, said in a low voice: "Of course, people only have you in their hearts. If you don't want me, how can I live? Yeah? "

"Huh! You're not big-headed!" Wei Rixin's mouth showed a smile.

"Brother-in-law, how good you are!" Zhang Fang crawled into Wei Rixin's arms and said sloppily, "They are just a little bigger here, don't you like it, but they always take this joke!"

Wei Rixin hasn't responded yet. Zhang Fang has stretched his hand into his uniform and dragged it up his own hill.

Wei Rixin had intentionally left Zhang Fang for a while, but Zhang Fang's warm and soft body made him unable to refuse. As he rubbed, he warned: "I'm not joking at you, tell you, there are many people staring at me in this position, but I'm not too weak, and I don't need you to seduce any talents ..."

Wei Rixin's words were very heavy, but Zhang Fang had seen from his expression that she forgave herself, and her courage became even bigger. She took Wei Rixin's hand and said diligently, "Well, people know, brother-in-law ... "

When she called like this, Wei Rixin's breathing couldn't help becoming quicker. She hugged her and kissed her. "Do you think your brother-in-law doesn't want to find another pier? I'll let you taste it." I'm great, see if your brother-in-law can make you feel better ... "


Just now, the small restaurant at the entrance of the middle school didn't eat anything. Liu Yang and Tian Manman strolled along the street and actually crossed the bridge to the new district on the bank of the river.

Whether it is the street or the shops on both sides, it is obviously higher than the old town.

Two people walked into a restaurant that looked very neat. They chose a table by the window and sat down on the second floor. Tian Manman took the menu, ordered four dishes, and asked for a bottle of white wine. He said with a smile. dinner.

With Liu Yang's appearance, she resolved a big stone that was pressing on her heart. How could she be upset?

When the wine comes up, pour wine into the glass in front of Liu Yang, holding the wine glass, Tian Manman said with a serious expression: "I wouldn't say it if I thanked you, I know you first came here, and I definitely want to know The situation in the county. I also know, do n’t look at us as old classmates, you do n’t necessarily believe me now. But I swear that what I say is true. What you want to know is just asking ... ”

"I remember that this area was all irrigated. Once this season, the frogs in the paddy field blew up. I also skipped classes and ran over with Anhua and Zhang Lei to catch catfish. Now, here are all It has become an urban area ... "Looking at the lights that were dim outside the large glass window in front of him, Liu Yang held his wine glass and said with emotion.

Seeing that he hadn't picked up his own stubble, Tian Manman could not help but give him a white look and couldn't help but say, "Tao Zisheng, have you heard what I said? Now you don't feel bad ..."

"Hehe ..." Liu Yang smiled and turned his head. The wine glass in her hand touched her slightly, sipped the wine gently, and then said, "Canghai Sangtian, it's almost ten years, whether it is Things or people have changed a lot. It's like a paddy field outside the window, just like you ... "

"I? I think I'm still the same, I haven't changed at all, and still look the same when we go to school with us?" Tian Manman took the opportunity to show his heart.

Liu Yang picked up chopsticks and began to eat, slowly swallowing, and then said: "The communication between people is either like-minded or mutual use. Let ’s not talk about trust or distrust between us. Outside rice fields, now It has become a high-rise building, and you have been married and divorced. I remember that you were a fat man when you went to school, but now you look at it and say that there is no change? "

Liu Yang's words were a bit wild, Tian Manman's mind was a bit out of step at first. However, if you ca n’t keep up, you have to keep up. Who makes this guy a leader now?

Tian Manman picked up a green vegetable and delivered it to his mouth without swallowing. Seeing this move, the man's eyes attracted him, and then he smiled and said, "That ... except for like-minded and mutual use, there is no first Three? I think one should be added, and that is hostility to each other ... "

Liu Yang smiled with a deep meaning, and gently asked, "So ... what do you think we belong to?"

This novel comes from reading books 惘

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