Perfect Feast

Vol 3 Chapter 97: Talk loudly

Chapter 97

In fact, at the time, he interjected, the main purpose was not because Liu Yang said something "spontaneous, folk", touched the fundamental problem of the domestic agricultural model, but intentionally disrupted the situation.

When people are speaking, if they speak well, this and the human brain will continue to think along this pattern, and the words they speak will become more fluent and clearer.

However, if the person is interrupted suddenly when he is speaking smoothly, the person's thinking will come to a halt, and when he continues to speak, it will generally be out of bounds, or specious.

Moreover, the person who interrupted Liu Yang was still such a great god. It would be a miracle if the kid could still speak smoothly.

He didn't know that Liu Yang originally studied social management major when he was in school. This major involves a wide range of knowledge, including social, political, financial and other aspects. Liu Yang was involved.

In addition, after he arrived in Huling County, facing such a fertile agricultural high-yielding poverty-stricken county, these questions did not know how many times he had pondered.

Why does the high agricultural output of Huling County not increase income? Why did farmers pay hard work, but did not get the corresponding returns? Wait, wait, Liu Yang has been thinking.

If we want to bring Huling County's economy together, it is absolutely impossible not to pay attention to agricultural development.

The question that Zhao Zhenzhong asked today happened to be something that Liu Yang had been thinking about and discussing during this time, and was gradually taking shape. However, the conditions in Huling County have not yet matured. He is just staying in anticipation and has not implemented it yet.

Today, even if Zhao Zhenzhong doesn't ask, as long as the opportunity is right, Liu Yang himself will ask like this uncle. Zhao Zhenzhong took the initiative to ask, and it was really annoying to Liu Yang's itch, you can't let him say it now.

"No, I didn't mean that, you first listen to me ..." At this time, Liu Yang seemed to have the status of Zhao Zhenzhong, with a tone of tone, and then said, "The third is the Israeli model. The characteristic is actually a high-tech agricultural model, represented by Singapore, Hong Kong, and Israel. Israel, which has almost no cultivated land, depends on technology to cultivate land. Because of its high cost, it depends on subsidies to survive, which is considered a "subsidy model." For China There is no sense of reference, I will not talk about it here.

"What I want to say is that I have made some mistakes in agricultural production, and based on these misunderstandings, we have led to a series of wrong agricultural policies that have delayed the development of our agriculture. And this has not happened so far. Corrected ... "

A small county magistrate, dare to criticize the national policy for wrong in front of his elder brother? Think of it is incredible.

Hearing this, even Zhao Zhenbang couldn't help but sweat for the kid.

My heart said that your boy is brave enough. You are not only criticizing the current leadership team, but I am afraid that even the grandfather of our family will be swept in.

No wonder he emphasized from the beginning that this was a chat between elders and juniors. It turned out that the boy knew that what he said was too horrible!

In order to remind him of "love", Zhao Zhenbang got up, picked up the kettle, and actually poured Liu Yang a glass of water on the coffee table in front of him.

But who knows, this boy actually said that he was crazy and couldn't stop the car at all.

"Thank you!" Liu Yang stretched out his hand for a moment, letting Zhao Zhenbang put the tea cup in front of him, and the voice in his mouth kept on saying, "In the past sixty years, China's agricultural production relations have experienced many iterations: Means of production—land, from feudal landlords to farmers, then to the state (people's commune), and now back to the collective hands of farmers (family co-production contracting). The development of China's agriculture is accompanied by These "repeated" and "repeated" aspects of production relations. However, no matter how ever-changing, there is a fact that has not changed: only when the land is in the hands of farmers, agriculture will develop, and vice versa ... "

"The problem is that Marx has fully explained the decay and evils of private ownership, and predicted that it will be replaced by public ownership. But in our practice, the 'public ownership of the commune' is not as good as 'private joint contracting'? Is Marx Wrong, or is our understanding of Marx wrong? "

"In fact, the real reason is that we have always had a misunderstanding of the 'public ownership' advocated by Marx. We think that only 'owned by the whole people' is public ownership, is Marxist and socialist; Workers' ownership is regarded as Marx's public ownership. Even 'joint production contracting' has obviously liberated productivity by changing production relations, but we mistakenly believe that productivity has been liberated by adjusting distribution plans ... "

"Besides that, what problems did we have?" Liu Yang was so astonishing that he couldn't stop seeing Zhao Zhenbang.

