Perfect Feast

Vol 4 Chapter 37: Several meanings

Chapter 37

This place is unfamiliar with his own life. Du Fatty gave himself a little bit of yin and left any evidence, and even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he couldn't wash it.

Liu Yang thought more and more wrong, stood up and waved his hand and said, "Sun Shu. Remember to walk slowly. Director Li and Director Chen are not outsiders. Let's open the skylight to speak brightly. President Du invited me today, mainly for Huling. The county's old city was rebuilt. I'm right, right? "

As soon as Du Biao heard Liu Yang's words clear, he could only nod his head slightly, and looked at Sun Qingmei with his heart, and said in his heart what was the situation of Liu County Chief? How can there be such a thing? This is a young and promising county magistrate. Isn't this a second pole?

He didn't want to understand it yet, Liu Yang went on to say: "Although I am the county head of Huling County, you must not forget it, Mr. Du, Sun Shu. Ji is the head of Huling County. You do n’t worship the Buddha , But he wanted to talk to me, this little ghost. This is obviously the wrong temple door. "

As Liu Yang said, he took a look at Sun Qingmei and said with a smile: "If Sun Shu. Ji is going to leave, I must be highly consistent with our leaders ..."

Sun Qingmei understood that Liu Yang had concerns, and she could not help turning her head. She smiled meaningfully and said, "Since the county chief Liu said so, then I will stay for a drink. However, if this is the case, You've lived up to President Du's good intentions, haven't you, President Du? "

"Hehe, both of them are VIPs who I can't invite, and today I am very honored to be able to give Du such a big face. Sun Shu. Remember not to go, stay and have a drink together. Talking, he even urged the waiter to serve.

Soon the wine came up, Chen Yucheng laughed and talked with Liu Yang about other topics, and at the same time gave Liu Yang a wink. Liu Yang also casually chatted with Chen Yucheng and Li Wenxian. Du Biao still had a set of ways to deal with people. From time to time, he inserted two sentences, which did not let the field get cold and did not cause people to hate. The atmosphere on the wine table gradually became lively.

After drinking for a while, Liu Yang thought that Chen Yucheng had made that wink just now, so he found out an excuse for going to the bathroom. Chen Yuchiran followed and stood up and walked out.

Liu Yang looked at him with a smile and asked: "Chen Ju, it seems that you haven't seen this time. Have you been a lot of friends?" Chen Yucheng grinned and said, "Don't say me, you're not The same has come over? I give you the same, but also lose face. Du Biao and Lao Li have a good relationship ... "

Chen Yucheng's simple sentence has already explained several layers of meaning.

Then, Chen Yucheng patted Liu Yang's shoulder and said, "Brother, you're sitting on the cusp of the wind, not your brother, I say you, you are doing a little fiercely ..."

Liu Yang frowned and asked, "How do you say that?"

"What else? Do you really do n’t know or do n’t know it? Think about it yourself. Which of the things you have done since you arrived in Huling County is not appalling? Do n’t be upset, I know you do I want to do a few good things for the common people, but if you do that, what do others think? We wo n’t talk about Wei Rixin. Road construction and airport construction are things that have n’t happened in Huling County for many years. No matter which one can be regarded as a major event in a small place like that in Huling County, a thing that hasn't happened for hundreds of years. How many people have not worked in Huling County for several years or even more than ten years. You went to Huling County for three months. In time, these things happen at the same time. Do you think there is light on their faces? What do these people think? "

Liu Yang has never heard of this statement.

Without waiting for Liu Yangxiang to understand, Chen Yucheng went on to say: "Think about it yourself. Although the economy of Huling County has been sluggish over the years, why do cadres serving in Huling County continue to be promoted? Far from saying, Just to say that the directors of the major bureaus in the city, many people came from Huling County. If these people are trying hard to make you bad, if this department goes down to evaluate you, you will not pass, and if that department goes down to evaluate you, you will not meet the standard. With the strong support of Mayor Zhang, I'm afraid you will be too tired to cope with it? What will you do if you want to be Mayor Zhang at that time? I'm afraid it will only transfer you back to the city to make you right Yakumo is the director of the inspection room. "

Chen Yucheng was more attentive to this remark, and he couldn't say anything about the general relationship. Although not very nice, they are all loving.

However, Liu Yang couldn't help but laugh: "Lao Chen, tell me the truth, from whom did you hear these words? Do you remember strange?"

