Perfect Feast

Vol 4 Chapter 88: Let the dog eat

Chapter 88 Let the Dog Eat

Most of those camouflage uniforms were associated with police officers. After hearing Zhao Shucheng's order, they surrounded them with a truncheon.

Feng Feng shouted in the back: "Who do you dare? This is Liu Shu, the secretary of Huling County ..."

As Liu Yang walked forward to the ambulance, he said, "Feng Feng, hurry up and help people ... what do you give them? I remember the police siren just now. I'm going to ask Chen Yucheng. He is How did you bring the team ... "

When Zhao Shucheng heard Feng Feng's words just now, he was surprised. He heard that the young man was Liu Shu, a secretary in Huling County. His head couldn't help but be surprised ... what other county's magistrate and secretary in other counties might still be Not much impression, but Liu Shuji of Huling County is still very scary.

This is not only because Liu Yang didn't go out of the city for a long time, but because of Liu Shu. When he was in the city, his reputation was a little too strong.

While in the city, Zhang Yimin, the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Committee and the director of the Public Security Bureau, was completely destroyed. Later, I went to Huling County, and it is said that it was not trivial to take a group of officials in Huling County.

In particular, among the group of people he picked up, there were two deputy directors Zhao Shuang and Zhang Chuanjun of Wei Rixin and Huling Public Security Bureau.

Therefore, Liu Yang is okay to say in other departments that in the public security system, when he mentions him, his fierce reputation is really well-known.

Now in some grass-roots units, when some police officers are joking with others, or cursing colleagues who have a bad relationship with themselves, they often say, "Let your mother cross, and then cross you to Huling County and Liu Yang, Do you dare Nima to be out of control? "

Plus, Liu Yang had something in it just now. Listening to what he meant, he has already telephoned Director Chen. It seems that Chen Bureau is coming soon?

"Don't move ... Retreat ..." Seeing that his soldiers were still standing behind Liu Yang with his baton, Zhao Shucheng quickly stretched his arms, grabbing Liu Yang behind him, and shouted loudly in the face of the police officers. A throat.

Liu Yang took the man's back to the ambulance and saw that the door of the ambulance had not been opened. No doctor shouting at the doctor sitting inside, "What are you doing? Look at me? Hurry up and open the door of the car, put Take out the stretcher? "

"Oh ... oh ..." The doctor heard Feng Feng's words just now, knowing that the young man in front of him was actually the county party committee secretary of Huling County. He couldn't help but look twice in the car and forgot about it Get out of the car and only react after hearing Liu Yang's words.

The call inside the car and the nurse help Liu Yang to get the man to the car, and then picked up the woman from Feng Feng's hands.

At this time, the beaten woman didn't get on the bus, but walked to Liu Yang's side and threw herself to kneel in front of Liu Yang, crying loudly: "This leader, I thank you, you are a good person. It ’s not that you caught up, our couple specified that they would be killed ... "

Liu Yang hurriedly reached out to help her, and said in a continuous voice: "This lady, don't do this. There are indeed some black sheep in our team, but most of them are still good ..."

The middle-aged woman in front of her was thin, as if a gust of wind could blow away.

When Liu Yang reached out to help her, this seemingly weak and helpless woman didn't know where the strength came from. She knelt down on the ground and refused to stand up. She shouted, "Leader, you have to decide for us, They are too bullying ... "

No matter how hard Liu Yang was, he was embarrassed to grab the woman's arm by pulling it, and quickly smirked Feng Feng. Feng Feng walked over and whispered, "Da'er, you should get up first and talk about it, otherwise our leaders really don't care about you."

Liu Yang also took the opportunity to say at this time: "Dam, please rest assured that someone will give you an explanation on this matter ... You must go to the hospital to check it first, don't get anything wrong, now your body is important ..."

It's easy to say, that the woman was persuaded to the ambulance. Liu Yang turned to ask the doctor in the white coat again: "You take the person to the hospital first, and I'll be there in a while, okay?"

"No problem, no problem, Liu Shu. Remember, you can rest assured." Just when the doctor and nurse were having a hard time, the driver of the ambulance actually came over and spoke.

Liu Yang looked at him as soon as he turned his face, and couldn't help but laugh: "So coincident, Wu Zhanbing, did you think you were the one out of the car?"

"Oh, let's call this a destiny, Liu Shu. Ji. You are also very busy, and I will not chat with you, I will rush you to the hospital ..." Wu Zhanbing ran back to the cab with a smile When the nurse and doctor closed the car door and got on the car, Wu Zhanbing honked a horn, smiled at Liu Yang, and drove away.

Turning around, Liu Yang discovered that the police officers and the police officers all stood in a neat two-line team behind, and a pair of complex-looking eyes were watching him.

