Perfect Feast

Vol 2 Chapter 99: Win

Chapter 99 Wins

After Li Dongdong's remarks, he didn't look at Wei Rixin's face at all, reached for his cup, took a sip of tea.

The head of the Organization Department, Zhong Wanhua, has been looking at Liu Yang's face, as if there were flowers on Liu Yang's face. In fact, his heart was also shocked by the sharpness of Liu Yang's words just now.

The day that Yao Yao, the Minister of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee sent Liu Yang to take office, spoke a few words to himself, some of which made his memory fresh.

"Wanhua, don't look at Liu Xian's youth, but this young man's luck is very good. But the most important thing is that he can always grasp the opportunities that appear in front of him ..." When he said this, Yao The minister patted his shoulder lightly, and his expression was very intriguing.

Minister Yao is his superior supervisor. When he speaks like this, the meaning given is self-explanatory.

However, since Liu Yang came to Huling County, he has not expressed his intention to be close to him. Although Liu Yang is the mayor of Zhang, Sun Qingmei's father is the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee.

The relationship between the two is different, and the two people's support for Sun Qingmei and Liu Yang is certainly different.

Even though Mayor Zhang felt good about Liu Yang, when he was in trouble, he was just a discardable **** in Mayor Zhang's hand. Sun Qingmei is not the same. I'm afraid that even if she fights her life, Sun Zhuoqun will stand by her daughter firmly, right?

Based on these considerations, Zhong Wanhua has been observing. He is sure that there is a contradiction between Sun Shuji and Liu County Chief. These conditions, when he first met at Longhe Toll Station, Liu Yang felt it in the conversation.

In fact, in the past few years, the slogan of separation of party and government has been called, but in fact, it is still the party that controls everything. As a secretary, he has supreme authority in the political, economic, and personnel systems of the county.

This also caused whoever sat in the position of the magistrate to feel depressed and depressed. Forming a potential and irreconcilable contradiction with the secretary has become an inevitable fact.

Between the secretary and the county head, in general, the secretary is more powerful, because it has a unique advantage. However, it is not ruled out that there are some people, either by their own abilities or by external factors, that can be comparable to the secretaries and secretaries, and even faintly can overpower the secretaries.

Today, Sun Qingmei definitely wants to help Wei Rixin speak, but under the sharp words of Liu Yang just now, he could only sit there with a gloomy face, and could not say a word.

This Liu Yang is really powerful. His words are strong and tightly tied to the "law" and "reason", making you want to get nothing out of nothing. In front of his remarks, the easiest way to push and pull on the officialdom is nowhere to be used, and the tricks of the mud can not be beaten.

But Liu Yang just picked out that he opened fire on Wei Rixin specifically, so that Sun Shu. Remembered that there was no chance to get angry, and he could only secretly get angry in his heart.

As he thought about it, Zhong Wanhua raised his hands slowly, looked at Liu Yang with interest, and gently rubbed his slightly bald "hair". He said that the young magistrate was really interesting.

I do n’t know, this action was seen by Sun Qingmei, seeing him staring at Liu Yang with two bells, and thinking what he thought of Liu Yang, he directly clicked: "Chairman Zhong, do you have What's the idea? You are in charge of organizing personnel. Since it is necessary to deal with cadres, you can also talk about your views! "

Zhong Wanhua didn't expect that at this time he would be named by Sun Qingmei, and his expression on the face could not help but hesitate. How could he be like you? When did I say I have an idea? Dealing with cadres is not to promote them. What do you want me to say?

After thinking about it for a while, Zhong Wanhua only slowly said, "I agree with the opinions of Li Dongdong and Director Zhang. At present, stability is greater than everything. What to do is how to deal with it."

The opinions of Li Dongdong and Zhang Dongqiang are clearly contradictory. When he said this, it seems that Zhang Dongqiang and Li Dongdong's views are highly consistent.

However, these two guys did say that they should strictly deal with the comrades who made mistakes, and he couldn't say that he was wrong. It's just that Li Dongdong said to deal with Zhao Shuang, but Zhang Dongqiang suggested that Jia Furen should be dealt with. This is basically irrelevant, but was filtered out by Minister Zhong stiffly, only to deal with people.

As for whether he agrees with Zhang Dongqiang's proposal to deal with Jia Furen, or agrees with Li Dongdong's words to deal with Zhao Shuang, it depends on how the listeners understand.

For Zhong Wanhua's slippery head, Sun Qingmei just snorted softly with her nose. Cao Hancheng sneered, and continued drinking tea.

"I agree with the mayor Liu County. In this matter, Zhao Shuang has a greater responsibility in the Public Security Bureau. The public security forces are to **** our economic construction. Zhao Shuang can't tell the situation. No How can you be a little alert? ”At this time, no one expected that Lin Yufen would be the first to publicly support Liu Yang. For a while, everyone's eyes focused on her.

