Perfect Feast

Vol 4 Chapter 46: Capping or permeable

Chapter 46—Climbing or Permeable

However, all this now is not counted by Liu Yang. Even if it is said, it is too late to set up such an institution. After Cai Jincheng turned around and walked away, he took out the phone and called Huang Decheng again. He was on the mine himself. Why hasn't this guy arrived yet?

After the call was connected, Liu Yang learned that Huang Decheng and Cui Kai were also there. However, they did not come to the mine, and all maintained order at the door.

It didn't take long for him to hang up on the phone. Wang Donglai, Zhang Lei, and Huang Zhuangzhen Shu. Wang Guangming, Mayor Ma Yuwen and others rushed over. Immediately afterwards, Lin Yufen also accompanied a large group of people including Zhang Renliang, the director of the Municipal Coal Bureau.

"The county magistrate, this is Zhang, the director of the Municipal Coal Bureau. He brought rescue experts ..." Before Lin Yufen introduced them, Zhang Renliang reached out and shook Liu Yang. The county magistrate is an old acquaintance. County magistrate you came early, how is the situation here? "

"Several injured miners were rescued from below, and I have arranged for them to be sent to the county hospital. Now the mine is deputy mine chief Cai Jincheng directing the rescue, and the mine chief has not yet come from the city . It's great that you can come in person. You are an expert in this field. You see what we should do. We all listen to you. "Liu Yang said, holding Zhang Renliang's hand.

Zhang Renliang smiled bitterly and said, "Major Liu, don't brag about me. I really don't dare to be an expert. However, I brought a real expert ..."

As he talked, Zhang Renliang turned around and called over a small, solid old man standing behind him: "Chief engineer Qiu Huiquan, chief engineer of the mining group, originally designed the mine. President Qiu and I Living neighbor, I called him this time ... "

Liu Yang shook hands with him and said hello, but Qiu Huiquan was serious. As a person who has been engaged in coal mines for a long time, he knows very well what it means for a roof accident to occur underground, and how many people are still in the underground. Although it is still unclear, no matter how many people are living lives .

At this moment, these lives are suffering under the well, every second is related to the life and death of the miner, and an extra delay is enough to be fatal.

Hopefully, they are all alive now.

"You must send someone down to investigate the roofing situation immediately to find out the exact location of the accident and the extent of the disaster. I need to know the situation under the mine and the drawings about all aspects of underground construction, air ducts, electrical circuits, etc." Qiu Huiquan said politely. Zhang Renliang said.

"Cai Jincheng, immediately bring what Qiu wants ..." With Zhang Renliang's orders, the rescue work began quickly.

After half an hour, Cai Jincheng also touched up the statistics: there are 105 miners who work night shifts have not yet come up, 33 workers have taken over, 6 of the 27 workers in the second batch went down. Wounded but rescued by a worker. There are currently 138 people trapped underground.

One and a half hours after the accident, he served as deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, mayor Zhang Jing, and deputy secretary. Sun Zhuoqun, executive deputy mayor Li Yibin, deputy mayor Zhong Han, Su Hongtao, Yin Yanyan, Wu Ruifeng, and the city government. Secretary General Chen Weichang rushed over.

The leaders of Renzhou Mining (Group) Company, Party Committee Secretary, Secretary Ma Xihua, etc. also arrived with the rescue team in the same period. Mine disasters, the call of tearing people's hearts, shocking the earth, hurt people.

After listening to the reports of Zhang Renliang, Liu Yang and others, Zhang Jing immediately instructed: "We must do everything possible to search and rescue the brothers of the trapped miners, and at the same time, we must prevent the occurrence of secondary accidents. We must ensure the safety of search and rescue personnel. Under the premise of rescue, maintain the ground order of the coal mine, organize various rescue work; learn from the accident, carry out investigations on hidden dangers in production safety in the city, and strengthen supervision of production safety. "

At 10:17 am on the same day, Zhong Daxiang, the first deputy head of production of Linzhuang Mine who went to search and rescue and surveyed the situation, came to the well, and people asked in unison: "How is the situation under the well?"

Zhong Daxiang reported: "The underground is as cold as an ice cellar. The sound of the roof of the main roadway is unclogging. We have measured the air composition of the underground ..."

Time, pull back to 5 o'clock this morning.

After taking over at 0 o'clock last night, Lin Libing, who has been erection of anchors in the No. 3 main lane, has laid down the 66th anchor erected by his class.

At this time, he looked at the watch unconsciously, it was 5 o'clock, and it should be dawn at this time? There are still three hours to go to work.

When I came to work last night, my wife, who had been pregnant for more than eight months, had a pain in her stomach. Be sure to take her to the hospital for an examination after work.

Thinking for a while, he started to move the machine again and walked forward.

This is a four-meter-wide and five-meter-high aisle. Lin Libing can touch every screw and anchor here with his eyes closed. Deep in the front lane, the sound of the rumbling machinery is still ringing, and the noise and coal dust permeated the entire lane, making him invisible to the workers who dig in the front.