The other three guys who had been beaten by Liu Yang also came out of the room at this time, all surrounded by Cheng Shuji. At this time, Zhao Shucheng was bending over Cheng Shu, who was sitting underneath, and whispered.

It may be that he told those people the identity of Liu Yang. This group of people who had just been arrogant and full of eyes, now both have changed their faces.

Especially the Cheng Shuji, at this time, the wine was so scared that he was sweating coldly. As the secretary of the party committee of Nanxin Jiedao, Cheng Jinshan knows better than others. This Liu Yang, in fact, should really be the buster he hits.

Originally, he was doing a good job in the big brother Cheng Yushan in Nantang Town. It is said that it was also because the wife of Qi Shunfa, a farming professional, found this person, that only alarmed the city disciplinary committee to check him. He stubbornly removed the elder brother's party secretary of Nantang Town.

This feud has been kept in his heart, and he hasn't had time to report it, now he hits him again. When I did n’t see him, I still felt that I was holding the thigh of Liu Shu. Ji, the member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the District Party Committee. Maybe Ha really could find a chance to straighten him out.

However, when I really faced him, I realized that when I met such a powerful person, I was not only weak in my legs and stomach, but also in my heart.

I didn't mention the grand words in the past. I just hope that this guy can be kind and don't really compete with himself. Otherwise, the elder brother Cheng Yushan's end is his role model, I'm afraid that Nanxin Street Office Book. Remember that this position will be replaced from today.

"Ouch, you are Liu Shu of Huling County. Remember ?! I am the director of Nanxin Police Station, and my name is Zhao Shucheng ..." Zhao Shucheng's majesty disappeared long ago, and the insignificant facial features crowded together, his face full Smile.

Liu Yang ignored him and walked in front of Cheng Jinshan, sneering and said twice: "I see you hit someone very well? I heard what kind of cadre are you? Do you have any cadres? Are you better than bandits? Also bandits. "

Cheng Jinshan has two strong words. He wants to say that even if you are the county party secretary, what about the secretary? You are the secretary and secretary of Huling County, and you have no control over my Nanxin Sub-district Office.

However, when the words were about to rush out, he really didn't have the courage. Cheng Jinshan couldn't care about rubbing his head with sweat, and stuttered, "I'm sorry Liu Shu. Remember, I, I, I was wrong, let you laugh ..."

Hearing the words in front of Cheng Jinshan, Liu Yang was not very angry, but when he heard her last sentence, Liu Yang could not help but be almost smirked.

Is this guy still awake from alcohol, or is he too poisoned by the words of "cultural people"?

Did you **** make me laugh, or did the people laugh? No, you are chilling the common people. As a national cadre, you not only cannot lead by example, but bully the common people to make it worse. Regardless of what was wrong with the pair of men and women just now, you are a street clerk, secretary, holding a puncher and holding others punching and kicking, what does it look like?

You are unwilling to go to the rack, but you are righteous and arguing to call the police to arrest me. Is there any state cadre?

Even if you do not consider yourself a cadre in your country, you are at least a personal person, right? Where did your conscience go? Did your conscience make the dog eat?

Thinking of this, Liu Yang glanced at him spookily: "You don't have to say anything to me, please explain something to your district leader."

"Oh? Oh, yes, I must do a good review ..." When Liu Yang said that he was asked to explain to the district leader, the guy's face seemed to be relieved.

Liu Yang's eyes were fixed on him, and he slowly said, "If your district leaders can't handle this, then let the leaders of the municipal party committee handle it ..."

Liu Yanggang said here that a black Audi sedan turned on with the turn signal. When Liu Yang turned his head, he found that Qu Lingjun and Chen Yucheng were two people coming down from the car.

Qu Lingjun, wearing a dark blue woolen dress, white socks and black leather shoes, walked up and looked shy. Chen Yucheng, who was walking behind her, did not wear a police uniform, but rather a dark blue suit that looked as if she was six or seven years younger.

"Liu Shu. Ji, don't call me when you come back to the city. Do you think I can't manage the meal?" Qu Lingjun smiled as she walked in front of Liu Yang, seven or eight meters away from Liu Yang. He spoke at a long distance.

"There and there ... I just feel that the Qu District Chief is busy with his official duties, so I can't bother to interrupt ..." Liu Yang said with a smile, and stretched out his hand towards Qu Lingjun: "However, it seems that I still influence Qu District I'm sorry to be in the office! "

The two of them were polite to each other, and Qu Lingjun frowned, watching Cheng Jinshan just rising from the ground and asked, "Cheng Shu. Remember, what's going on?"

"The mayor of Qu ..." Seeing that it was not only Chen Yucheng who came, but also the head of Shizhong District, who was his boss, came over, and Cheng Jinshan had the heart to die now.

With this tension, his words could not be said again: "I, I ..."

It is a pity that for a long time, "I" did not come out of "I".

This book first appeared in Reading

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