Perfect Feast

Vol 4 Chapter 98: I can't swallow this breath

Chapter 98 I Can't Swallow This Breath

The two people who helped Jiang Nannan beat people, one was Wang Zengyu, the owner of the club, and the other was Cao Baichuan, the upstart who hosted Jiang Nannan today. After listening to Li Hongru's words, the two men, despite being awkward in their hearts, saw that Jiang Nannan would not speak, and the two could only nod slightly.

Seeing the people here agreed, Li Hongru came to talk to Shao Xingyu and Zhang Ning. They introduced themselves first, and then they were kind and misunderstood. Please forgive me, and prepare for the beating Two people came to apologize to Zhang Ning, and this matter was over.

After he had finished speaking, he looked at Shao Xingyu and Ma Zhigang. The two young men headed by this side, as long as they agreed, the estimation of the women would not be a problem.

???? Just now Ma Zhigang called his classmate Fang, and he didn't know what the other party was busy with, but the call was answered but he didn't answer. He has nothing to do with Shao Xingyu in Jihai Province. The so-called strong dragon does not press the ground snake, and now this matter has been forced to the edge of the cliff.

The other side did not accept the apology of the other party, and the other party moved the director of the local public security bureau. It is estimated that there are still higher-level characters behind him, and it is only humiliation if they continue to make trouble. Accepting the other person's apology, his face was barely passable, but his heart was not as comfortable as swallowing a fly.

When did the buddy get this mad? It was forced to enter into an alliance under the city, and it was really shameless to speak out.

Therefore, Shao Xingyu and Ma Zhigang stopped and didn't express their stand, but looked at Zhang Ning and Du Yiran.

???? Today, the main thing is that two women, Zhang Ning and Du Yiran, have been wronged. If they are willing to accept each other's apology, this matter will be reluctant to let go. If they can't swallow this breath, maybe they will touch each other. There is really no way, just report the name of the classmate and sister first.

Although this may leave sequelae and make the classmate's sister unhappy, but things have come to this stage, which is also no way out.

Shao Xingyu and Ma Zhigang did not fully adhere to this, which is also related to the popularity of Zhang Ning and Du Yiran. Although everyone said that they are classmates, what these two people usually do in front of these classmates is really overwhelming.

The relationship between classmates is also well-organized. For Zhang Ning and Du Yiran, there is a big mess. If everyone didn't come all the way, Shao Xingyu and Ma Zhigang might have walked around seeing them being bullied by others.

At this point, Du Yiran and Zhang Ning also saw it. Just now Ma Zhigang and their own enemies met, and originally they made Zhang Ning and Du Yiran feel warm, and they felt a little guilty about their usual style of behavior. Now when they see Shao Xingyu's attitude, they can't help feeling cold I said that my aunt and grandma are unwilling to take care of you, and you're right. Let's see what one of you is?

Where did the prestige go in Beijing? I usually boast that it seems like you are the second child of Boss, how can you be dumb now?

???? But giving people a slap and kicking in public, Zhang Ning and Du Yiran really couldn't swallow this breath. But now the situation is stronger than people. What can people do if they don't bow their heads under the eaves?

Thinking of it, she sighed deeply, and tears burst down again.

The man leaned on, and the sow would go up the tree, which is true. Now that Shao Xingyu and Ma Zhigang have been persuaded, what else can they earn from a woman's house?

???? Deng Huanhuan and Wang Shiqing looked at Zhang Ning's expression, and knew that she was not willing to take this breath. But two people are also angry and have no way. This is not their own home. At first, I thought that I could walk around the world with my pockets of money. Now I know that this is not the case at all.

Du Yiran was kicked several times, and there were a few hot and hot pains in his body. At the same time, he was sitting on the sofa, dizzy, and felt like he was going to vomit. Seeing Zhang Ning also hesitated, knowing that she didn't rely on her. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to fight against others here, and she would only provoke even greater humiliation. She might even be detained here to serve a plate.

Even though she was uncomfortable in heart, she was too lazy to talk, mainly because she was afraid to spit out a mouth.

At this time, Yao Shuqin couldn't help but coldly said, "Director Li, that's how you handled the case? Even if our people hit someone wrong, we shouldn't be guilty of it? It's obvious that the other person hit someone, but you Just apologizing to the other party, isn't that justified? "

"This comrade, the other side is wrong, but according to relevant laws, as long as no harm is done on your side, it will not constitute a crime, and our Public Security Bureau cannot handle it casually. If you insist, you can only go to court. The lawsuit ... "Li Hongru's words sounded like a way to deal with the case, but there was no hint in the voice.

Do you want to make trouble? Then you go to the court to sue, I don't care if I can?

