Perfect Feast

Vol 5 Chapter 98: How to end

Chapter 98: How To End

Therefore, the teacher no longer teaches with peace of mind, and thinks of the leader of the teaching and research group, the director of the teaching department, and the deputy director. Otherwise, even if it is exhausting preparations for the lessons, and the corrections of sleepless nights, you can earn money for one year It's boring to think about it without earning more than a month with the principal.

Doctors are no longer reassured to specialize in business, but their desperate "examination" titles, department directors, deputy directors, and deans and vice presidents are their goals.

Scientists no longer have the peace of mind to engage in scientific research, and sometimes even engage in counterfeiting, even if they can't confuse the dean or academician, they have to be a discipline leader.

In this case, the gold content of administrative officials becomes even more precious. Otherwise, why are current university graduates desperate to test civil servants?

With the status of a civil servant, not only has he carried the iron rice bowl in his life, but he has no need to pay endowment insurance and tax. In addition, even buying a car, a house, a loan, etc., enjoy some excellent conditions that ordinary people cannot enjoy.

The hospital director is a national cadre with an administrative level. Being within the system, he has a deeper understanding of all this, and he has a clearer idea of ​​what the three words, the governor of Korea, represent.

What is the situation that will allow him to run into the hospital silently at this time? What's more, the governor of Korea came directly to the emergency room.

There is no need to elaborate on this matter. Only the young man lying over there is treating the disease here, and Governor Han must have directed at him.

Sure enough, as soon as Governor Han entered, he fixed his eyes on Liu Yang ... In fact, Bao Yanzhi didn't know that Han Zonglin was staring at the baby girl sitting next to Liu Yang, holding her little hand tightly.

"Comrade Liu Yang, you have worked hard. I want to thank you for today's things. Thank you for saving Xiaobing regardless of your body ..." Han Zonglin glared at her daughter, but came to Liu Yang's side, and said so solemnly to him One sentence.

"Uh ..." Liu Yang heard a word, struggling to do it immediately, but was held out by Han Zonglin: "Don't get up, you are a patient now and need to take a good rest ..." Liu Yang did not wait to speak Han Zonglin turned his face to Bao Yanzhi: "President Bao, how is Comrade Liu Yang's condition?"

What does Han Zonglin mean? I came to the hospital in such a high profile and thanked me for saving her daughter. What was his intention? Liu Yang pondered a little, and immediately understood what he meant. He couldn't help but looked at Han Bing with a bitter smile. He said that even if one's official status is too great, this licking calf and most parents in the world are the same.

He was injured, and Han Bing came to the hospital regardless of the situation. If the governor of Korea could not perform, he would not know what it would be like if it was passed on.

However, now that Han Zonglin rushed to the hospital in person and thanked himself solemnly, even if everyone knew afterwards that the girl who was beside him was the daughter of the governor of Korea, everyone would not say anything unpleasant.

People are thanking for their help, what can you say? If anyone is talking nonsense about such things, are you still personal? Is there any conscience and righteousness?

"Xiao Bing, come to my mother, I have something to tell you ..." Seeing her daughter sitting next to the guy like a good baby, Hong Min's anger didn't blow out. When has this daughter been so obedient since childhood? But now she ...

Speaking of which, this young guy named Liu Yang is pretty good, tall, and handsome. But he was the granddaughter of the Zhao family. How could his daughter be entangled with him?

However, on the way, Han Zonglin had already told her the possible consequences of this incident, and also explained what to do after getting him to the hospital. But when Hong Min looked at Liu Yang, there was really no way to treat him and Yan Yueyan, even if he was false and pretending he could not do it.

But this man is teaching his daughter badly. Even if he doesn't slap him in the face, even if he gives him face, he wants to talk to him with a smile, and let him wait for his next life.

"Mom ..." I don't know. Although Hong Min exercised great restraint, Han Bing didn't want to return to her mother.

Liu Yang's teeth smiled and whispered: "I'm fine. Today your mom is worried enough. You should also go talk with her so that she doesn't worry about you ..."

"Oh ..." Han Bing agreed, and slowly got up.

Seeing this, Hong Min was even more angry. The daughter she raised herself did not listen to her, but the young man said a word, and the daughter stood up obediently.

As usual, this is not the case for daughters.

Even though Hong Min was unhappy, she couldn't say much in front of so many people, she just tightened Han Bing's hand and whispered, "Go back with mom later."

Hearing that Governor Han was concerned about the patient's illness, the elites in the hospital were also shocked. Bao Yanzhi hurriedly said again: "The film has been filmed, the problem should be small, the bones are not broken ..."