"I rely on ... can you hear it?" Chen Yucheng blushed, and immediately flared the bull's eye, yelling at Liu Yang: "Yes, I heard it from my cousin. Several of us She talked about you at the second party, and she said something so that I would have the opportunity to meet you and talk to you. Why? I wasn't original, I can't say it? "

Liu Yang hurriedly said, "Can you say, why not? I am too late to thank you. But, how should I pass this moment? What kind of product is this Du Biao, you know better than me ..."

Chen Yucheng lowered his voice and said, "Liu Yang, if you don't take me as an outsider, then I'm not polite. I'll tell you the truth, do you think I would like to deal with such people? But in my position Now, I ca n’t deal with him. You say how big a whole thing is in the central area of ​​the city. How many areas can I stare at with the police under me? Sometimes, something happens in my jurisdiction. The policemen under my control didn't know, but when I called a phone call, Du Biao could tell me clearly in less than ten minutes. This kind of person also has this kind of person. The reality is this. What do you think I can do? ? "

Speaking of Chen Yucheng, he sighed and looked at Liu Yang and said, "Stop talking about this, let's talk about you. Actually, I think what old town reconstruction you are going to do over there in Huling County, since Sun Qingmei Promised, Du Biao is also willing to plug in a bar in the past, as long as he does not play karate for you, honestly do business, who do you care about? "

Liu Yang froze for a moment, wondering: "What do you mean?"

Chen Yucheng explained with a bit of disdain: "You don't understand this? Some of the people who are engaged in this business are paying out of their pockets, and all of them have established the leadership relationship, and then started through local bank loans. Project. The most scary thing is to take the project off yourself and subcontract it after it is finished. If that is the case, there will be no guarantee for this project. Because the second-hand contractor does not rely on cutting corners, there will be no money at all. . This thing is playing karate. If Du Biao wants to do this, don't mention it. "

Liu Yangxin said that I already knew about this, but what I want to ask is, what exactly is this Du Biao's plan?

"Then do you think Du Biao intends to do this?" Liu Yang looked at Chen Yucheng and asked.

Chen Yucheng pouted and said, "How can I know this? It's up to you to figure out the situation. But I don't mean this ... I mean, there is Du Biao coming to your Huling Village and all at once, but I can give it to you Less stress. "

"It would be nice for him to go to Huling without disturbing me, and he can reduce the pressure for me?" Liu Yangxin said that you haven't had two glasses of wine yet, why are you drunk? Isn't that nonsense?

"I'll tell you not to be convinced, I'll tell you the truth here ..." Chen Yucheng was planning to teach Liu Yang another lesson, and he saw meteors walking from the gate of the courtyard. Come in a guy in his early twenties.

Behind him, there were four or five little girls who seemed to be only seventeen or eighty-year-olds, each one dressed up like a group of sparrows, walking and squeaking and joking.

This young man Liu Yang and Chen Yu met in Chengdu. When Liu Yang returned to Renzhou last time, it was this man who hit Liu Yangche in the South Ring.

The son of Qu Lingjun, the mayor of the Central District, Chen Yucheng's uncle, Qin Huailiang.

Seeing Chen Yucheng and Liu Yang standing in the yard and talking, Qin Huailiang waved at the little fat girls behind and whispered something, and the little girls were able to stand one by one, staring at the big eyes. Head to Liu Yang and Chen Yucheng.

This guy must have leaked the truth about himself and Chen Yucheng. Otherwise, how could those girls have such an expression?

Liu Yang's complexion sank, but he only glanced at Chen Yucheng and did not speak.

Chen Yucheng took the lead of the table, stared at Qin Huailiang and asked, "How did you get here? What are you doing?"

"Boss Du invited in, and called me, and I asked a few health school students to come here to cheer me up. Cousin, wouldn't you be the guest that Boss asked for? Hee hee, don't you say, I found it today Among these students, two of them are still in the office. If your old man is fancy, you can take them out ... "

"You get me ..." Before he finished, Chen Yucheng yelled and pointed at Qin Huailiang: "What nonsense are you talking about? I said, why don't you learn well?"

Obviously, Qin Huailiang was not really afraid of him. When he saw Chen Yucheng being angry, he said a little bit dissatisfied: "What's the matter? What age are you, so old and stubborn? Come out now to talk about things, few Can a woman stay with me? "

"You can't go? If you don't go, I'll call your mother ..." Chen Yucheng's neck was thick.

Liu Yang looked aside and found that this guy really didn't pretend. He nodded slightly, pulled his arm with a smile and said, "Lao Chen, this is just a fashionable trend for some people now. You are not happy to see it. Just don't look at it, why are you so angry? When you have time, you can talk with Qu Lingjun calmly, and the child still needs to manage it. Go back, it ’s been a long time ... ”

This article comes from reading novels

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