Although Premier Jiang is in a loss, she has a backing and has the advantage of the Snake. No matter how hard it is, you can't make a name for it. Do you really think that the court was run by your family? At the court, whether to file a case or not?

"??? Li Bureau, what do they mean? This is it? You can't blame our buddies for not giving Li Bureau face, this is what they asked for. Since this matter is not under Li Ju's jurisdiction, then Don't worry about Li Bureau. "

When Wang Zengyu saw that he wanted to apologize, the other party was unwilling to accept it. When he heard that Li Hongru said this, he suddenly chanted again: "General Jiang, let's go. Since they give shame to their faces, they love his mother's uncle Someone told them to go to court. We were drinking and waiting to receive the court's summons ... "

Speaking, these people really stood up and left.

This was not just a stun for Shao Xingyu, even Li Hongru, and said that Wang Zengyu, your fuck, is just a dog leg, and dare to make a noise when I ask the case? If it weren't for Jiang Nannan's face, Lao Tzu would have restrained your dog ...

Just when Wang Zengyu was talking, Liu Yang and Feng Feng finally came late. He lifted his feet and walked up the corridor on the second floor. At a glance, he saw Du Yiran sitting pale with his face on his face. In this weather, Du Yiran's forehead There was a faint layer of sweat on it.

"What's the matter with you? Isn't you sick?" Liu Yang didn't know she was kicked by someone else and thought she was sick. I walked to Du Yiran and asked her a question.

Du Yiran shook his head. He just wanted to speak. Suddenly he felt that the sky was turning, his stomach was tumbling, his mouth crackled and he almost spit out yesterday's overnight dinner.

Fortunately, Liu Yang flashed fast, otherwise he would definitely vomit him. Even so, the shiny leather shoes and trousers were stained with spots.

"What are you doing? How big is still noisy here? She's all sick and she doesn't know how to get to the hospital?" Liu Yang reached out to support Du Yiran, turned his face to Feng Feng first, and let him Hurry to hit 120, and then said dissatisfied with Shao Xingyu.

"Uh ... don't touch me, I'm dizzy ..." Du Yiran was supported by Liu Yang and felt that the scene in front of him was turning. Ma Zhigang said embarrassedly: "She ... that ... she was not sick, she was beaten ..."

"What did you say?" Until this time, Liu Yang could clearly see the stamped soles on Du Yiran's body. His Jun face suddenly became iron-blue: "You **** are all dead? How are you big men here, how can you make her a woman like this? When Ma Zhigang was your mother in college, Where did the courage go? In the old days, for a little yellow hair, you dared to take a kitchen knife alone and desperately ... "

Ma Zhigang immediately blushed and stopped snoring.

"That ... We weren't around when she was beaten. Did the police call the police to ask the case?" Shao Xingyu's face was also a little hesitant, explaining, while lowering his head, not looking at Liu Yang. .

Liu Yang's words are very shameless, but the fact is that it makes people unable to refute.

"You **** are all nonsense. I think there are two bad money in my hands in the past two years. I think my life is worth more than others ... Who hit? Why hit? You came to Jihai to find me, but you were People look like this, you can lose this person, and I ca n’t afford to lose this person. If there is no such thing as a matter, even if you want to promise me, you wo n’t agree ... ”

Listening to Liu Yang's words, Zhang Ning's heart was excited again. I said that Liu Yang is a man, and I really love him ...

As he thought, Zhang Ning took a step forward and choked and said, "He ... and him, a few of them ..."

Liu Yang looked at Zhang Ning along his voice, and the anger in his heart grew even greater. Until now, the fingerprints on Zhang Ning's face haven't disappeared yet.

In fact, Zhang Ning suffered a few times in the beginning, but because Wang Zengyu's people were angry, Du Yiran was nosy, so most of his fists greeted Du Yiran's body. The result was that Du Yiran was the one who pulled the frame instead. Was beaten the most.

Du Yiran was dizzy now, she didn't know where the pain was all over, but Zhang Ning just had a few fingerprints on her face, she looked as if she was hit badly, but she was fine.

But because her little white face was so obvious on these fingers, Liu Yang looked more angry. "Who did you say hit you? You pointed me out, if I didn't give you this bad breath, my **** name wouldn't be Liu ..."

Wang Zengyu and Cao Baichuan saw a young man yelling and shouting without saying a word, but the two did not know the general situation of life and death, thinking at the same time: "What the **** are you doing? Parting place, is there your arrogance? "

"You're not surnamed Liu? Then follow me as Wang ..."

"Huh, that's right. If you think your father and mother's last name is not good, I don't object to my surname Cao ~ ~

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