Perfect Feast

Vol 5 Chapter 8: Absolutely obey

Chapter 8 Absolute Obedience

At this meeting, Liu Yang deliberately proposed the establishment of a working leadership group, but he did not clearly state his attitude, but announced that the next meeting would continue to discuss the candidates, which left a space for imagination.

After the meeting, Liu Yang had just entered the office, and Zhong Wanhua followed in. After Liu Yang greeted him, he asked with a smile, "What's wrong with Minister Zhong?"

To say that Zhong Wanhua's magnificent head of the organization department ranks high among the standing committee members. Just because in the previous stage, he didn't judge the situation, and he has been vacillating between Liu Yang brother Cao Hancheng. Seeing that Liu Yang came to power and took the position of the secretary of the county party committee, he vigorously called for the two women, Li Dongdong and Lin Yufen, but he was polite with a distantness and indifference, and Zhong Wanhua's heart was also very uninteresting. child.

He knew that if he didn't keep up with the situation and hugged Liu Yang's thick legs, he could transfer himself away, or adjust his position in Huling County, that would be a blink of an eye.

The tasteless position of the Deputy Director of the National People's Congress and the Vice Chairman of the CPPCC is irrelevant. It is not difficult to add a table for yourself in these two places.

Therefore, during this time, Zhong Wanhua has been reflecting on himself, distressed, and really made him think about it. In fact, he didn't understand it, but he still felt that Liu Yang was young in his bones, and he didn't want to bend over.

After being a cadre for so many years, he must be loyal to and absolutely obey the leader. Who knows this? But you know, you know, whether you can do it is another matter.

Zhong Wanhua felt that he did not do enough in these two aspects.

This time Liu Yang announced at the conference that the Organization Department should do a good job of investigating and recommending staffing. Zhong Wanhua felt that this was a good time to bring closer the relationship between Liu Yang and himself. So he found it for this reason.

Hearing Liu Yang's question as indifferent as ever, Zhong Wanhua smiled bitterly in his heart, but he took out a cigarette and handed it to Liu Yang, and set himself on fire and waited for Liu Yang to hold the cigarette in his mouth. Liu Yang lit the cigarette, and then said with a smile: "Liu Shu. Ji, I'm here mainly to ask you, how do you plan to adjust the cadres? You put forward specific ideas, our Organization Department resolutely obeys, and guarantees to keep with the county party committee. Highly consistent, do a good job steadily ... "

Zhong Wanhua's words, although he still hugged the pipa and half covered his face, could be regarded as saying what he wanted to say. Liu Yangxin said that you, an old guy, can really hold back to this time, it is really difficult for you. However, now you can understand that Weier is here, and you don't want me to leave you alive.

According to Zhang Jing's original idea, it was necessary to remove all stumbling blocks. At that time, he felt that Zhong Wanhua was just a bit unwilling, but when it comes to daring to stand up and sing a show against him, he still doesn't have the courage.

Sure enough, now that the old clock has understood it, this is where to come to discuss work, it is clear that it is to find their own sincerity. However, this time I said at the meeting that I would kick out inappropriate people. It was originally a sharp sword that was deliberately hanging on everyone's heads. The purpose was to urge everyone to do a good job. Nor can we really toss the brains of the commissions again.

That is to add chaos to the work, but it is not really conducive to work.

Liu Yang smiled and pointed at Zhong Wanhua and said, "Mr. Zhong, why don't you just let me smoke? Come on, click ..." While talking, Liu Yang took out his cigarette and threw one over to Zhong Wanhua.

In this case, it is more cordial than just now.

Zhong Wanhua took the cigarette that Liu Yang had thrown away, and said it after lighting it: "Liu Shu. Remember, I have an idea. Can you see if you can ... I think we can implement a circular agriculture The final elimination system, whose work is not well done, we implement quantitative assessment, and the last cadre is removed from office ... "

The more Liu Yang listened to Zhong Wanhua's words, the thicker the smile on his face.

Minister Zhong is really a second person! This old guy is not at all confused. He also knew that what he had just said at the meeting was false, and he did not really want to adjust a large number of cadres. Coming up with this quantitative assessment and elimination at the last place, however, is even better, right to his appetite.

Liu Yang smiled and encouraged: "Well, yes, Minister Zhong has a good idea, and write a charter to perfect it. The next time we go to the Standing Committee, it can be issued as a normative document in Huling County in the future. "

With the affirmation of Liu Yang, Zhong Wanhua's bones seemed to be lighter or lighter, and a hanging heart was slightly lowered. His expression even more respectfully said: "Then ... Liu Shu. What specific instructions? "

Liu Yang nodded and said, "I really have one thing I want to discuss with Minister Zhong. This is the case. There is no leader in the development zone. In order to strengthen the centripetal force and cohesion of the development zone, I intend to let the director of the county Party Committee Identity, go to the development zone and grab the work over there. "

Liu Yang wants to change the director of the office, which is even more difficult than Zhong Wanhua's eight poles, and he will not even object: "Well, Liu Shu. Remember this proposal is very suitable. Director Zhang had previously worked in the development zone. With the title of Standing Committee member in the past, the work of the development zone will definitely be seized. However, it is also very important for the county party committee to run this stall. It is not possible without a competent manpower. Can you propose this candidate together? ... "

Liu Yang laughed as soon as he heard: "Yeah, I am also having a headache for this matter. Originally, I wanted to dig out the government-run director Chen. The county chief said that the government was planning to report to director Chen As deputy county governor, I will not be able to dig this corner. "

Originally, Zhong Wanhua also thought that Liu Yang was going to take Zhang Dongqiang away and let Chen Dekai, who had been following him, come up, but now it looks completely different.

