Perfect Feast

Vol 4 Chapter 94: Laborious thinking

Chapter 94—Trouble Thinking

Du Yiran let go of her hand and said coldly, "I don't know what will happen to others, and I don't know what this matter has to do with us in the end. But if we don't, we two will die. I'm sure of the burial place! "

"Ah?" Zhang Ning looked at Du Yiran dumbfounded. Suddenly he felt weak and sat on the sofa for a long time, holding his forehead for a long time before finally lowering his voice and asking, "So ... as you say, What should we do? "

"Do nothing, eat, drink, play, and play, just as if you are traveling!" Du Yiran said easily.

Zhang Ning worried, "This will work. Will Han's third wife be willing after returning?"

Du Yiran smiled coldly: "I could n’t find a chance to rectify Liu Yang. At most, it ’s Han Han's third dissatisfaction. Those two things that don't help us. But if we do something in Huling County, Whatever comes, that's going to kill someone ... "

After taking a nap, Liu Yang took a nap, and after freshening out the door of the rest room, he saw Wang Jiankun waiting in front of his desk.

Liu Yang was a little surprised, and looked in doubt. Wang Jiankun greeted with a smile and said, "Secretary Liu, the phone of Director Guo just now said that the two Dongying women had the intention to set up a factory in our development zone. This is good news. He asked you if you asked Attend an afternoon forum ... "

Liu Yang could not help listening for a while, and said in a hurry that the East Devils were so anxious? It seems that since I met each other, I haven't given the other person a good-looking face. Now the other party has been here for a long time, so I just sit down and talk about it in such a hurry. It seems that the other party's efficiency is quite high.

Liu Yang shook his head and said, "When you talk about something, you can ask Director Guo to contact the county magistrate, and invite the magistrate Lin to participate in it. You can talk as you please, and you would rather run away and lose our integrity. ... "

At this time, Liu Yangdi's cell phone rang. After receiving the call and looking at the number, Lin Yufen actually called.

Liu Yang answered the phone with a smile: "Lin Shu. Remember, I am planning to let you know. Another unit is discussing with Director Guo of the China Merchants Bureau about investing and setting up factories in our county. I intend to invite you to sit in the town. ... "

Lin Yufen's mood on the phone was also very good. He said with a smile: "Liu Shu. Remember, I also have something to report to you. I just received a call from Mayor Li and said that Jiangnan Huaigang Group I just sent a letter to the municipal government. I have the intention to invest in the coking plant in our county. I don't know how you think about this? "

Liu Yang couldn't help but said with a smile: "Well, if we don't come to Huling County, there is no big company willing to come here. Now all come together, it looks like you are busy. But this is a good thing. It ’s up to you to catch this matter, and let the people in Lincun Mine prepare in advance. They must build a coking plant for their coal resources ... ”

Lin Yufen sighed and said, "I know this. I just didn't think you were going to be a shopkeeper. You can still be the magistrate of Huling County. You can't put the burden on me alone. ... "

Lin Yufen said this just to show an attitude, certainly not a genuine complaint. Liu Yang also said with a smile: "Do you think I'm hiding now? I have a lot of things waiting for me. The county government's affairs, you may worry more about the county magistrate. I'm assured! "

With Liu Yang's sentence, Lin Yufen was relieved, and then thinking of what Liu Yang said at the beginning, he smiled and asked: "Liu Shu. Remember, what specific instructions do you have for the afternoon negotiations?"

Liu Yang said with a smile: "I just said to Wang Jiankun what the big question was, and the sum is just eight words, 'Cooperation and win-win, don't lose gas.' Oh, how to fight for our interests, you have to fight In the end, it would be better for them to run away than to make them cheap. "

After hearing Liu Yang's remarks, Lin Yufen's side froze obviously.

No matter which city's investment is attracted, the investor has an absolute dominant position. In order to attract investment, some local cadres do not hesitate to sacrifice part of their interests, and they also try to meet the unreasonable requirements of investors. Liu Yang is better, preferring to run away the other side, rather than let people take advantage.

Nothing cheap, why do people have to invest in our Huling County? Where are you going with your money?

Liu Yang felt the concerns of Lin Yufen and then said: "You know the planning of Huling County. We want to develop and we need to attract outside funds to inject it. But we must not sacrifice our interests Exchange, if that is the case, even if it is developed, it does not make much sense. We must make a good relationship between environmental protection and sustainability. We must not do things that endanger the generations of Huling County in order to highlight the temporary achievements. Such I do n’t have the courage to make achievements, and I believe that you county magistrate also do not have the courage ... ”

Lin Yufen took a deep breath on the phone and said solemnly: "I understand Liu Shu. Remember, I will definitely do this."

