Perfect Feast

Vol 2 Chapter 90: Toad yawning

Chapter 90 Toad Yawning

Liu Min, the deputy county head who was in charge of culture, education, health, tourism, public security, and judicial work, had seemed to be weakened, but at this time she couldn't help sighing.

With the great **** Wei Rixin sitting at the political and legal committee, where can the public security and judicial work get his own control? But in his own name, the police can't run his own responsibilities when something goes wrong. Now Liu Yang takes over, it is really a great thing.

However, judging from the division of labor this time, Liu Yang, the magistrate of Zhengyin County, just picked a name. Cao Hancheng assisted Liu Yang in charge of public security and justice, but I was afraid that the burden would be on Cao Hancheng.

Even if he was unwilling, he could not object. Because he not only assists the county head in charge of public security and judicial work, but also assists Liu Yang in managing the two major tasks of auditing and compilation.

Most people think that the Audit Bureau is just making statements, statistics. However, you must not underestimate the audit bureau.

The county audit bureau is the main department responsible for the audit work in the county's administrative area under the leadership of the county head and higher audit institutions in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the audit law and the implementation regulations of the audit law.

The main duties are as follows:

(I) Implement the laws, regulations, guidelines and policies of the national audit work, monitor the implementation, formulate annual audit work plans, determine the focus of audit work, and organize implementation.

(2) Report to the county government and superior audit bureaus and inform the relevant county government departments of the audit situation, or announce the audit results to the society, and formulate and improve relevant policies and regulations, macro management measures and recommendations. If the audited unit violates the state's fiscal revenues and expenditures, financial revenues and expenditures are punished in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and executives and other directly responsible persons who are directly responsible should be given administrative sanctions according to the audit results. Where an audit unit or its superior organ or supervisory organ proposes to impose administrative sanctions and constitutes a crime according to law, it shall be transferred to the judicial organ for criminal responsibility.

(3) In accordance with the provisions of the Audit Law of the People's Republic of China, directly conduct the following audit supervision:

1. County and township budget implementation and other fiscal revenue and expenditure; financial statements of township governments.

2. The financial revenues and expenditures of the county-level departments (including the units directly affiliated), the management and use of extra-budgetary funds of the county-level departments and township governments, and the financial revenues and expenditures of county-level public institutions and subordinate units.

3. Assets, liabilities, profit and loss of financial institutions.

4. Assets, liabilities, profit and loss of county-owned state-owned enterprises, state-owned assets holding or dominant shareholding enterprises, joint ventures, Chinese-foreign joint ventures, cooperative enterprises and overseas enterprises.

5. Implementation status and final accounts of national construction project budgets (estimates). The implementation and budget of the budget (estimated budget) of the capital construction and development projects invested by the county government, as well as the financial revenue and expenditure.

6. Financial revenues and expenditures of social security funds, environmental protection funds, social donation funds, and other related funds and funds managed by the county government and entrusted by the government to be managed by social organizations.

7. Financial income from international organizations, foreign government assistance, and loan projects.

8. Other laws and regulations stipulate that the audit should be performed by the county audit bureau.

(4) Submit to the county government the audit results of county budget execution and other fiscal revenue and expenditure; entrust the county government to report to the NPC Standing Committee on auditing of budget execution and other fiscal revenue and expenditure.

(5) Organize and implement industry audits, special audits and audit investigations on the implementation of national financial and economic policies and macro-control measures.

(6) To accept the entrustment of organizational departments to organize the implementation of economic responsibility audits of party and government leading cadres and economic responsibility audits of leaders of state-owned enterprises and state-holding enterprises.

(7) Accepting audit hearings on the punishment decisions of auditing institutions and individuals by audited entities and individuals according to law.

(8) To organize the guidance and supervision of internal audit of departments and units, to supervise the practice quality of social audit organizations, and to organize audit business training.

(9) To undertake other audit matters assigned by the county Party committee and government and higher audit institutions.

The county establishment committee office is the permanent office of the county establishment committee. Under the leadership of the county establishment committee, it is responsible for the county's management system and institutional reform and the day-to-day management of the organization establishment. It is both a county committee institution and a county government institution.

Its main responsibilities:

To study and formulate policies and regulations for the reform of administrative management systems and institutions, as well as the establishment and management of institutions. Organize the organization of the party and government agencies at all levels in the county, the people's congresses, the CPPCC, the courts, the procuratorates, and the democratic parties and people's organizations.

To study and formulate the overall plan for the county's administrative management system and institutional reform, review the reform plans of the county Party committee departments, county government departments, and county-owned institutions, and guide and coordinate the reform of the administrative management system and institutions at all levels of the county and the establishment management.

