Perfect Feast

Vol 4 Chapter 78: Liu Yang's wedding

Chapter 78 The Big Wedding of Liu Yang

"Sisi ... Mengsisi ... Come here for me ..." Liu Yang stood beside the bed and shouted.

This year, domestic virgins are as difficult to find as pandas, let alone a person like Meng Sisi who has lived abroad for five or six years.

Besides, she is not a young girl who is not married, but a married woman ... this is even more inappropriate.

However, no matter how Liu Yang shouted, the whole room was empty and nobody agreed.

Liu Yang ran out of the bedroom barefoot, ran into the living room, and then transferred from the living room to the bathroom ... no matter which space is empty, where is the shadow of Meng Sisi?

Like a wandering lonely ghost, Liu Yang returned to the bedroom again, watching which half of the bed sheet was red, and couldn't help asking himself: "This is true? This is definitely not true ..."

Suddenly, Liu Yang's eyes were attracted by the two sheets of paper pressed under the tissue box above the bedside table. The upper one was the hotel checkout deposit bar, and the lower one was a letter written on the hotel's stationery.

In the eyes, Liu Yang immediately recognized that it was Mencius.

Dear Yang: When you see this note, I have already left, please forgive me again without saying goodbye.

Thank you for giving me the most beautiful time in my life, thank you for giving me a blue sky, so that I can always think of a little consolation and laughter.

If I stabbed you deeply, it is my fault. I dare not forgive you, because at the same time, I hurt myself.

If you hate me, hate it, it's better than loving me!

I don't believe in fate, but ... maybe everything is arranged by heaven. God is destined, I can't have you in my life, I can only love you secretly, watching you happy.

Actually, being able to look at you is not my greatest happiness.

Last night, I was seduced by you, but the moment I dedicated myself to my beloved, I felt so happy. I am willing, so I do not regret it.

Maybe you already saw it at this time, don't laugh at me, is the 28-year-old virgin very old? However, I realized what I said, and I gave you the innocent me, my lover, and that was enough.

Now you have your happiness and I have my life! After seeing you yesterday, you and I are exhausted. From then on, you and I are just two parallel lines separated by thousands of miles. There is no intersection point and no reason to meet!

If you can forget it, forget me.

If you ca n’t forget it, whether it ’s because of love or hate, please keep it secretly in the bottom of your heart, and do n’t affect your wedding life.

Congratulations to Zhao Jingjing, she will and will be the happiest woman in the world.

——Meng Sisi

**** October 12, 2011

Looking at the letter written by Meng Sisi, the tears in Liu Yang's eyes couldn't help but burst out. The tender feelings of last night are especially in my mind, and Meng Sisi is like an illusion fairy, and disappears from her life again.

Is this really life?

Just as Liu Yang looked at Meng Sisi's letter again, Liu Yang's cell phone rang suddenly. "Liu Yang, where are you, you will come to the NDRC immediately, and I will also pass by immediately ..."

Listening to the sound, Zhang Yang's face was flashing in Liu Yang's mind.

In this world, there are few men and women who truly love each other. They are in love and cannot be together. Is it the biggest tragedy in life?

At this moment, Liu Yang lamented not only Meng Sisi, but also Zhang Jing, Yang Qiqi, Li Shanshan, Jiang Haiyan, and Tian Manman ...

Opening the curtains, the Beijing city was bright during the day and shone on Liu Yang's face. Bathed in the sun, looking at the sky in the distance, I don't know what's going on, Liu Yang suddenly had the desire to raise his hand to catch the sun! !!

However, Liu Yang also knows that as a person, you can only stand on the ground and admire the glory of the sun. If you get too close, it's not just your hands that burn, it's more likely to burn your heart!

The scene five years ago, I actually had to face it again. Fortunately, over the past five years, I have become accustomed to selective forgetting.

When checking out, when I walked out of the hotel, the sunshine was still shining, shining on everyone who was willing to come out and bathe in the sun, fair and impartial, impartial.

The affairs of the Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance went smoothly under the guidance of Zhang Jing. On October 15, Liu Yang finally returned to Renzhou. When he drove back to Huling, workers and construction vehicles were already on the road in sections, and construction began.

On October 16th, it has been overcast for more than a week, and it became clear from the morning. After the thick morning fog cleared, the sun's rays finally dominated the earth.

Liujia Village, Qingshui Town, Huling County has been hustle and bustled since dawn, and today is Liu Shu. In the day of great joy, everyone in the village wants to follow the joy, no matter who is with a smile on his face.

It is the pride of the villagers to have such a big cadre in Liujia Village. Although Liu Yang had said he would not let the people in the county come, he did not have an invitation. However, Zhang Dongqiang, director of the county party committee office, Chen Dekai, director of the county government office, Zheng Qiuxia, Niu Fengqin, Zhang Lei and others still came to help Zhang Luo to receive guests.

Liu Yang, a person from Huling County, could stop it, but the leaders in the city had to come to add a wedding, but Liu Yang had no way to prevent people from coming home.