Hanging up, Liu Yang could not help but take a deep breath. There are not many people who understand this idea now, and they need to intensify their efforts to continue instilling it. One day they will understand.

Next, Liu Yang turned on the computer on the desk and planned to continue to study the model of developing ecological circular agriculture in Huling County.

Ecological cycle agriculture, simply put, is the "three high (high-yield, high-quality, high-efficiency) agriculture" engaged in good ecological conditions. It does not simply focus on the output of the year and the economic benefits of the year, but pursues a high degree of unification of the three benefits (that is, economic benefits, social benefits, and ecological benefits), and puts the entire agricultural production on a virtuous cycle of sustainable development. The human dream of "green mountains, green water, blue sky, and all produced green food" has become a reality.

Ecological agriculture is a new type of agriculture gradually formed along with the continuous development of the entire agricultural production.

In order to do a good job in ecological agriculture, on the one hand, we must focus on summarizing and promoting the experiences and practices suitable for ecological agriculture in traditional agriculture, such as: reasonable rotation, planting green manure, applying organic manure, sloping slopes, and building horizontal Yokota. These are measures that farmers are very familiar with and willing to accept. On the other hand, we must step up research and vigorously promote new advanced ecological agricultural technologies, such as photolytic membranes, biological pesticides, biological fertilizers, and straws developed to reduce white pollution. Returning fields, water-saving irrigation, etc.

Since the invention of pesticides and fertilizers by human beings, various harmful chemicals have entered the biosphere with agriculture, and all living things have been more or less threatened. Human beings are no exception.

When Liu Yang was young, the water in the ditch in the field was rippling with green waves, frogs were screaming, and catfish and water snakes were often seen. However, with the contamination of the land by various chemicals in recent years, this phenomenon has completely disappeared. Not to mention that it is difficult to find a clean pond in the field, even the shallow water in the ground cannot be drunk now.

Land, a supply station for human life, is gradually becoming a large dye tank under the threat of various chemicals.

As the world's population grows, no more arable land can pollute humans. Therefore, ecological agriculture, also known as ecological circular agriculture, was first born in developed countries such as Europe and the United States.

In our country, although the slogan 'Eco-Agriculture' has been called for a few years, not much has been done.

This is mainly because ecological cycling agriculture can be said to be a huge project. To complete this very complicated and arduous task, we must adhere to the principle of "agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and sideline fisheries, comprehensive management of mountains and rivers, forests and roads," based on surveys and research, make good construction plans, and promote different types of ecological agriculture to suit local conditions. Construction mode.

According to successful practices abroad, no matter what kind of ecological agriculture model? We must highlight three main measures. This is the use of biological measures such as tree planting, grass planting, and green manure growth. Engineering measures such as river management and river terrace repair on **** farmland. Cultivation measures such as: reasonable. Crop rotation, deep tillage, low tillage, horizontal slopes, straw return to the field, additional fertilizer application, etc.

These three main measures are complementary and indispensable.

There are very few successful experiences in China, mainly because this project is time-consuming and labor-intensive and cannot be effective in the short term. For cadres who speak on the basis of their achievements, this is simply an unattractive thing. Whoever is willing to do it is a fool.

In addition, it is difficult for most cadres to serve in one place for more than five years. A new leader often has what he likes most to overthrow his predecessor, and engages in some self-righteous notions, which cannot be carried through. This is destined for circular agriculture. Major projects in China are difficult to succeed.

The vastness of this project is not something that two villages can do. Your village does not use pesticides or litter, it cannot effectively improve the ecological environment, and it cannot change the situation of rivers and air pollution.

And the area of ​​a county in Huling County alone is not enough to change this state. However, Huling County has unique conditions.

Most of the entire east, and southeast and northeast of Huling County are lakes, and the west is a large river from south to north. Only the southwest connects Jiangnan Province, and the northwest and the central district are relatively independent.

Coupled with the well-developed water system in Huling County, 70% of the territory is flat land. Liu Yang thinks about it. It is quite possible to engage in ecological recycling agriculture in Huling County.

It is just that he is just conceiving a general plan, which actually can work. Liu Yang intends to invite experts from the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences to make a feasibility analysis.

This thing he wrote was for those experts when he was planning to go to the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences to invite experts. You want to ask someone for help. Always explain what you want to do and what purpose you want to achieve? Otherwise, they don't know how to help you.

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