Perfect Feast

Vol 5 Chapter 48: How to punish

Chapter 48. How to Punish

If this is normal, Qi Zhen may pretend to show his hypocritical civilization. But today he was just trained by Zhang Jing's head covering his face, which made him very angry, so he just touched it at one point, and yelled when he was furious.

In fact, if he brought a spoken word, he would just leave after scolding. In such a place, Liu Yang would not be able to chase him. The mistake is wrong. This guy sees Liu Yang as young and light, like college students who haven't been working long. The result was that after scolding, he was not addicted and wanted to do something. This cannot be blamed for Liu Yang's restraint, and the anger suddenly broke out.

Liu Yang is very hilarious. Even if he knows that he is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the director of the Propaganda Department, it is too late. But then again, even if he knew exactly who he was, it was impossible for Liu Yang to let him insult himself without taking any action, just because Qi Zhen just looked awkward.

This matter today, even when it comes to heaven, it is justified.

Therefore, watching Qi Zhen call the police to come and catch someone, Liu Yang didn't care. He was in a hurry to go upstairs, but now he stood still.

Being watched by so many people, Qi Zhen was sitting on the ground, a little embarrassed, shouting inwardly: "You have the ability to wait for me? See how I can clean you up in a while!"

Liu Yang couldn't help but sighed: "You're stupid? I didn't plan to leave at all, you can't see or sting?"

At this time, Su Hong came down from above and was five or six meters away, and stood still and shouted, "Liu Shu. Ji, Zhang Shu. Ji let you hurt his office ..."

"Oh ... I know, I'll go right away." Liu Yang gave a scornful look at Qi Zhen, turned around and followed Su Hong and went upstairs.

"Don't go ... if you go, you are ..." Qi Zhen saw Liu Yang was going, and he didn't know if he hadn't arrived at Su Hong, or didn't keep Zhang Shu. He scolded Liu Yang around his neck.

Liu Yang paused and wanted to stop and kick him. Su Hong lowered her voice and said, "Ignore him ... the leader is angry, you should hurry up."

"Liu Yang, are you capable? You dare hit someone in the office building of the Municipal Party Committee? You can hit Minister Qi, too?" Zhang Jing looked grim, but there was a smile in his eyes.

Why doesn't this guy worry? However, Qi Zhen really needs to be repaired. It's only been a few days, so dare to mess around with his back?

Regarding Zhang Jing's criticism, Liu Yang naturally did not really take it seriously. When he followed Su Hong just now, Qi Zhen still scolded him. Now that his anger hasn't subside, he hummed and told the story again Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "This guy is really not a thing. If it was not in the office building of the city committee, I would have strangled him ..."

When Zhang Jing heard him say this, he gave him a harsh white look, and said coldly, "He is wrong to curse people, and you ca n’t hit people? Now you are also a cadre on the governing side. This temper should be changed . "

Liu Yang said with a somber expression: "The cadres are the people's public servants, but they are not let the superior leaders play and scold at will!"

Zhang Jing's heart moved slightly, and he stared at Liu Yang and asked him, "What do you mean? Are you reminding me that I can't criticize you? Where do you say you can be quiet and quiet?" When you went to Jinling, you still ... "

Upon seeing Zhang Jing talking about this matter, Liu Yang quickly changed his tone: "How can it be, you have such a quality, righteous, and caring leader, don't say criticism, even if you punish me, But what the **** is that Qi Zhen? I ca n’t get him to learn? "

"Huh ... this is what you said, how can I punish you?" Zhang Jing snorted, glanced at the closed door, and stood up and said, "Then you follow me ... now it is already Off work ... "

"Then how do you punish me?" When Zhang Jing walked past Liu Yang, Liu Yang's hand had unknowingly reached behind Zhang Jing, grabbing the water snake-like waist, two people's bodies Suddenly close together.

"You ... loose!" Zhang Jing stretched out her hand nervously and pushed Liu Yang, said in a low voice: "You are getting bolder and bolder. This is in the office. Su Hong is still outside."

Just at this time, the door was knocked gently twice. The expression on Zhang Jing's face tightened, grasping Liu Yang's hand on her waist, said a little fluently, "Please, let me go first ... wait a moment to go home ..."

Liu Yang put her mouth on her lip and kissed her, and let go with a smile and said, "This is what you said?"

Zhang Jing blew her aside and ignored him. She raised her hands and brushed her hair. She took a deep breath and exhaled. Then she said, "Come in ..."

"Zhang Shu. Ji, Zuo Shu. Ji of the Political and Legal Committee came over." Su Hong gently opened the door and whispered a small obituary. Zhang Jing made a noise and nodded: "Please ask her to come in."

