Perfect Feast

Vol 6 Chapter 19: So investigating the case (1)

Chapter XIX Investigation

Guo Ziming went to the "Yu Linglong" for a banquet. No one else took it, only one Jin Lusheng.

Because he had talked with Shen Kun and over the phone before he came, Guo Ziming is relatively familiar with the situation in Binhai. Guo Ziming was naturally aware of Shen Kunhe's intention to invite himself to eat at this time.

In addition, Shen Kunhe put the place of the banquet on "Yu Linglong" again, and he knew what items would be arranged after dinner. It ’s not an absolute confidant. You ca n’t bring it to this party at this time.

Otherwise, he would not be careful, he didn't let Shen Kunhe go to the guest house to pick him up, but Jin Lusheng and two people walked out of the guest house and stopped a taxi on the road.

The car stopped at the door of "Yu Linglong" and looked at Shen Kunhe standing at the door, but Guo Ziming's eyes were on Wei Ruixia standing beside him.

Thirty-five-year-old Wei Ruixia has a mature and charming charm like a young woman. She has big eyes that will catch a man's eyes when she sees a man. She also has a **** plump chubby lips. In addition to this woman just after Shen Kun and Yun Yu, With a charming look on her face, she fell into Guo Ziming's eyes, and suddenly felt that this woman was full of charm, exuding charming charm all over her.

That tall figure, the pair of **** wrapped under the black t-shirt, the undulating lines, the long and beautiful legs, and the white tender feet wearing blue high-heeled sandals, are all the pride God gave her. The strong, ripe smell on her body, I believe that as long as a normal man, no one will fall for her.

Just as he looked at Wei Ruixia, Shen Kunhe came to him with a smile on his face, and lowered his voice, "You are here, please ..."

"Oh ... OK, OK, Xiaoshen, I didn't expect you to have such a luxurious place in Binhai City. Good, good ... this is ..." While talking, Guo Ziming's hand pointed at Wei Ruixia.

"This is Wei Ruixia, the deputy director of the Education Bureau of our city ... Director Wei, this is the governor of Guo ..." Wei Ruixia is not a big official, but she is very strong in front of the man, she is just holding on to Guo Ziming. Nodded his head and whispered: "Hello Governor Guo, please ..."

Wei Ruixia held a brand-name handbag in one hand, and the other hand gracefully matched the curvature of the body, and waved toward the hall.

Wei Ruixia didn't rush to shake hands with Guo Ziming like ordinary officials. She didn't know whether she was afraid of Shen Kun and being jealous, or felt that Guo Ziming's two eyes seemed to be uncomfortable.

The more she did, the more Guo Ziming felt that this woman was extraordinary.


Just as Shen Kun and Yin Qin waited for Guo Ziming to enter the private room, Xue Zhenning at the Discipline Inspection Commission was in trouble. Shen Kunhe entrusted him with a very difficult task. Neither Liu Yang could see Pei Wenjie, nor could he offend this difficult living god. This time, Xue Zhenning was so sad that he couldn't see anyone, and Liu Yang refused to leave.

Just when he was in a hurry to turn around, Sun Qingyun came out of the office with a small bag. Seeing Xue Zhenning still walking around the corridor, he couldn't help wondering: "What are you doing now? Now it's off work, why are you still standing here and not going home for dinner?"

"That ... oh ..." Is it time to get off work? Xue Zhenning looked at his watch. Is it already twelve?

Sun Qingyun walked away from Xue Zhenning while talking, but her body just missed half of the position with Xue Zhenning's body, but Sun Qingyun stopped again: "Xue Shu. Ji, Provincial Youth League Committee Liu Shu. Remember?

"Ah ... no, I haven't left yet, Liu Shu. Ji is still sitting in my office ..." Asked by Sun Qingyun, it was an emergency for Xue Zhenning.

His eyes rolled around, and he immediately took a step towards Sun Qingyun very respectfully, and bent down and nodded, "Sun Shuji, remember, I think so, you can see that it's all time for dinner, let's Should I stay with Liu Shu. Remember to eat a meal? Although they and us are not in the same system, Liu Shu. Remember that a few of them are from the province after all. When our Discipline Inspection Commission caught up with the meal, we tried our best. Friendship should also be. "

When he said this, Sun Qingyun turned to look at him and said in a deep voice, "Since then, you can arrange it. I just said that I am no longer in the unit, and I will not go ..."

Xue Zhenning said heartily that if you do n’t go, how can I invite people out?

Therefore, Xue Zhenning said with a smile: "It's not easy to say yet. I'll tell you later that you heard Secretary Liu coming back from the outside, and it seems that our Discipline Inspection Commission attaches great importance to the provincial Youth League Committee ..."

After hearing Xue Zhenning's words, Sun Qingyun's face finally showed a smile: "This way? Well then. You set the hotel, and I will go down with you to see Liu Shu. Remember ..."

