Perfect Feast

Vol 4 Chapter 92: Kidding

Chapter 92: The Joke Is Big

When the woman was talking, she slightly shook her body, and the two obvious focal points on her pajamas shook slightly with her.

Liu Yang shook his head with a smile and said, "It's too late today, I still have something to deal with. What do you want to say, let's say it tomorrow ..."

After speaking, Liu Yang walked sideways from her, but under his feet accelerated his pace obviously. He didn't want to be consciously seduced by this hot woman in such an environment and at such a moment.

Zhang Ning followed the door of the corridor in a chase and stood next to the door, asking loudly, "Liu Yang, are you afraid of me, what kind of thing are you?"

Liu Yangdu had already walked into the lobby. The lobby manager and front desk sister saw him coming out and were bending over to say hello. Hearing her say this, the lobby manager and the front desk sister froze at the same time, saying that in Huling County, some people dare to talk to Liu Shuji in this way? Who is this person, so impolite?

Liu Yang also stopped suddenly, turned back angrily, looking at Zhang Ning, who was only half-length, and said in a deep voice, "Did you drink too much? Go back to rest after drinking too much, don't come out and play crazy ... "

This is already very restrained. If it is not on the site in Huling County, or in the lobby of the guest house, if it is in Beijing, Liu Yang might slap it over.

But now it's his own home, Zhang Ning came by himself anyway. If you hit him yourself, you will lose it.

Therefore, Liu Yang endured and tolerated, but only aggravated his tone and said such a calm face.

At this time, if Zhang Ning was interested, he would be finished when he turned away. But Zhang Ning thought that she knew the man's heart well. She just wanted Liu Yang to lose her mind, and then chased her to make her clear.

As long as Liu Yangken followed her into the room, she promised to achieve her purpose.

Therefore, Zhang Ning not only didn't leave, but took a step forward. The demonstration seemed to say, "I didn't drink too much. Which of your words do you listen to is drunk? You are afraid of even a woman. You are not a fool ? "

In this way, Liu Yang has no retreat.

Just now Liu Yang can also deceive himself, saying that Zhang Ning is drinking too much and getting mad. But Zhang Ning refused to go downstairs, and had to stand up to prove that she was not drunk.

In front of the lobby manager and the front desk sister, a woman who was not drunk chased Liu Shu. Ji in the back, but she was so courageous Liu Shu. Ji did not dare to speak back, which was what the **** was about. child? If it is spread out, it may be said.

Liu Yang's handsome face suddenly turned black. In the fury, Liu Yang's two eyes stabbed at Zhang Ning.

Just when Liu Yang wanted to get angry and hadn't figured out how much to be angry, the lobby manager rushed forward and pointed at Zhang Ning, saying, "This lady, please pay attention to your words. If you still want to take this If we talk to our Liu Shu. Ji in this way, even if our Lord Liu Shu. Ji does not care about you, we will not allow you to attack our leaders with such uncivilized language in our hotel ... "

Zhang Ning never thought that she was talking to Liu Yang, but a yellow-haired girl jumped out of her side and nosy. Don't say in this small Huling County, even in Beijing, when would someone like the lobby manager dare to take charge of her gossip?

Really ignorant and fearless ... Zhang Ning was almost overwhelmed by the words of the lobby manager.

Her complexion changed from pink to iron blue, and from iron blue to eggplant. After hesitated, Zhang Ning stretched his fingers at the lobby manager and yelled, "Who are you, and you dare to say me without first knowing who you are? Believe me or not, you can lose you with just one sentence jobs……"

Her words really startled the lobby manager. The position of the lobby manager of Huling Hotel, a salary of two to three thousand dollars a month, plus bonuses and other messy benefits, is definitely high income in Huling County.

It's not easy to find a job like this. The other party can make himself lose his job in one sentence. How can this rack be noisy for others?

At this moment, Liu Yang snorted beside him: "Zhang Ning, I also hope you find out. This is Huling, not Beijing. Xiao Zhang, leave it to you to deal with it. If she dares to make trouble again, call the police. . Let me just say, let the Public Security Bureau detain people first, and then deal with them according to law after waking up ... "

Hearing that Liu Yang actually knew who he was, the lobby manager was not happy, and suddenly felt that the waist rod was stiff.

Yeah, this is Huling County. As long as Liu Shu. Ji supports, even if Manager Tian dare not open his own? I've been so foolish in these two years, I was almost scared by this woman in front of me ...

After Liu Yang finished speaking, he turned around and left, leaving Zhang Ning standing in a daze. From Liu Yang's eyes just now, she had no doubt at all. As long as she dared to make a noise again, Liu Yang would definitely dare to arrest herself for a few days before talking.

When she turned silently back to the room, Zhang Ning was still thinking: Why didn't this guy come according to his plan?

The next morning, Liu Yang didn't show up, but just arranged someone from China Merchants to come in and take charge of the reception.

