Perfect Feast

Vol 2 Chapter 84: Big problem

Chapter 84. There is a big problem

"What are you talking about? How many people were hurt? How about the injury, is there any danger?" At this time, Liu Yang was also anxious. Such a mass incident, if a physical conflict occurs, it is difficult to control the situation.

Now it's more than nine o'clock. The black light is blind. In case someone is killed, this matter will be a big deal. My new magistrate's buttocks haven't sat in the chair below me, I'm afraid I'll move.

Traffic is different from other bureaus. Don't look at the other side gathering sixty or seventy people, but the traffic bureau also has a professional team called the "traffic administrative law enforcement inspection team."

Don't look at the regular staffing of this inspection team, but the actual number of staff is quite large.

Because they are usually responsible for the administrative enforcement of the transportation market, consignment market, maintenance market, fee inspection, over-transportation, and road management in the county's administrative area. With the right to a fine in hand, they have the money to recruit temporary workers.

Those temporary workers know that they are temporary. Maybe they will be driven that day. They have no sense of security and stability, and they have no worries when they do things. After discovering illegal vehicles on the road, the money was more severe.

Some drivers are impatient and sometimes resist, which "hardened" the style that this team can play and dare to fight. What's more, most of the people who can join the inspection team to do temporary work are also some social idiots. It's fair to say that the leader of the inspection team wants their fierce energy.

These people are good at checking cars, fishing and law enforcement, and they fight more unambiguously.

Just now Wen Hongbin said that several people in Wen Haiping's company were injured, but the casualties at the traffic bureau did not say a word. It is conceivable that the outcome of the war must be a one-sided end.

From the traffic jam in the afternoon to the end of the battle at nine o'clock in the evening, at least five or six hours have elapsed in the middle, and no one reported to himself.

Now that someone is injured, Wen Hongbin reports to himself. Obviously, the result of the incident is very serious. They can't end it. Let them wipe their **** in the past.

Looks like they still bullied themselves when they first arrived and didn't look at themselves?

Wen Hongbin said: "Mayor Liu, I have just received Jia Furen's report, and the specific situation is unknown. I am now on my way to the hospital. After I see the situation, I will report it to you."

Hearing this, Liu Yang felt better, at least Wen Hongbin didn't want to hide himself in this matter. But why is Jia Furen so brave? Actually just now report to Wen Hongbin, the responsible leader? What did he do before letting people do it?

"Okay, I'm going right now, let's meet in the hospital." Liu Yang stood up and said, throwing off his cell phone and getting dressed.

Tian Yangman was listening while Liu Yang was talking to Wen Hongbin. When she saw Liu Yang wearing clothes, she opened her mouth and wanted to talk about what she finally held back.

"If you have something to say, don't talk about it. You are not only the manager of the hotel, you are also the deputy director of the office ..." No matter what, Liu Yang looked at her and turned to hum at her.

Tian Manmanton paused, and then said: "At this time, you shouldn't rush past. After all, you are the leader, and the deputy magistrate in charge of Wen Hongbin is enough!"

"Let Wen Hongbin stand in front. If things are not handled well, he will be used as a scapegoat. I will pick peaches when things are almost done, isn't it? Yes, your method is more secure. The only thing that was dealt with was Wen Hongbin, a deputy head of the county. At the very least, I assumed a little leadership responsibility, and it would have no impact on the future career. "

Having said that, Liu Yang looked at Tian Manman very seriously and asked, "Do you want your man to look like this? A man who has no responsibility and only hides when he is in trouble, what's the big deal? The style of the **** is not my character. "After Liu Yang finished, he reached out and grabbed the mobile phone on the table and went out.

"Fool ..." Tian Manman paused and cursed lowly. In my heart, I felt that his stupidity was really calming.

Looking at the figure of Liu Yang about to go out, Tian Manman quickly shouted: "Slow down, I will change clothes and go with you ..."

"What are you going to do? This is a man's business, what are you going to do? It's okay to stay at home, you should eat, sleep, sleep ..." Liu Yang knew he was worried about himself, but now the hospital is not sure what As for the situation, he took Tian Manman in the past and he was not assured, so he stood still, turned his head and said to her.

"No, people are also worried about you. When you leave, they must not be able to eat or sleep. Don't look at you as a native Huling, but now you have a black eye, no difference from outsiders." Tian Manman said on the side As he took off his pajamas, he changed the clothes that Liu Yang had just picked off.