The surgical director wore a mask and also inserted and smiled and said, "You guy is good! In this case, although the bones are not broken, he was injured by a steel pipe filled with mercury and lead shot. The muscle damage is It is very serious. Due to the instantaneous impact, the subcutaneous tissue will have different degrees of necrosis. It hurts like a needle, and most people can't help it at this time ... "

"What are you talking about? Whose hand is it, the **** is so vicious? Captain Gao, take your man, and bring me the beating kid, I'll take him by myself ..." In the middle came a group of officers and men with ammunition and live ammunition, all of them in uniforms, with a gold star on their shoulders, Zhao Guodong.

When they saw this group of people coming in, everyone in the room was stunned.

Zhao Guodong's eyes stared at Bao Yanzhi, pointing at Liu Yang and asking him: "What is the injury of this patient? Can you cure it in the end? If you can't cure it, don't give me time and effort ..."

Liu Yang looked at Zhao Guodong at first glance and said with a bitter smile: "Brother, how did you come here? I'm fine, but I was touched with a steel pipe ..."

Zhao Guodong said with a somber face, "You still can't do this if it hurts like that? I already know about this today. I said that your kid should be punished, isn't it the governor's daughter who was chased and killed? What do you want to shoot? Fart? Knowing that you are self-sacrificing to save others, and I do n’t know what you think is impure. Even the rescued person may not be grateful to you. You ’re not doing anything to please you. ? "

"Brother ..." Liu Yang blushed and lowered his head after being scolded by his head and covering his face.

"Big brother? Big brother? You still know that I am your big brother? What do you say you are doing so hard? There are more than a hundred little **** with guys in your hands. Why is your life worthless?" On the way, Zhao Guodong inquired clearly about the situation, and it can be said that the mentality of the governor of the two Koreas has been thoroughly understood. These words clearly scolded Liu Yang, but he actually scolded Han Zonglin.

Don't **** think about it, Liu Yang is the son-in-law of our old Zhao family. He didn't even have to die to save your daughter. What kind of music do you put on Lao Tzu? I haven't gotten upset yet, you all give me the truth, otherwise, I will use this matter to make you bigger, then we will see who is ashamed.

Now those little **** who hit Liu Yang are closed in the Public Security Bureau. He wants people to get people back, not to say that they really shot people, even if the soldiers took them out of the Public Security Bureau, saying It would be shameful to go out of the Public Security Bureau.

This incident was Han Zonglin's case in person, but the offender was robbed by the soldiers. The public security bureau was ashamed. In fact, it was his Han Zonglin.

How could Han Zonglin not hear the meaning in Zhao Guodong's words? Taking a look at Zhao Guodong, Han Zonglin said saltily: "This little thing can be handled locally, so no military comrades need to intervene. Of course, if General Zhao feels that he and Liu Yang are relatives, other people deal with you. If you are assured, it is not impossible for me to let the public security bureau hand over you ... "

Just now Zhao Guodong's words didn't sound good, and Han Zonglin's words were punctured.

what are you doing? Whimpering, it seems that Tianwang Laozi is the boss and you are the second child? Don't forget what this place is. This is the Jihai Provincial Hospital, not your headquarters. There are local rules in the place. What kind of hand does your army intervene in?

If you think that you are relatives with Liu Yang, you can handle it yourself. Then you have proposed it seriously. Let ’s follow the procedure. I ’ll give it to you, OK?

Those little **** who committed crimes in the locality and who did not involve the army in the incident, why did you give me someone? If you really have the courage, let's talk about it.

How could he know that in this case, people in the army were really involved.

Zhao Guodong glanced at Xiaomei, and a stern look flashed in his eyes, and he nodded again and again and said, "Okay, okay, since the governor of Korea is so happy, let's make a decision. This case involved active duty soldiers of the China Police Force. It is most appropriate for our military to take over the investigation. When will it be handed over to the Public Security Bureau? Let's hurry ... "

This? Why is there another Central Security Bureau? What the **** is this? All the people in the room listened to the conversation between Governor Han and General Zhao, and all of them were dumbfounded. When Han Zonglin heard him say this, he suddenly hesitated. I originally wanted to take a breath. I didn't expect Zhao Guodong was waiting for himself here.

Between the telegrams in his head, he suddenly remembered what happened in the party school today. No wonder Zhao Guodong sent troops to arrest Li Zhaofa. Li Jigao's old thing would not be suffocated all his life. It turns out that there is such a key factor in the middle? !!

Unexpectedly, Zhao Laowu and Wuwu actually sent the people from the police station to Liu Yang because of their distressed granddaughter.

But, how do I end up with this?

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