Zhuang Jinxiu, the deputy secretary-general of the Municipal Party Committee and his brother Zhuang Jintian, came first, followed by Chen Weichang, the secretary-general of the municipal government, then Qu Lingjun, the mayor of the central district, and Chen Yucheng, the director of the public security bureau of the central district. Zhao, Mayor Feng Qianrui of Nantang Town, and Zhang Bin, owner of Peony Manor.

When these people came over, Liu Yang took Zhao Jingjing out to greet him in person. Maybe it is known that Liu Yang will not collect money. After seeing Zhao Jingjing, these people brought out some beautiful "small" gifts. After the greetings, Liu Yang gave them to Chen Dekai and Liu Li, and went to Liu Li's house for tea.

The little fairy who made people look uneasy did not follow, but Liu Yang was relieved.

Yao Peng, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, secretary of the Politics and Law Committee, and Zuo Qingqing, and Meng Xugong, a political commissar of the Military District, joined the standing committee members of the municipal committee. Even Liu Yang was a bit surprised. But what surprised him even more was the couple of Zhao Guodong who arrived at the same time as them and stood next to Zhao Guodong, the middle-aged lady who was in his fifties.

After Zhao Jingjing's introduction, Liu Yang learned that this person was actually Zhao Hongying, the wife of Zhang Qixiong, secretary of the Jihai Provincial Party Committee.

It turned out that Zhao Jingjing's father, Zhao Zhenbang, said that when they got married, the Zhao family might not come. But now, not only Zhao Guodong is here, but even Zhao Hongying, who was a generation with his father-in-law, rushed over in person, which made Liu Yang touched.

Under normal circumstances, when the woman's marriage, the woman's family must have an elder and a generational brother come to send relatives to be considered satisfactory, Liu Yang has always felt that if the Zhao family did not come, it would make Zhao Jingjing unhappy.

Now, with the arrival of Zhao Hongying and Zhao Guodong, everything will be complete.

The guards who followed Zhao Guodong, wearing military uniforms and carrying pistols, added mystery to the eyes of some people, including villagers and Niu Fengqin. Until this time, it seems that some people have begun to wonder about the origin of the bride. From her queen's family practice, it is not difficult to see that Liu Shuji's family at home is not easy.

This is a standard relationship. Yao Peng, Liu Yang, can have Zhang Dongqiang as the host. Zhao Hongying, Zhao Guodong, and Zhao Guodong's wife, Li Yuerong, were invited into the main room and personally received by Liu Yang's parents. Niu Fengqin and Zheng Qiuxia made a temporary guest appearance on the little girl who poured tea. They could grab the job, but they didn't know how many people were envyed.

"Don't be busy at home. I'm here to identify places. In the future, our relatives will have to move around more. I'm here to serve as a place. It will be more convenient for me to see my niece in the future." Seeing Liu Yang's mother was somewhat restrained and took melon seeds and handed sugar cubes. In addition, hardly knowing how to speak, Zhao Hongying grabbed Mother Liu's hand and sat down with her, laughing and chatting with her.

Liu Yang's mother said very politely: "His aunt, you come to our house to sit down and give me face. You don't pay attention to rudeness, I don't dare to be rude. Don't worry, I like this child at first sight. It ’s terrible, and I ’m definitely not going to get angry in our house in the future. Liu Yang, the boy, still feels sorry for the quiet place.

Zhao Hongying looked at Liu Yang with a smile, and said with a smile: "This is not an old sister-in-law, Liu Yang is your son, and now my niece-in-law, but also half of Zhao's family. If you break, you do n’t feel bad, I still Distressed ... "

It was really unexpected that since this aunt could talk to her mother about these things and heard them say that, Liu Yang grasped Zhao Jingjing's hand.

Zhao Jingjing, however, naughtyly scratched his fingers in Liu Yang's palms and lowered his voice. "If you don't hear me, if you dare to bully me, be careful I will ask my mother to sue ..."

"How dare I, your patrons are all armed with guns ..." Liu Yang also joked with Zhao Jingjing with a smile. Zhao Jingjing nodded and said seriously: "You only know? If you are afraid, you will be honest with me in the future ..."

Liu Yang always believed that as long as she was a woman. There is no jealousy.

This law, despite being suppressed by ancient men's power and power in their hands. Although the jealousy of the ancient women was a violation of the "seven out" rule, the husband alone could leave this jealous woman with a piece of paper alone, but the woman would still be jealous.

Otherwise, there will not be the lonely queen of Yang Jian of Sui Dynasty, Li Fengniang of Southern Song Dynasty, Chang Yuchun's wife, the wife of Shen Kuo, author of Mengxi Bi Tan, and so on. These stories of the most envious women in history have passed down.

Zhao Jingjing performed well in the past, but today she achieved positive results and finally corrected her wife's identity. Wouldn't she also look to those ancient people she knew?

If that's the case, then I will be offended.

This article comes from reading novels

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