Perfect Feast

Vol 5 Chapter 25: Tricky bitch

Chapter Twenty-Five

Just as Liu Yang and Tian Manman approached the hospital, in Jinling City Houhu Park, a two-story building with red walls and greenery, a chessboard was set up in the lobby downstairs. Young girl, and an old man of about 80 years old.

On the side, there are also a man and a woman watching the battle.

The man is in his fifties, wearing a dark blue suit, combing his back, and revealing the majesty of the superior. The girl in her thirties was wearing a dark gray professional skirt and short shoulder-length hair. The whole person looked smart and tidy. She stood beside the girl with a dignified and solemn expression.

If anyone who knows Go at this time should know that the two sides of the game did not start long, the chessboard has become a scene of fierce fighting. One old and one young, one man and one woman, two people who are very different in both age and personality, the style of chess is actually fierce.

On the chessboard, there are four big dragons with their teeth dancing between black and white.

Now it was the girl's turn, with a sunspot stuck in her hand, hesitating not to fall again and again. After thinking about it for a while, the piece of chess that the girl dropped actually didn't seem to have anything to do with the fierce assassination of the mid-abdomen. Instead, it looked like a visitor, watching the friendly forces fighting on the battlefield.

"Little girl, this piece is very similar to the one you played in Huling County, but my elderly ca n’t see that it has anything to do with the whole game. This is not the level you should have. You wo n’t let me intentionally The old man? "Looking at the sunspot on the chessboard, the old man had a white stick in his hand, it seemed inadvertent, and suddenly said such a sentence.

The young girl smiled and said, "Grandpa Hong, you know, it's not my style to win or not. Besides, I dare not do this in front of your elderly people ..."

Listening to her, the old man raised the **** back into the chess box, looked down at the chessboard, and silently pondered the contrast of the situation on the chess.


Inside the hospital, looking at the small ward, five beds crowded in such a smelly space, even if Liu Yang had been used to the days of poverty when he was a child, he could not help frowning.

A small house, five beds, there are more than a dozen people who have no space to insert pins. The taste of various medicines and the smell of urine are mixed together. This environment is not as good as the conditions of the township hospital in Huling County. It's hard to imagine how these people can survive?

Tian Manman's mother was on the third bed inside, only half of her arms were covered with a quilt, and a hanging needle was stuck on the back of her brown hand. On the small stool in front of the hospital bed, a middle-aged man in his thirties was sitting, and he could recognize it at a glance by looking at it. This man might be Tian Manman's elder brother.

Although the brothers and sisters have different faces, they still have a lot in common. Liu Yang and Tian Manman walked in sideways, and the room became more crowded.

"Brother ... how's my mother?" Tian Manman's eyes overflowed with tears as he walked in and looked at the old man lying on the bed. I asked with a choke, and couldn't say any more.

"You're here? You can't even sit in this place ..." Tian Manman's brother looked at his sister, and then looked at Liu Yang standing behind her, rubbed his hands and grinned.

From his complexion, he could see his uneasiness and restraint, as well as the fatigue and apathy caused by staying up all night.

"Xiao Man ..." The sleeping old lady may have heard her daughter's voice, turned her head, and extended her other hand under the quilt.

"Mom ..." Tian Manman walked over and grabbed the old man's hand, crying and asked, "Mom, what do you think?"

"Stupid child, Mom is okay, just a little tired ..." The old man didn't know if he didn't know his condition yet, or to comfort his daughter, the words spoken were weak, but full of ease.

"Manman ... this is ..." Don't look at the old lady's eyes getting dizzy. The two women talk, but they can see Liu Yang standing behind the girl.

"This is ... Mom, this is my friend Liu Yang. Liu Yang ..." Tian Manman turned his head and looked at Liu Yang with an inexplicable panic.

Liu Yang hurried forward to gather his lower body, and said loudly, "Sister, my name is Liu Yang, and I am here to see you with Manman ..."

"Oh ... oops, this child is so tall, Kui Zi, let Liu Yang sit quickly." The old lady exaggerated Liu Yang and said to the son who was aside.

Liu Yangxin said at this point, where do you sit? I'll stand still.

The old woman grabbed Tian Manman's hand and whispered two questions, as if asking what Yang Yang was doing, etc. Liu Yang didn't hear clearly. In the end, the old lady said something, Liu Yang heard clearly: "Child, I can rest assured that this is much stronger than that, as long as you have a home, even if you die, I can close my eyes ..."