However, even if he can't see it, he knows that at the end of the smoky aisle, his workers are busy, the sound of the coal cutter is so familiar, and the coal “flows” along the belt conveyor and is finally transported to ground……

Perhaps, in the mind of Lin Libing at that time, the word "flow" should not be used to describe it. So that at 5:30, when he found a small amount of water on the right side of the roadway, the word was still echoing in his mind.

The water was very clean. I dipped it with my hand and smelled it on my nose. There was no unusual smell.

What kind of water is this? Is it ordinary water seepage, or a precursor to water seepage downhole? With doubts in his mind, Lin Libing ran to No. 2 ventilation aisle and called the on-duty chief Han Daxing.

After careful inspection by Han Daxing, Lin Libing and others, they found 5 such outlets in the surrounding area. However, because the water output was small, no pressure, and the water quality was clear, Han Daxing was afraid to determine whether it was permeable.

At 6:50, the news was fed back to Inoue. After deputy mine manager Kong Xiangsheng learned about the situation on the phone, he reported to the mine manager Zhang Enping by phone. The person in Renzhou's home, who was hundreds of miles away, was drowsy and determined that Zhang Meng Chang said: This is just water from small structures, which will not pose a threat to construction production.

An important detail that should have been valued was ignored in this way, and Kong Xiangsheng, deputy mine chief on duty, failed to withdraw people in time and take effective measures in accordance with the regulations.

Just when people thought everything was okay, the calamity suddenly came.

At 7:50, Kong Xiangsheng and Cai Jincheng, who came here to take over, normally handed over the team. They didn't even mention the leaking point and went home to rest. Cai Jincheng naturally followed the normal working procedure. Even if the district head and section head below organized the miners to go down the well, he himself sat in the office and made a cup of tea, prepared to take the antihypertensive medicine, and went down to the well to take a look.

However, at this time, the water volume at the several outlets in the well suddenly increased. Water quickly poured from the feet of workers who were working nearby to the waist.

"No, it's water-permeable, run away!" The experienced workers immediately realized that the disaster was coming. In the lane, someone started shouting and running.

Lin Libing didn't move-he was frightened, and at the same time, his heart was full of blame. I was the first person to find the leak. If I knew it was like this, I should call out all the workers who were working in front of the tunnel face.

The miners who are ready to go to work are basically concentrated in the sloshing mouth of this return airway. At this moment, everyone is running towards the wellhead. Someone pushed him: "Don't run fast, you'll be dead late."

Only then did he find that the water under his feet rose, and not far away, the more urgent current whirled over the waves. Lin Libing was reminded to run away ...

Starting from the return air lane, the water potential quickly spread to the adjacent belt lanes, assisting in the alleys and alleys of the transport lanes. The dim alleyway is full of panic, shouts, crackling water taps, and whirling water currents are mixed in the narrow and long space. The water is chasing the crowd all the way, and the shadow in the mine lamp is scattered in the alleyway.

Seeing that the water was about to catch up with the crowd, Lin Libing and more than a dozen miners were desperately running up the aisle.

"Brothers, get on the anchor! Get on the anchor!" Someone shouted, Lin Libing hands and feet and quickly picked up the steel anchors on the wall of the roadway. After a while, the return airway behind him was flooded.

Lin Libing and a dozen workers climbed the anchor to the top of the wall of the roadway. After a while, the water still passed their feet, their knees, and stopped at their waists. A dozen pairs of frightened eyes stared at the sudden waist-deep water, and the brain was blank ...

At 8:20, the second group of miners who took over the well went into the elevator cabin. Among this group of 27 people, there are management cadres such as technicians, security officers, and district heads who work in the same area.

After the cabin went down to the bottom of the well 670 meters deep, District Chief Wang Yangqing walked out of the cabin in the forefront, and the security officer Dai Houling followed him behind.

The group walked about three hundred meters away. The ground trembled suddenly, a loud noise came from the ears, and a cloud of smoke filled the air. Six people walking in front of Wang Yangqing and Dai Houling were hit by the head. Coal pieces hit the ground.

When they were awake, Wang Yangqing found that he had arrived in Inoue again. However, his head was dizzy and he couldn't tell where the pain was.

"Broken, there was an accident downhole. Hurry to report to the leaders on the mine ..." With just this sentence, he passed out again.

After Cai Jincheng received the news of the underground accident, he grabbed the phone and dialed the hole himself: "Hey, hey, the operators of each team will immediately raise the well!"

But it's too late! The underground work phone is no longer accessible!

Because Cai Jincheng received a report that a roof accident occurred below. Therefore, in reporting to the company, the city, and Huling County, he also reported that a roof accident occurred underground.

However, Zhong Daxiang's report, however, said that there was stagnant water underneath, which means that in addition to the top of the well, there may be water seepage events.

The book first appeared on the reading rim

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