Guo Wenhui, director of the China Merchants Bureau, was very enthusiastic and took Shao Xingyu and others to make a circle in Huling County. As the CMB car was walking, a young girl from the China Merchants Bureau also held an electric horn and explained the local customs and specialties of Huling County on the car. After her eloquent description, it was very intuitive that after the transformation of the airport and the old city was completed, the extent to which Huling County could come to life was vividly displayed in everyone's mind.

"I said, where did you find such a sharp little girl? A small county town that was so ragged, I was told by her like Paris." This is what Shao Xingyu said to Liu Yang on the phone. .

By the time of the call, Shao Xingyu and they had been taken to Fenghuangzhou in the lake by Guo Wenhui.

Here, the Rising Sun Group's resort and entertainment city project has also begun. In the picturesque landscape, the machinery roars. The two realms, which are completely opposite, are so harmonious on this small island.

According to Liu Yang's words, that is the big sign of the Rising Sun Group, we must use it well. The top ten largest companies in the country can come to Huling to invest. What are you afraid of?

After listening to the good news of a car, I now see this hot scene with my own eyes. As long as it is a merchant who really wants to invest in Huling County, he will definitely strengthen his confidence in Huling County.

In fact, Liu Yang's visit route and publicity outline were set by Liu Yang himself. The China Merchants Bureau just took medicine according to the prescription. Even if Shao Xingyu didn't say, how could Liu Yang not know?

When he received his call, Liu Yang was listening to the reports from the Discipline Inspection Commission, the Public Security Bureau and the Procuratorate, so he didn't tell Shao Xingyu more, and he hung up the phone after two words.

Just now, Huang Decheng has reported the results of the trial of Anhua. In the face of iron facts, Anwar has explained his criminal process and confessed to his criminal facts.

The Public Security Bureau has submitted the supplementary materials to the Procuratorate, and the Procuratorate has also reviewed the materials reported by the Public Security Bureau. It intends to prosecute Anwar for multiple crimes such as drug manufacturing, drug trafficking, and homicide. .

In fact, after seeing Anhua that day, this result was already expected by Liu Yang. Now, he is most concerned about the case at school.

After putting down the phone, Liu Yang said to Cui Kai, "Director Cui, let's go on. What happened to your investigation?"

"Liu Shu. Ji, after our investigation, we found that this case of land requisition of No.1 China has nothing to do with several leaders, finance, cashiers and other people of No.1. The seal stubs reserved by the bank and the three The stamp on the withdrawal check is the same, but it is not the same as the one used in the first. This only shows that the seal reserved by the bank has been replaced by a fake seal, which has led to the When the bank teller verified the check, he used a fake seal to check the fake seal on the check ... "

Liu Yang took over and said, "In this case, it must have created an illusion to the bank tellers and made them feel that the check was real. That's how criminals took the money away, didn't they?"

Cui Kai nodded heavily: "Well, that's it."

"This also proves why the bank said that this was the reason for reasonable withdrawal, didn't it?" Liu Yang asked again.

"Yes." Cui Kai continued, "But now it turns out that the root cause of the problem lies with the bank. Without the cooperation of the people inside the bank, it would be impossible for criminals to secretly replace the seal. Perhaps, the crime The elements themselves are the people of the bank. Otherwise, others would not have thought of this approach ... "

Liu Yang looked at him and asked, "You are just speculation. Have you found any hard evidence? You need evidence rather than speculation when handling the case. There is one more point. Will the first seal be made? Have you verified it at one point? "

Cui Kai shook his head: "Report Liu Shuji, we have verified this. By comparing with the seal on the document released one or two years ago, we can prove that the seal of the first school is correct."

If that's the case, the money in the first is not a reasonable withdrawal. This is clearly a loophole in the bank's own management, which has led to customer deposits being impersonated. If the money cannot be recovered, the bank will be responsible for compensation.

Thinking of this, Liu Yang asked again: "Since this is the case, what does the bank say?"

Cui Kaidao: "Liu Shuji, the bank did not admit it was their mistake, did not believe our appraisal, and does not cooperate with our investigation now, saying that it is necessary to invite experts from the Provincial Department to re-appraise ..."

"It ca n’t be fake, it ca n’t be fake. Do n’t say it ’s asking people from the Provincial Department to appraise, even if they ask experts from the Ministry of Public Security to appraise. The more that money can be recovered, the slimmer it may be. I called the Minister Xu of the Provincial Department for a while and urged him to rush him, not only to verify the authenticity of the seal, but also to help us solve the case. ! "

Cui Kai, Liu Yang's words, and Gao Xiuping, the chief procurator of the procuratorate, sweated coldly, and said secretly, Secretary Liu, do you think the provincial office was opened by our county? You also want people to listen to you. This joke is a bit big?

This book first appeared in Reading

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