"Giggle ... Zhang Shu. Remember, didn't interrupt your work? I heard that the beating hero is here with you, so I can't help but come to see it ..." I didn't expect that Zuo Qingqing still entered Well, it was such a casual joke with Zhang Jing.

Zhang Jing snorted and said: "Zuo Shu. Remember that you came just right, I haven't criticized two sentences yet, he still took care of him. You are the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee. Secretary, the director of the Public Security Bureau, you came just right Let's see what to do ... "

"How to deal with this? It's really hard to say. I just learned a bit below, but the person Qi Zhenxian scolded wanted to hit him first. Now I've had someone send him to the hospital. The plaintiff's materials are still It ’s too late to implement it. It ’s too early to say how to deal with it. Is n’t it Liu Shu. Remember? ”Then, Zuo Qingqing looked at Liu Yang and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

She is a secretary of the Politics and Law Committee. She usually works in the Municipal Party Committee Building. It is normal for her to come here quickly, but when she spoke like that, she was a little bit surprised by Zhang Jing.

Seeing Zhang Jing's eyes look a bit sloppy, Liu Yang smiled and said: "Minister Qi can transfer Zuo Shu. Ji to **** him, this face is not small."

When he said that, Zhang Jing also understood that after being beaten, Qi Zhen directly called Zuo Qingqing.

Zuo Qingqing deliberately lowered his head and said, "Yeah, but what can I do? Although I'm a political and legal committee secretary, who ranks higher than him, who can make people understand? Don't panic. "

Zhang Jing sank his face and said, "Okay, don't sing and sing together here. Qi Zhen was beaten after all, and it's understandable that he was a bit overwhelmed. After the inspection results come out, as long as he is not chasing after , You do n’t want to have any extravaganza ... ”

Listening to Zuo Qingqing's words, it seems that I want to write down the materials for Qi Zhen and Liu Yang, and then find a few witnesses and take the matter as a case.

In this case, in addition to making Qi Zhen shame again, what other benefits?

No matter who he is, he is, after all, a deputy department-level cadre appointed by the province. It took less than a month to be beaten by the secretary of the county party committee. If such a thing went to the province, Qi Zhen's face was disgraceful, but what would the provincial party committee leaders think?

Zuo Qingqing and Liu Yang are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, but Zhang Jing, who is in charge of comprehensive work in a city, cannot help but think about it.

It's really because of this kind of incident that it's not good for Liu Yang.

"That line, since you have decided so, naturally I don't have any opinions." Zuo Qingqing smiled and stood up and said: "Then I will go back first. The public security bureau has prepared everyone, so I plan to Go to the hospital. "

Then, Zuo Qingqing nodded at Liu Yang and turned around and walked out. When the sound of her heels stepping on the ground went further and further, Zhang Jing snorted, "Yes, you, even Zuo Qingqing helped you like this?"

Liu Yang hurriedly said: "This ... Maybe Qi Zhen's guy is doing so ridiculous, right? People and gods are angry, it has nothing to do with me ..."

Zhang Jing stood up and said, "I don't believe you are surprised."


In the warm and overflowing two-bedroom layout of Zhang Jing, as soon as two people entered the door, Liu Yang's hand took Zhang Jing's incense shoulder.

Zhang Jing's hand was not idle, and she went directly to the bottom. She grabbed Liu Yang's belt and loosened it. She was very skillful. After three or two efforts, she untied Liu Yang's belt and took a very charming pose directly. Ripped Liu Yang's belt down.

Then Zhang Jing gently raised her hand, and Liu Yang's belt was thrown on the sofa. This series of moves is flowing in one go.

"Wow, you are so good!" Liu Yang sighed, holding Zhang Jing's waist with one hand, probing into the proud softness with one hand, covering it with his big hand, just like soothing a commotion Small animals in general.

The soft part of the body was touched by Liu Yang's hands, and Zhang Jing's entire body could not help but produce a hot fire. With Liu Yang's kisses, her skin began to heat up. Not only did she feel a dry mouth for a while, her eyes began to blur.

Both sides are already very familiar with each other. Although Zhang Jing has shown this desire, her hands did not stop, she pulled off Liu Yang's trousers directly, pierced her hands into it, and held the thatch The flagpole is standing, and a small hand is constantly moving on it.

"Oh ..." Liu Yang's body became hot and unbearable, and Zhang Jing's hand could not help but increase the strength of appeasement. At the same time as the men under him increased their strength, their throats intermittently screamed.

However, before Zhang Jing's voice was fully heard, Liu Yang and Jinye swallowed it.

Feeling that the man's other hand was unbuttoning his clothes again, Zhang Jingqiang endured the impatience of the flames and broke away from his hug. He looked at Liu Yang with a wink, with a shy, soft voice Said: "Slow, today I am punishing you, you have to listen to everything ..."

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