"Oh ... you really care about me, you just wait here obediently ..." Liu Yang smiled, stretched her hand over her snow neck, and kissed her softly with red lips.

"Hate! Seriously, you are not serious yet ..." Tian Manman twisted and twisted.

Liu Yang laughed: "Why am I serious? This is the most serious thing I said. You follow along, what if something frightens you? What to do if you do n’t eat well and sleep well, this is rich The body has been deformed to a certain degree, and the sin is great ... "

Then, Liu Yang poked her **** gently with her forefinger: "If it shrinks here, I will definitely feel bad."

Tian Manman was ashamed, and looked down at his own chest: "When did you actually say these nonsense jumbles? People are dying ... This thing will not affect you, right?" Tian Man Man raised his hand and gave him a double blow.

"Since things have happened, it is useless to be anxious. You should eat and drink, drink and sleep, and other things do not need you to control." Liu Yang said and turned again.

"Isn't it too small?" To his sweetheart, Tian Manman seemed a little distrustful of his arrogant figure. He could not help glancing at his plumpness, lowering his voice.

"What?" Liu Yang didn't hear the sentence clearly, and she would go back and ask again, seeing where her eyes were looking, she could not help laughing, "Ha ... pretty considerable, Sister Tian, If it is older, it will not be proportional to your figure, but it will not be beautiful ... "

After hearing what he said, Tian Manman regained his confidence and looked up at him. "What kind of person, I remember that you are one year older than others. I am a sister. What sister is not afraid to call others old Anymore? "

The women that Liu Yang met during this time were a few years older than him. They called her sister out of nowhere and were used to it. Usually Zhang Jing, Li Shanshan, and Yang Qiqi were all very useful. I didn't expect Tian Manman to be unhappy this time.

He didn't know that women were sensitive to such things.

"Okay, okay, are you still a younger sister? Stay here obediently, if there is something for you to do, I'll call you." After Liu Yang said it, he kept going out.

The People's Hospital of Huling County is also in the old city. It is not too far south after crossing the river.

At the time in high school, Anhua, another dead party, loved fighting, either wounding others or hurting himself. Liu Yang hadn't come here before.

After seeing the run-down appearance in the old one, Liu Yang thought that the People's Hospital was still the impression in his mind. I do n’t know when the car turned in front of the People ’s Hospital, the tall building with bright lights in front of him still startled Liu Yang. If it was not for the neon flashing signboard on the building, Liu Yang thought he had come to an upscale hotel Here it is.

As you go further, more and more vehicles are parked on both sides of the road. Cars, vans, minivans, electric tricycles ... one by one are lined up next to each other on the road. The wide roads account for most of them.

There was a traffic jam at the hospital entrance. A group of people were shouting about this car. Some people carried iron cymbals, and some people carried thick wooden sticks in their hands.

Liu Yang kept pressing the horn a hundred meters away, and the left hand held the headlight dimming switch to flash the headlights, but none of the crowd in front of them escaped.

Driven a few meters further, the people in front not only did not hide, but some turned around and raised big sticks at Liu Yang's car. Looking at that posture, if Liu Yang dared to rush forward, they would smash Liu Yang's car.

Liu Yangxin said that this is a hospital. What are you doing here?

Seeing that he couldn't get through, Liu Yang simply stopped the car, pushed the car door down, and threw the car and left it on the side of the road. Walked alone to the crowd.

"What's wrong with the county head, you are still Wen Haiping's brother. He owed me no money and didn't pay it back, did he rely on you to support him?"

"That is, what else do you say? Don't I get beaten up and just forget it? Who pays the doctor's money? What about our wages, you give me?"

"I want him to give him, and his brother's money may not be worthless to him. Without the county magistrate's support in front of him, Wen Haiping can contract the project of the highway bureau?"

Squeezing through the crowd, Liu Yang was wondering what was happening here. As soon as the people around him said that, they immediately understood what was going on here.

"What kind of crowd do you squeeze, as long as the other party gives money, everyone has a share, and now it won't give you first ..." A young man in a flower shirt pushed Liu Yang to see Liu Yang's dress, Not like a strong worker who worked hard, he asked a little strangely: "What are you doing? Why haven't I seen you?"

Liu Yang listened to his heart and said that what he said seemed to be a problem? Could it be that he knows all those who are enclosing Wen Hongbin here?

This novel comes from reading books 惘

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