"I. At present, our agriculture is still a" planned economy ", but we think we are a" market economy ". At best, our agricultural model can only be regarded as a" planned smallholder economic model. "Because our agriculture is fundamentally speaking It is a planned economy, but the mode of production is small-scale. The problem is that we have not yet acknowledged this fact, which has caused most of our policies to be inconsistent with the reality of agriculture. "

"It is well known that whether an industry is market-oriented must meet at least three conditions, and one is indispensable: first, the means of production must be freely traded. For example, factory equipment and even factories should be able to buy and sell freely; second, the price of products is determined by the market The state must also crack down on monopoly market prices. Third, what producers produce should be determined by producers, not by national plans. "

"However, the actual situation of our country's agriculture is: the most important means of production, 'cultivated land', cannot be freely traded; the most important agricultural product (grain) is priced by the state; the state strictly implements the basic national policy of 'food as the key', More than 70% of the farmland has been designated by the state as the main grain producing area. Only grain can be grown, and even corn is not allowed to grow. Even in a place as expensive as Shanghai, the state issues a production plan of 2 billion kilograms of grain to Shanghai every year. . "

"In this way, the problem comes. If an industry that is not a market economy is treated as an industry that is a market economy, or that production is planned, and sales are marketed, it means that the government can only control production regardless of sales. It means that the government has relieved itself of the "planned sales" responsibility that it should bear on sales. Therefore, today's farmers are facing the greatest dilemma in sales. This has resulted in high and high yields of grain, but it can not be sold at a price. Yes People may say that food is related to the national economy and people ’s livelihood. If the price is liberalized, it will cause a series of problems. However, why can other industries set their own prices, but farmers?

Hearing here, Zhao Zhenbang's top man couldn't help but tremble. From the perspective of his heart, he felt that Liu Yang's words seemed to make some sense. However, this statement cannot be accepted by people who have been accustomed to the "orthodox" theory since he was a child.

Looking at the boss Zhao Zhenzhong, it was found that there was a slight change in the expression on his brother's face, and Zhao Zhenbang's heart referred to his throat.

After groaning, Zhao Zhenzhong stared at Liu Yang and asked, "According to you, what do you think is the way out for agriculture?"

"High-end, organized, urbanized." Liu Yang replied without hesitation.

High-end, this is well understood. It is just that many people have asserted that the development of high-end agricultural products lacks universal significance for the development of China's agriculture. Because they believe that the living standards of Chinese people are not high enough, and the demand for high-end agricultural products is still very limited. In fact, for a country with a shortage of agricultural products, of course, the direction of agriculture should first be based on output, and it is reasonable for China to do so 30 years ago. But for a country where production of agricultural products is already oversupplied, the situation is different.

There are only 300 million urban residents in China, and even if the per capita annual consumption of agricultural products is 3,000 yuan, the total national consumption is only 900 billion yuan. On the surface, this number is not small, but once averaged by one billion rural people, there is only 900 yuan per capita left. After removing production and distribution costs, it can only reach 300 to 500 yuan for farmers. Therefore, even if farmers can produce more agricultural products, the capacity of urban consumption is so large, and the lack of purchasing power results in that farmers' income cannot be increased by simply increasing production.

Unless the market for agricultural demand is expanded. The consumption of domestic agricultural products is difficult to expand in the short term, so we can only go to the high-end international market.

However, at least high-end agricultural products must be safe, so our high-end agricultural products cannot enter the international market. The emergence of unsafe food such as tainted milk powder, toxic dumplings, etc. is the primary reason why our products have difficulty entering the international market.

In addition, some people have long understood that the production of high-end agricultural products can increase income. Why can't our farmers be rich? In addition to the flaws in the security mechanism mentioned above, there is a more important reason that our agricultural production method or agricultural production organization is too backward.

The agricultural production methods of the East Rugao Island Country have led to the circulation of agricultural products in the hands of farmers. And our production method determines that the profit of our agricultural products is in circulation and not in the hands of farmers, so it is difficult for farmers to become rich. If the government organizes farmers 'products to go directly to supermarkets, farmers' incomes can at least increase several times or dozens of times.

Humans are social animals and suitable for concentrated living. Therefore, urbanization is the sign of human civilization. Urbanization can save arable land, save energy and increase employment. Urbanization can achieve a low-carbon and high-quality life. Therefore, the direction of human life should be in the city.

After all, the damage and pollution of rural life to the natural environment is several times or even hundreds of times that of cities. In particular, too many rural people live in places where people should not live at all. Only in this way can tragedies like Yushu, Wenchuan and Zhouqu repeat themselves.

To stop the process of urbanization and develop the countryside is not a scientific concept of development. In fact, since the reform and opening up, our most important achievement is our urbanization process. We are already industrial countries. Because our industrial gdp has greatly exceeded agricultural gdp. It is estimated that the proportion of agricultural gdp in total gdp this year may not even reach 10%, and the population engaged in agriculture has already accounted for less than 20% of the total population of the country. In this case, why should we develop a "new countryside"?

Living scatteredly, the road alone does not know how much arable land to waste. Village roads cost at least a few trillion yuan, and between villages and villages, at least hundreds of billions of roads are spent. We do n’t have that much capital at all!

Moreover, the construction of new roads will take up a lot of cultivated land. Taking a step back 10,000 steps, even if there are roads, the new countryside has also been built, but most of the rural population have gone to work in cities. Who will live in the new countryside?

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