Perfect Feast

Vol 4 Chapter 3: Can't do that

Chapter Three Can't Do That

However, at this moment, the foreign guest suddenly pulled out a black whistle from his pocket, reached out and pressed it, and the thing immediately gave off a pale yellow smoke.

"Bombs ... all lie down ..." The guy shouted and threw his contents out, but he ran off his arms and ran to the gate.


With a scream of excitement, both the shopping guide and the salesperson all lay on the ground, and even the foreign companion's female companion lay down on the ground, shivering.

Liu Yang froze, raised his leg, and ran to the side where Zhao Jingjing was sitting: "Quiet, get down, there is a bomb ..." Then, Liu Yang fluttered on the chair where the arch guest rested, holding Zhao Jingjing in one Arms.

... One second, two seconds, ten seconds passed, but there was no sound of explosion.

"No, I was fooled ..." Liu Yang raised his body, facing Zhao Jingjing's doubts, and couldn't help showing a wry smile.

The foreign devil in Dog Day actually gave the Chinese people a "nothing out of nothing" scheme. He didn't have any bombs at all, but for the purpose of robbery, he got some medicine powder that spontaneously ignited smoke when he encountered air.

The diamond ring that was snatched by him is worth more than 10 million, and the cost should also exceed 6 or 7 million? This time, the store must be out of luck, and I don't know if I can get it back?

"You pressed me on a chair to protect me?" Zhao Jingjing asked Liu Yang with a smile.

Liu Yang said embarrassedly: I ... I didn't just think about your safety, I didn't even think it was a conspiracy and trick used by foreign devils. Seeing that he was successfully robbed, is it still a shame? "

Zhao Jingjing tightened his eyes and whispered, "Fool, at this time, self-preservation is the first priority. You can still think of me, it is enough to touch me. How can other things blame you?"

"Well, I know, I understand." Liu Yang laughed and pulled up Zhao Jingjing. When the two went back, they listened to the girl guide Nan Nan who was serving them just now and were arguing with the girl who came later.

The girl pointed at Nan Nan and said, "Nan Nan, you have to take full responsibility for this matter ..."

Nan Nan said timidly: "Sissy ... the ring, the ring you obviously gave to him, it has nothing to do with me."

"Nan Nan, what did you say? After he entered the store, but you were the first to greet, how could it be nothing to do with you? I'm just helping you, this thing is not my thing ..." Say face.

"You ..." Nan Nan's words had not yet been spoken. At this time, a middle-aged man with golden glasses came over and stared at Nan Nan and Qianxi with a fierce cry: "Don't quarrel, this is not your fight. Place. The police will be here soon. You still have to think about how to explain to the police. If the ring cannot be found, someone must be responsible ... "

"The manager, I ..."

As soon as Nan Nan opened his mouth, the man shouted, "What are you doing? Didn't you talk about it during the training? At least four people were present when you showed such expensive jewelry, a shopping guide. Clerk, a sales clerk, and two internal security guards. How can you dare to show such valuable things to a customer alone? "

"The manager, I didn't take it ..."

"Who aren't you? Xiao Rui just said, just to give you something ..."

After hearing this, Liu Yang could not help but walked over and said, "They are lying. I can prove that the ring is the foreigner named Qian Qian ... don't run, you stop me ..."

Liu Yangzheng was talking. At a glance, the female companion brought by the foreigner was climbing up from the ground. When no one noticed her, she ran away as soon as she turned.

Liu Yang walked over and grabbed her and asked loudly, "Come on, what's your ghost name and where does he live?"

The woman was so scared that she was about to urinate her pants, and said, "I ... I don't know. I didn't know him at all. I met at the bar last night, stayed in the hotel for one night, and got up today. , He said he would buy me jewelry, so he brought me here ... "

Perceived, Liu Yang felt that 80% of what she said was true. From the glamorous look when this woman entered the door just now, Liu Yang felt that she was not serious. Now when she said that, it confirmed Liu Yang's idea even more.

This kind of woman is just a glamorous social flower. To put it plainly, she is a more advanced prostitute.

"You ... you haven't left yet? Thank you, thank you, and you hurriedly made it clear to our manager that the ring was not for me ..." Nan Nan saw Liu Yang stand up and preside over him for a fair while Thankful, tears shed in his eyes.

"I haven't got my things yet, how can I leave?" Liu Yang said as he pulled out the card and handed it to her: "I didn't lose my things? Swipe the card to check out ..."

"No ... no ..." Nan Nan's arms were still tightly holding the two big bags. These things are worth two or three million dollars. Even if the customer has not paid the bill, even if she loses her life, she dare not lose these things.

