Perfect Feast

Vol 3 Chapter 1: Miss me

Chapter 1 miss me

Through Wen Hongbin's work, Wen Haiping has paid for the wages owed to the workers and paid enough medical expenses to the injured workers who were admitted to the hospital.

Discipline inspection committee side Li Dongdong has formed an investigation team to examine the responsibilities of the traffic and public security bureaus in this incident.

Long Shan Management Station Li Shandao and Jia Mingren have also opened their mouths, and have successively explained some problems, but Li Dongdong has obviously also received pressure from Cao Hancheng and Wei Rixin through the layer-to-layer relationship.

Lin Yufen and Huang Zeyu, the deputy director of the Transportation Bureau, have already taken out the road repair plan. Liu Yang called Zhang Jing, and Zhang Jing was very busy over there.

There are too many things with Huling County. The county magistrate Liu Yang is too busy. But mayor Zhang's call must be resolutely implemented without any discount.

When the car passed the Longhe Management Station, Liu Yang did not see the situation near the toll station. He sat in the back seat and unknowingly fell asleep.

"Master Feng, slow down a bit more ..." Listening to the snoring sounds from behind, Zhang Lei said to Feng Feng with pain.

These days, Liu Yang doesn't work overtime or overtime, and the long talks only focus on practical results, and he must do everything by himself. There is no selfishness in planning the interests of ordinary people in Huling County ...

All the hardships and hard work he put into it, Zhang Lei took it to heart.

Zhang Lei is also impressed by his boss and old classmate. He knows that Liu Yang has done all these things in Huling County. Although he has not seen any results for the time being, he will definitely have a profound impact in Huling County in the future.

At this point, people usually quit work and waited for dinner, but on the phone, the county magistrate rushed to the city to report to the mayor.

Even if he doesn't need to walk and walk, can he still sleep in such a bumpy car? It is not easy for him to be an official!

When the car arrived in Renzhou City, Zhang Lei couldn't help feeling a sigh of emotion as he watched the lights flashing and the streets full of traffic. The night of Renzhou is different from that of Huling County.

If it is in Huling County, there must be few pedestrians on the streets, and almost no cars can be seen. In addition to the dim lights of the barbecue stalls on the street, there are people shirtless drinking draught beer kebabs, and there are generally no pedestrians on the street.

But Renzhou City is different. At this time, the streets are almost as lively as during the day. Sitting in the back seat, Liu Yang did not know when he had woken up and was dialing while holding the phone.

"Sister Zhang, I have already entered the city, where will I meet you?" At this point, Zhang Jing made herself return to Renzhou. Naturally, she would not talk about work, and they would definitely study life. That report is in my own small bag, even if I'm lying in bed.

Before coming, Zhang Jing said vaguely, and Liu Yang would call her again when she arrived. Because Zhang Lei and Feng Feng, the driver, were sitting in the car, if they were called mayors, they would know who they were going to see.

I came to see Mayor Zhang in the city without going to the city government, but went to a large hotel, unless I was down there for a meal, otherwise, what would the two of them think?

Therefore, Liu Yang didn't call Mayor Zhang Jing, she called Zhang sister directly, which also seemed more affectionate.

Hanging up the phone, Liu Yang said to Feng Feng driving in front of him: "After the traffic lights turn again, go ..." Before he finished, he suddenly felt that the car was shocked, and then he heard a bang.

"What's the matter?" According to his feelings, his car was "tail-tailed" from behind, but Liu Yang still asked. Because the road from Huling to the urban area is really difficult, Liu Yang did not make the car assigned to him in the county, but let Feng Feng drive his own Mercedes off-road.

From the first day he drove the car into Zhao Jingjing, Liu Yang had an opinion on the car. Because this car is Yang Qiqi's dead ghost husband, Liu Yang always feels that there is an inexorable uncle in his heart.

It wasn't long before I entered the city, and I was hit again from behind. It looks like this car is really a wicked door, what would it be if it didn't charge against itself?

It seems that the car itself can't be asked. After having the opportunity to say something to Yang Qiqi, it's better to sell it for another car. In fact, Liu Yang is not superstitious. Anyone who knows about this matter would like to think blindly.

"Do you **** drive? The green lights are on in the front, what are you doing so slowly?" He was wondering, and a very overbearing voice came from the direction of the front door. Liu Yang found the front door. The child opened, Feng Feng didn't know when he had got off the car.

Liu Yang didn't hear Feng Feng at all and didn't know what was going on. One person scolded at him. Listening to the tone of the other person's voice, it should be the driver who hit his car behind.