Chen Dekai wants to mention the deputy county chief, or is it proposed by the county chief? You lie to the ghost. Now you are also holding the post of county magistrate. Without your advice, Lin Yufen was so confused that he was afraid to worry about this.

However, he didn't want Chen Dekai to come over to be the director of this office. Whom did Liu Shu mind in mind?

Fortunately, at this time, Liu Yang didn't use his trouble to guess, but directly said: "The position of the office director is very important, and I can't think of a suitable candidate for a short while. For the office, let Deputy Director Zheng Qiuxia temporarily manage it Right. "

The office is very important. Can't find the right person and let Deputy Director Zheng take care of it first? This clearly means to hand over the office to Zheng Qiuxia. It is just that Zheng Qiuxia's qualifications are very shallow. It is a bit too dazzling to step up to the top and direct the director.

Huh! The director of this office is very easy to hang on to the Standing Committee! !!

Sun Shuji was transferred, but the secretary was retained. Liu Shuji not only immediately raised the rank to serve as the deputy director of the office, but also prepared her to be a member of the Standing Committee. They all said that Liu Shuji and Sun Shuji were wrong. It doesn't look like this at all. Zhong Wanhua nodded in her heart, finally nodded, without revealing her surprised look.

Now that I've made up my mind to obey Liu Shuji's leadership resolutely, I should say less of the rest.

"Then ... Liu Shu. Ji, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee is still vacant. Is there no one? Is this the next time the Standing Committee will come up with this?"

When Sun Qingmei didn't leave, Liu Yang originally planned to let Zhu Yunmao of the Development Zone be the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee. Fortunately, this incident was nothing more than a slap in the face of Sun Qingmei, and he did not get the meeting to say that Zhu Yunmao had been involved in the case of Anping.

Think about it's really your own luck. Otherwise, you will be able to designate a stigma.

Thinking of this, Liu Yang nodded and said: "Well, come up and discuss it, or recommend it to the organization department of the municipal committee as soon as possible. Look at your organization department, how about Huang Decheng? Is he qualified?"

Zhong Wanhua thought for a while and said, "Secretary Huang was originally a political commissar of the Bureau. It has been two years in Zhengke's position. It is normal for him to be promoted. He has broken a few major cases. My personal opinion is that he is qualified. "

He wasn't ridiculing Liu Yang. The situation of Huang Decheng was there.

At the beginning, Liu Yang didn't want Huang Decheng to take over as the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee because he didn't want the situation of the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee to become the director of the Public Security Bureau. In that case, the rights of the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee would be too great.

If you are not careful, you will end up in a big situation. Liu Yang doesn't want Huang Decheng to become Wei Rixin's second.

But at that time, Sun Qingmei was the secretary of the county party committee. If he proposed to make Huang Decheng the secretary of the political and legal committee and no longer serve as the director, Cui Kai may not be able to successfully take the burden of the director.

After all, Cui Kai came to Huling County within a few days, and it took only a few days from the instructor to the director to the deputy director. Now the head of the authority will definitely be the stalk of others' attacks. Sun Qingmei, Cao Hancheng and others secretly worked hard, and they would probably earn the position of the director.

This position of the Public Security Bureau is too important, and Liu Yang is not at the heart of his own hands.

But at this time, and now, he is now a secretary. The secretary also serves as the county head. Even if Huang Decheng leaves at this time, it is estimated that no one would dare to reach out and fight the idea of ​​the director of the Public Security Bureau.

Therefore, Zhong Wanhua has proposed to discuss the candidate of the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Liu Yang nodded in agreement immediately.

"Okay. I will arrange for an inspection of these comrades as soon as I go back. I will put it up at the meeting." Zhong Wanhua thought that the conversation with Liu Yang was good today. After looking at it, he stood up and left.

Liu Yang also stood up and said with a smile: "Well, then it will make Minister Zhong worry more. However, the focus of the inspection should be on the candidate for the director of the Public Security Bureau. This position is very important. It is related to the stability of social order in Huling County. It must not be careless. "

"Uh ... OK, I know." Zhong Wanhua was shocked when he heard Liu Yang's words. My heart said that Liu Shu. Ji didn't want Huang Decheng to continue to serve as the director?

This novel comes from reading books 惘

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