"You ... who are you?" Seeing Liu Yang come forward to testify to Nan Nan, the man in the gold glasses could not help but stunned, and opened his mouth and asked.

"I'm a customer who comes to buy things." Liu Yang smiled slightly, pointing at Nan Nan. "When I came into the store to buy things, this little girl was in charge. She was introducing me to a diamond ring. The foreigner came in and wanted to buy the one I was looking at. The little girl just told him that there is only one ring in your store, and he asked him to choose another style. "

As she talked, Liu Yang looked at Qian Qian: "It was the female guide who came here and accused Nan Nan of not being able to **** out all the customers who entered the store, and dragged the foreigner over and made it stolen. That ring ... "

"You ... you nonsense, it's not me, it's not me ..." More than 10 million, if you let yourself pay in the shop, you can't afford to pay for it all your life, even if you don't eat or drink. Sisi sat on the ground with her butt, weeping, covering her face.

The man in the gold glasses shook his head awkwardly and said, "Sissy, such an expensive ring has been robbed, and the store must be held accountable. Whether it is large or small, it is a virtue to bear the responsibility bravely. But You lied to blame others. This is unacceptable. When the police come, you go and tell them clearly, and then the company's lawyer will ask you to discuss compensation. "

After speaking, the glasses man bowed slightly to Liu Yang: "Sorry, please forgive me for being rude."

Liu Yang didn't look at him at all. He took back the bag and card that Nan Nan handed over, smiled and said, "If possible, change to another store. Such a store with a lot of management loopholes, and there will be It may be a problem. The hard money earned from working hard for several years is not enough to compensate a ring. Why is this? "

Talking, Liu Yang smiled and took Zhao Jingjing's hand, and they went out side by side.

"Hey, what do you buy so many things for?" Zhao Jingjing saw Liu Yang carrying two bulging flannel bags, and was very curious to take a look at it, and found that it contained a delicate red box packed in half a bag. , Could not help asking strangely.

Liu Yang put her arms around her shoulders and said with a smile, "If you marry someone else's daughter, you have to show something, otherwise, what if they are not willing to marry my daughter?"

Zhao Jingjing laughed loudly, looked up at Liu Yang, and asked with a small charming look: "Is it? I bought something, and I want to go to the old man's ass? But only, your old man was only at night. They will give us a family feast. What shall we do now? "

Liu Yang smiled wryly: "Hey, is my wife tired of walking? Then find a place to eat first, and then take a good rest in a hotel after dinner ... Do you say OK?"

"Well, people say that marrying chickens and chickens, marrying dogs and dogs, and now they are your wife, they can only listen to you ..." Zhao Jingjing blushed, lowered her head, and whispered: "Last time at the hospital During the inspection, the doctor said, "Yes ..."

Seeing her coy look more cute, Liu Yang teased her deliberately: "What did the doctor say, why didn't I hear it?"

Zhao Jingjing's complexion turned redder, and Liu Yang punched out with a hand. She said, "I hate it. The female doctor told me quietly when you went to get the medicine. How could it be heard by you? The other doctor said, three Month is the most unstable time, we can't do that thing together ... "

"Which thing to do? How can I not understand ..." Liu Yang asked, pretending to look like she was so shy.

"I'll let you pretend ... Ignore you ..." Zhao Jingjing smashed her into Liu Yang's arms and walked ahead.

The water of the shower head was raining like rain, and the temperature was slightly higher, so that every drop of water could emit a white mist. When it was sprinkled on people, it could wash away all the fatigue.

Zhao Jingjing closed her eyes, welcoming the hot water splashing all over her body. The cheeks covered by the current were flushed, and the traces of fiery heat in the body had not yet dissipated.

She held the water and brushed her shawl's long, dark hair. After being soaked, she lay straight behind her, like a black waterfall, supporting the water flow to set off her natural snow skin.

The slippery soap slipped over the same smooth body, and the white jade-like skin was full of attractive elasticity. Zhao Jingjing caressed slowly and carefully washed away all the sweat for herself. For her natural beauty, Zhao Jingjing always felt proud and proud.

However, now more white foam covers her good-looking body, large or small foam, gathered together like a dress, but this dress is broken and tight, exposed, looming, let her see Going up is more tempting.

Such a figure, even if you can't help yourself, even if you look at it, it's no wonder that **** can't help it. In order not to oppress his stomach, he just came up with the method to make him comfortable.

Thinking of what just happened, Zhao Jingjing felt more and more blushed.

He fell asleep comfortably, but he was ignited by a fire that had nowhere to go, suppressing the uncomfortable feeling in his heart ...

This article comes from Kanshu Novel

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