Lin Yufen didn't panic and flushed, still calm and calm.

Since Liu Yang appeared at the hospital door last night, followed by a very important adjustment of the division of labor, and then he kept an eye on Zhang Chong and arrested. Some of these things Lin Yufen saw with his own eyes, while others heard them afterwards. But no matter whether she saw it or heard it, the image of Liu Yang, the young magistrate, was getting taller and fuller.

And at the county government side, he has been under the pressure of Cao Hancheng, and it turned out that Zheng Chunfeng had the support. Even if his life is difficult, he can still live.

But now Zheng Chunfeng can no longer count on him, he must either search for the mountain again, or wait for death. When Liu Yang's responsible approach in front of the entertainment city passed into her ears, Lin Yufen quickly made a decision.

Now that I've made my choice, I won't think much about what will happen in the future. Regardless of whether the front is smooth or thorny, it's just a big step forward.

When she was named by name, she was a little hesitant because she knew that once she had a clear point of view, she would soon become the enemy of Sun Qingmei and Wei Rixin.

She didn't know, she didn't know if the young magistrate could resist the strong pressure of the county party committee secretary. However, since Liu Yang finished his remarks, he has strengthened Lin Yufen's thoughts.

Therefore, after saying that she supports Liu Yang, Lin Yufen actually calmed down.

Listening to Lin Yufen's words, Sun Qingmei's head felt a bang, and she said that this woman was crazy? Don't you know what you say is tantamount to opposing me?

The situation is a little bad now.

Zhong Wanhua was ambiguous, and it was clear that no one wanted to offend. But Liu Yang actually had the support of Li Dongdong and Lin Yufen. This was something he didn't expect before the meeting.

"I also support what the county magistrate said. I think Zhao Shuang's work is too ridiculous. He is like this. If my soldiers are not just removed from office, I will send him to a military court. At this moment, Wang Chunsheng, the minister of the armed ministry who did not intend to speak, spoke like a blow and struck Sun Qingmei's heart violently.

The Minister of Propaganda Department of Wuhan is from Wang Dong. At this time, he raised his eyes and looked at Wang Donglai, which meant to ask: "Wang Shu. Remember, this scene is very lively? Shall we take a step together?"

At this time, Wang Dong came out and smoked the cigarette leisurely. He didn't light it. He just held the cigarette under his nose and smelled as if there was any scent in his cigarette.

"Then according to the opinions of the county magistrate Liu and Comrade Li Dongdong, Wei Shu. Remember, during this time, you should lean over to the Public Security Bureau and avoid any trouble. In this way, the meeting will end." Kiyomi stood up and left the meeting room.

Although Wang Donglai did not speak, Sun Qingmei had communicated with him before the meeting. This deputy secretary is like a yo-yo, even if Liu Yang caught her, he could not bear to get angry. If you say that you are opposed to yourself, it is already a face-saving, you want him to say what?

I can't say any more. Let everyone express their opinions one by one, I'm afraid that they will lose even more ugly. Therefore, Sun Qingmei threw the chess piece of Zhao Shuang very decisively and announced that the meeting would end.

However, after returning to the office, she saw that the county and deputy magistrates who were sent by the government had divided her labor, and her nose almost crooked.

This Liu Yang is actually in charge of the Public Security Bureau? Doesn't it make sense to sing a show against Wei Rixin?

Regardless of Sun Qingmei's heart, Liu Yang returned to the county government and convened Cao Hancheng and Lin Yufen, Liu Ping, and Chu Jingyun to meet in his office.

At the meeting, Liu Yang asked Cao Hancheng to take measures to effectively rectify the style of the Public Security Bureau.

Now Cao Hancheng assists him in charge of the police station, and through today's meeting, Cao Hancheng and Wei Rixin have already reached the same level. The Public Security Bureau was originally the government's administrative department. Even if Liu Yang didn't cheer him up, he was afraid he would keep his eyes on him.

Cao Hancheng did not object to hearing this work arranged by Liu Yang.

Lin Yufen now assists him in charge of the Transportation Bureau, and Liu Yang officially kicked the road repairs on the agenda at the meeting. Lin Yufen and Chu Jingyun were asked to work with the Transportation Bureau to formulate a plan, and he would report to the city.

And when you think of road construction, you can't help thinking about the financial income of Huling County. Immediately after, I remembered Zhang Fen's delicate face, but Gujing didn't have a cheeky face.

Even if she was sitting in front of herself, Mrs. Wei was very calm. Last year's fiscal revenue and expenditure were all in order.

But no matter what, it is always inseparable. In short, there is no money on the financial books of Huling County.

The so-called penny stumped the hero, what about the current society, even the county head? You can't do anything without money.

This novel comes from reading books 蛧

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