Listening to the man's words, Liu Yang could not help but frowned, and said that even if the green light was on at the crossroads, the car still had to speed up. Just because my car is a bit slower, can you hit me by driving?

Obviously you are rear-end, this responsibility should be all with you, why do you curse?

Liu Yanggang just wanted to open the door of the car. At this moment, he suddenly watched the flashing of the police lights. A two-wheeled police motorcycle came over the street, stopped next to the two cars, and got off the motorcycle. The policeman wearing a helmet walked over and watched the collision of the two cars, and raised his hand to salute, and said loudly, "What's the matter with you two, if there is a car accident, you don't call the police. What are you calling?" Is n’t this the intersection? There are so many cars coming and going, and you are arguing for a while, this street will be blocked ... ”

The voice was clearly a woman, and it sounded familiar. Liu Yang couldn't help but feel a bit strange, his eyes clinging to the window glass and looking out.

"Ah? Why is she?" Liu Yang could not help but screamed with a glance. This female policewoman who came to police on a two-wheeled motorcycle was not the Chu Qin who was in the office of the Public Security Bureau of the city's central district.

I haven't seen them in a few days? Why is she a traffic policeman?

"What are you talking about? I know both your captain and the director. The green light on the front of this car doesn't know to go forward. The responsibility lies with him. Ask him if he will drive and whether he has a driver's license. "Even if he meets the police, the other side is very horizontal."

Liu Yang could not help but shook his head, saying that if you knew the director and the captain, could he not reason?

When Liu Yang thought this way, who knows, the small traffic police actually thought the same way: "I don't care who you know, you have to be dealt with in violation of the traffic rules. This car is in front of him, even if he parks on the road and violates the rules. This behavior should also be dealt with by the traffic control department. You should be your responsibility if you ran into the back of another car ... Are you both drivers? Get out the driving license and driving license ... "

"Drink, not bad breath, do you know who I am? I even gave you a driving license? I won't give you, can you bite me? Hee hee, for you look so beautiful If you really want to bite me, I will reluctantly agree ... Hehe, would you like to bite and try? "The guy said more and more nasty, and he didn't have good intentions when he said that.

"Please cooperate with my work ..." Chu Qin was furious, but still calmly said to the man.

"Oh, I cooperate, I am very cooperative! Sister, otherwise how about we find a place and cooperate well once?" The man was very daring, and the police ran into the traffic police.

Liu Yang couldn't help sneering in his heart. He said that the traffic police was also a police officer. Chu Qin's girl had dealt with her by herself. Sometimes she spoke very well, but she was also very angry.

If you talk like that, she can live?

That knows, the scene he expected did not appear, Chu Qin still insisted: "Please be respectful, please show your credentials ..."

Liu Yang pushed the door and got out of the car, and said with a smile: "Court Officer Chu, why aren't you in the office of the bureau, and you have come to the traffic police team to become traffic police?"

When Chu Qin saw him, he bit his rosy lower lip and said coldly, "It was you? You want to control it, you are the magistrate of Huling County. You don't seem to be in charge of the city center?" "

Did this girl take the wrong medicine? This man talked to her like this, she has always been very polite and restrained, how can she change her face when she sees herself?

Originally, Liu Yang wanted to help her, but I didn't expect her hot face to be posted ... well, what is that? Thinking of this, Liu Yang shook his head and said to Zhang Lei: "You stay and deal with it, and then find a hotel to stay and wait for my call, I have something to go first ..."

After speaking, Liu Yang turned over and got into the car and took his own small bag, then went to the road to hit.

Watching Liu Yang ’s taxi go far, the guy who hit Liu Yang ’s car shouted, “Cut, what ’s so great, is n’t it a county magistrate outside? Lao Tzu ...”

This time, before he finished speaking, he looked at the little policewoman who was still patient, and suddenly he jumped up into a beautiful volley and kicked him suddenly on his chest.

The taxi stopped in a row of trees on the side of the road. As the door opened, Zhang Jing dived into the car silently and looked at nobody outside paying attention to himself. Then he complained: "How to return Okay? Are you all right? "

"Unexpectedly, the car was hit by someone from behind. There was no major problem." Liu Yang smiled and stretched out a hand to rest on her shoulder.

Zhang Jing's body suddenly trembled, but she did not break away, instead leaning her body into Liu Yang's arms, her head also rested on Liu Yang's shoulder.

Liu Yang smiled badly, pressed her mouth tightly to her ear, and said in a low tone, "Sister, miss me?"

Zhang Jing's eyes glanced in the direction of the driver in front, and he turned his head to squint at him, raising a corner of his mouth, and lowering his voice, "Do you still want to ask? If I were to call you back, you are Aren't you going to see me in this life? " novel first book

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