After Xue Zhenning finished the phone call, the two went to Xue Zhenning's office together. Liu Yang and Fang Xuebing were still sitting in Xue Zhenning's office. They drank several pots of tea. Don't say that the two junior staff members, even Fang Xuebing, are a little impatient, but look at Deputy Secretary Liu, but the old **** is still there, sitting on the sofa with a newspaper in his hand, as steady as Mount Tai.

Fang Xuebing couldn't help secretly feeling about his deputy leader: It was indeed a person who had been in charge of the local cattle ears. People sat there, no matter how young they looked, it was like a big cadre.

In fact, where did she know that Liu Yang had already suffocated at this time? This Xue Zhenning actually cooled himself down and waited for him to disappear. The more you don't let me see, I have to ask about this.

But if he is the leader of the team, even if he is in a hurry, he cannot show his face. While impatient with Liu Yang, Xue Zhenning came in with a **** in her forties.

"Oh, I'm really sorry, Liu Shu. Remember, I just went to report to the leaders, but are the leaders busy? Maybe I won't have time to listen to my report in the afternoon. Come, let me introduce you, this This is the head of our Discipline Inspection Commission, Sun Shu. Ji, I heard that you are here, Sun Shu. Ji, but pushed back for other work ... "As soon as he entered the house, Xue Zhenning pretended to be very sorry and said something. Once again, and before waiting for Liu Yang to ask him, he pushed Sun Qingyun out as a shield.

"Hello Liu Shu. Remember, I am Sun Qingyun of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Binhai City ..." Generally speaking, I can say that I am a certain unit of a certain unit, which is the leader of the unit. What's more, as soon as Xue Zhenning came in, he was named. This is Sun Shu. Ji, the chief of their discipline inspection committee. It is estimated that he was also afraid that he would blast at him and made him unable to come down to the stage, so he hurriedly lifted the leader of their unit out.

Even if Liu Yang stunned the fire again, facing Sun Qingyun's faint smile and the hand extended by others, Liu Yang could not say anything else at this time.

Liu Yang reached out and held Sun Qingyun's hand and said, "Hello Sun Shu. Secretary, I am the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Youth League Committee. Secretary Liu Yang is also the deputy leader of the Provincial Party Investigation Team. The school bus case involves your high-tech zone. Comrade Pei Wenjie, and Pei Wenjie is right here, so I had to bother Sun Shu. Ji. I'm sorry for delaying Sun Shu. Ji's normal work! "

Sun Qingyun's words were very straightforward and very interesting: "Oh, Liu Shu. Ji is very polite. This case is Xue Shu. Ji is in charge. If you need us to cooperate, you can just ask him. I rushed back, mainly to dinner. I wanted to invite Liu Shuji and a few comrades to have a light meal, to do a little bit of landlord friendship, and also to Liu Shu. Ji can give this face!

With these few words, Liu Yang knew that this Sun Shu. Ji was a powerful character. She said a few words in a few simple words to herself.

On the first level, Sun Qingyun was telling himself that Pei Wenjie's case was not intended by the Commission for Discipline Inspection, but was explained above. The second meaning was to tell Liu Yang that Xue Zhenning was responsible for this matter, and she was not involved. The third level means that she is personally willing to make friends with Liu Yang, and has no intention of obstructing the investigation team of the Provincial Party Committee from handling the case.

The reason she was willing to meet with Liu Yang was mainly to explain these things, and eating dinner was just an excuse. As for the others, it is not something she can do. This matter still falls on Xue Zhenning.

Liu Yang smiled lightly and looked at Sun Qingyun and said, "Thank you Sun Shu. For your kindness, then we should respect it better. We will put it aside for a while, and I will find Xue Shu. Ji after eating. "

Xue Zhenning's face suddenly changed, and his heart said that it should not be like this? Shouldn't it? Sun Qingyun has come forward. Why don't you find her?

Sun Qingyun, the pussy, also had bad water in her stomach. She must know that she wanted to push her out as a shield. Only then did she meet Liu Yang and fell to the ground.


Yu Linglong had no other guests on the entire sixth floor, only Guo Ziming.

Normally, Guo Ziming can drink a few glasses, but I don't know what is going on today. He said when he came up that he was handling the case this time. You can drink a little but not overdose. Therefore, throughout the banquet, he just drank two glasses of wine with each of Shen Kunhe, Jin Lusheng, and Wei Ruixia, and urged him to refrain from drinking.

Shen Kunhe thought he was drunk, so he didn't ask for more advice. After a few people finished eating soon, Shen Kun and halfway out, he invited Guo Ziming to "rest and rest."

According to normal arrangements, Shen Kun and Guo Ziming should be sent to the No. 6 private room. Wei Ruixia was responsible for taking Jin Lusheng to the door of the 9th private room.

In the No. 6 private room, the two white Russian girls carefully selected by the exquisite boss Gao Wenjun had already been waiting inside. In the No. 9 private room, naturally, someone was also responsible for receiving Director Jin. After Shen Kunhe had sent Guo Ziming, he thought about going back to his special private room with Wei Ruixia and continuing the unfinished business just now.

I do n’t know. After going out, Guo Ziming glanced at Shen Kun and gave a light hand. Just send me there ... "

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