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Tian Manman was so curious that he wouldn't let the old woman talk any more, and turned to ask his brother: "Brother, how can you let us be hospitalized here? I don't think the conditions here are very good. Let's go to the provincial hospital for a checkup. The treatment is better there ... "

Tian Manman's brother blushed and lowered his head without talking, but a voice outside the door opened his mouth: "Sister, don't you not know the situation of our house, the house where I live now is my mother's. It ’s a grown-up who eats a child ’s chew. What do you and my brother do for this salary? If you have this filial piety, you better take our mother back. Are you not a cadre in your small county? Hospitalization is possible Do n’t you spend any money? How do you know we are suffering? ”

In fact, after entering, Liu Yang had the idea of ​​transferring the elderly. But he couldn't open his mouth. Tian Manman said this now, and it happened that he was in his heart, but unexpectedly at this time, Tian Manman's sister-in-law stepped in a food box.

This woman, in her thirties, was small and exquisite, she looked innocent, and she had a typical Jiangnan charm at first glance, but when she spoke, she was more spicy than the northerners.

"Sister-in-law, I don't mean that. I just think the conditions are not good here. I want to ..." Before Tian Manman explained it, the woman snorted, "You can't tell me this. The old man is You and your elder brother and sister ca n’t rely on one alone. Before you were n’t in front of us, how should we take care of and take care of the elderly, and did not let the elderly suffer. Now that you are dissatisfied, from now on we will ignore Now, you can do whatever you like. If you want to go to the provincial hospital, go to the provincial hospital. If you want to take your hometown to us, we are not forced to stay ... "

Listening to his wife's words, Tian Manman's face was bluish, his breath was violent, his face flushed and whispered, "Xiaoyue, what are you talking about? How can you talk to you like that?"

The woman may have always been strong in front of the man. After hearing Tian Manman's words, his face became more gloomy. The little white face suddenly felt like a layer of frost, and directed at Tian Man Mantako shouted, "Tian Kui, what did I say? It's not true what I said? The old man has eaten and lived in our house these past few years. What did she manage? Now she comes to be filial? She is rich. She is a cadre. She is your mother's filial piety. Who cares? She said more to me? "

The woman's mouth resembled a knife, a mumble was a long string, and people's ears were overwhelming.

"Bitch, you ..." At this time, Tian Manman naturally couldn't argue with her sister-in-law, but what the woman said was also angry.

"Tu Xiaoyue, what are you talking about? You don't look at this place?" Tian Kui was also embarrassed to hear his wife say that to her sister in front of Liu Yang. But he had always been eaten by his wife at home. Even if he was angry, he didn't dare to attack the woman. He just wanted to hold his wife and let her stop talking.

"Tian Kui, what are you talking about? I'm telling you all the truth. Sister, don't believe me, ask my mom, I've treated her like this in the past few years ..." Tu Xiaoyue couldn't say anything better. This kind of thing is found in almost every family. Everyone has their own difficulties in living, and there is no right or wrong.

Liu Yang smiled openly: "This is a bitch? Don't be angry bitch, Manman doesn't mean what you think. She, like you, also cares about the elderly's body. So let's keep it here first In the bed, Manman and I took the elderly to the provincial hospital for examination. If there is no major matter, we will return and treat here with peace of mind. If necessary, let's talk about the hospitalization there.

Tu Xiaoyue seems to have found Liu Yang at this time. He turned to look at him and asked, "What are you doing, when will it be your turn to talk about our family? It ’s not impossible to go up there. You can pay for this money." ? "

Liu Yang still said with a smile: "Okay, since you said that, I will pay for this money." In my heart, Liu Yang defined this woman: don't look at the woman's appearance, but she is very careful and thoughtful. Belong to the short and capable category.

Judging from the expression she had just spoken, she clearly knew who she was. She is deliberately running on it, and let herself pay for the elderly.

Anyway, if I take the initiative to pay for the elderly to see a doctor, I seem to look down on Tian Kui. Since this woman said so, she just borrowed her topic and expressed what she wanted to say.

Anyway, this woman is Tian Manman's sister-in-law, regardless of whether Tian Manman's mother is here to show him a child, after all, Tian Manman usually doesn't ask about the elderly. At this time, I can only give more money to show filial piety, what is there to argue?

"This is what you said?" Tu Xiaoyue and Liu Yang said for a while, but turned to ask Tian Manman: "Sister, did you hear what he said just now? He said it in your house ~ www ~ Wang Fiction First Book

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