Judging from the powers of these two departments, the Audit Bureau can audit "people" and the establishment office can control "power". Such an important department can do a lot of things, and it is also a manifestation of her deputy county magistrate's power. If you do not want to be an enemy of Wei Rixin, and you do not want to take over public security and judicial affairs, you will certainly push the Audit Bureau and the Establishment Office together.

By bundling the Public Security, the Judicial and Audit Bureau, and the Office of Compilation, Liu Yang made himself reluctant to say "no". This young man has such an ingenuity that he really cannot be underestimated.

In particular, this guy didn't even have a draft in front of him, so he just said the names of the departments of the county, who is in charge of what, who is in charge of it, and what units they are in contact with, even if it was planned long ago, but this The memory is indeed amazing.

It seems that this guy can be admitted to the big b, it is definitely not all luck.

"Mr. Cao, you have heard what Comrade Jia Furen said just now. I suspect Zhang Chong played a significant role in today's incident. Also, Comrade Jia Furen called the director of the public security bureau, Zhao Shuang, to call and later Another 110 was called. Although the police station over the police, but refused to intervene on the grounds that this is an economic dispute, there are obvious errors from both the standpoint and the procedure. This matter must be investigated. This matter must be paid. I'll do it for you ... "Liu Yang said very simply, without consulting Cao Hancheng's opinions at all, he threw this stall on him.

You are now in charge of the Public Security Bureau. Who will not give this matter to you?

After speaking, Liu Yang turned his head to Lin Yufen again: "Mayor Lin County, just now, Comrade Jia Furen said that the audit team had not issued an order when the inspection team started. Huang Zeyu, Zhang Zhongxiang and the Deputy Director Yang Wenfeng were present at the time. You can prove it to him. You have to find out about it ... "

"Mayor Wen, Wen Haiping was involved in a ransomware case. I heard that you personally ordered him to be arrested by the Public Security Bureau? I personally feel deeply about the mayor's courageous actions to destroy relatives. Admiration, this also shows that the Huling County government team still has such a righteous spirit. You go to meet Wen Haiping and find out the salary of his workers ... If he has a major performance, I can propose to He handled lightly ... "

Looking at Wen Hongbin, Liu Yang said it lightly, but it was just a hint that Wen Hongbin was caused by Wen Haiping's wages owed to the workers. You told your younger brother that if you do n’t want to sit in the jail, hurry the workers I got my salary.

If it weren't for the hard-earned money he owed, even if someone wanted to pick something, there would be no excuse.

After speaking, Liu Yang looked at the door: "Did Fan Fan not come back yet?" Zhang Lei stood up and went out. It didn't take long before Fan Xuguang came in.

"The hospital does not support injuries, doctors change business. Patients are trying to survive, money is dulled!" As he said, Liu Yang looked at Fan Xuguang severely and said in a low voice: "Now the hospital has become a self-financing unit. I know you now There are your difficulties. However, if you are in an emergency, you need to treat it first, and then let the family members of the patient handle the money? Is it not for you to drag the patient out of the hospital and not collect money from beginning to end. This advance How much can it cost for rescue? As long as the patient has not been discharged, how many people would rather give up treatment and choose to sneak away without paying money? "

As he talked, Liu Yang reached out and knocked on the luxurious conference table in front of him, like a question, and said with emotion: "When I went to school, the people's hospital was very broken. It only took seven or eight years. Our hospital has actually become the most profitable unit in the county. Secondly, it is necessary to count these privileged departments of the Public Prosecution Department. When I entered the city from the north the day before yesterday, the office building of the Public Security Bureau, the Procuratorate and the court made me eat a lot. Amazed. Now I look at the surgical building of your hospital, and look at such a beautiful conference room, I am very happy. "

Said to be happy, Liu Yang sighed and glanced over the faces of others, and then said, "The change in office conditions heralds a change in the economic development of our county. However, look at the old city that is still old And look at the mottled door face of a middle school that has remained unchanged for more than ten or decades, and I do n’t think it is very good. Huling No. 1 Middle School is the vanguard of our county school, and we are sitting there. Many of our children go to school there. Right? Now it all looks like this, so what does the other townships learn? "

Speaking, Liu Yang's words changed, and his voice carried a chilling chill: "Of course, the current situation in Huling County is here. There is no money in the county, and many things cannot be changed even if they know it. So, This time when the team was divided, I added a sentence at the end. Regardless of which department you are in charge of, we must do a good job in attracting investment and economic construction. Only when all of us here work together can we completely develop the economy of Huling County. Go up ... "

Although Liu Yang said that he was emotional and enthusiastic, the few people listening below didn't have any thought fluctuations.

The shortest time in Huling County is three or five years. The longest time has been in Huling County. Huling County has nothing to do. If it hadn't recently discovered a few coal fields, the cadres in the county could not keep up with the northwest wind.

Economic development? How does it develop? When the upper lip touches the lower lip, the economy develops? Toad yawned, so good!

This article comes from reading novels

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