Perfect Feast

Vol 6 Chapter 27: Female subordinate's hint

Chapter 27. The Hint of Female Subordinates

Since you have to rely on it, then you need to be frank, so painless and itchy, just like standing in a team, she also takes herself too seriously.

Liu Yang had a few drinks in Zhao Guodong's side just now, but now I want to get confused for a while, but I was not in the mood to listen to her playing with her heart.

Seeing it just looking at herself but no longer talking, Liu Yanggang spoke to let her leave, Fang Xuebing said suddenly: "Actually ... that money was Li Meizhi's book. Keep in mind, according to the then Deputy Mayor of Binhai City, Wang Chengye, gave it The Education Bureau of Binhai City issued arrears of teachers' salaries in Luojia Town Primary School ... "

Liu Yang froze and turned to look at her.

Now that it has been said, Fang Xuebing has nothing to hide: "At that time, the teachers of Luojiazhen appealed to the collective. At that time, they were just catching up with their superiors and were visiting the mayor of Wang Chengye, so Li Meizhi ..."

Liu Yang took the tea cup and drank tea slowly, while listening to her, thinking about the truth of the matter.

"At that time, I was just a little deputy director. She was a deputy secretary. Many things were only obedient. I didn't dare to resist, and I couldn't resist. Suspect? Then stop talking ... "Fang Xuebing smiled and raised his hand to cover the hair on his forehead. The movement was indescribably beautiful:" Maybe, I didn't even want to resist at the time. As soon as Li Shuji said, I agreed ... "

"So, you also took the position of deputy director of the office?" Liu Yang put down the tea cup and asked with a light smile: "Since Li Shu. Ji is also good for you, why did you tell me this?"

Fang Xuebing blinked, teasing with meaning, and said with a naughty expression: "I said these, I just want to be you, can you?"

Does this word contain another meaning? Liu Yang didn't say a word, drinking tea again with a tea cup, and looking at Fang Xuebing quietly from start to finish.

"My deputy director gave her a good job, but this is just a hammer sale. I'm not her. Basically, I am still a lonely ghost ..." Then, Fang Xuebing dialed the horn. Xiu Fa, Jiaoxiao laughed: "I still have a message, Zhang Shidong is going to Yichuan as deputy secretary."

Liu Yang froze a little, and said that he would not be the mayor? Why did you become a deputy again?

Yichuan City is a southeast border city of Jihai Province. During the revolutionary wars, it had made arduous and tremendous contributions to building a new country, but it has been developing slowly since the founding of the country. After nearly three decades of reform, although the economic development is good now, it is still incomparable with those cities in Renzhou and Daocheng. It is still behind in the province.

But the more so, the easier it is to get results. Relying on Zhang Shidong's accumulated contacts in the province over the years, if he continues to serve as mayor for a term, it will be easy to do something glorious. But if he was to be a deputy secretary, he was afraid that he would feel guilty ...

Fang Xuebing seemed to be waiting for Liu Yang to digest this information. After a while, he continued: "This is the information I just received. I heard that Governor Qi wanted to let him be the mayor of Caozhou. The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee convened yesterday afternoon. At the coordinating meeting, Minister Yang of the Organization Department held a clear objection. In the end, according to the opinions of the Organization Department, Zhang Shidong went to Yichuan City as deputy secretary. "

The Standing Committee Coordination Committee is a common meeting of standing committee members. It is a coordination meeting on important issues before they are discussed by the Standing Committee. The results of the meeting basically controlled the tone of the Standing Committee. For important personnel appointments, the meeting will generally be Zhang Shuji, Ji, Governor of Korea, Deputy Secretary Li Jigao, Executive Vice Governor Yu Fengnian, Deputy Governor Qi Daoyuan, and Organization Minister Yang Decai.

Ye Mingju, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee, and Zuo Quangong, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, although they have a high degree of weight, but in terms of personnel appointments, the right to speak is not great. Only when the Standing Committee met the bull at the meeting, it was necessary to get the Standing Committee to resolve the unavailability. Ye Mingju, Zuo Quangong, and others, and even Zhang Baoxi, the commander of the provincial military region, said that the vote became very important.

Of course, if the authority of the provincial Party committee secretary is not prosperous, this kind of top-notch issue will inevitably occur frequently on major personnel appointment issues. In most cases, the opinions of the provincial party committee secretary and the governor are not coordinated. But this happened after Zhang Qixiong arrived in Jihai Province. After all, he is a member of the Politburo. Even if Han Zonglin took a sigh of relief, he wanted to kick his wrist with him secretly. The situation of tit-for-tat on the face has not yet happened.

Qi Daoyuan and Han Zonglin are very close. This is a well-known thing, because between him and Han Zonglin, there is also a standing deputy governor Yu Fengnian. Only by getting close to Han Zonglin can he be able to compete with Yu Fengnian.

The people who want to release Zhang Shidong are far from being together, but this matter must have already been supported by Han Zonglin. However, the person who opposed Zhang Shidong's appointment as mayor of Caozhou was not Zhang Qixiong, but Yang Decai, the head of the Organization Department. This is very intriguing.

Others may not know how Yang De came to Jihai, but Liu Yang knew it very well.

It was precisely because the relationship between the previous Organization Minister Fang Yuzhu and Zhang Qixiong was too close, and the suppressed Han Zonglin couldn't stand it, so he tried everything he could, and would rather give Fang Yuzhu a half-scale, but also remove Fang Yuzhu from Jihai crowded away.

It took him so much effort to change the head of the organization department. Could it be that Yang De is actually not his person? As he thought about it, Liu Yang's eyes could not help but emerged that Yang Decai was as fat as Maitreya.

When did he see that he was a little old man with a smile on his face, don't know what it was like to argue with Qi Daoyuan?

Seeing a faint smile on the corner of Liu Yang's mouth, Fang Xuebing went on to say: "I heard that at the meeting, it was originally intended to negotiate the Provincial Party Committee Secretary. The secretary can be Zhang Shushu. Keep in mind that this matter will be discussed later ... "

Listening to Fang Xuebing's words, Liu Yang was stunned. I'm afraid, this is her reputation for relying on herself?

Undoubtedly, after Zhang Shidong's transfer, on the seniority of capital, the position of the provincial party committee secretary should also be Ou Xiaodan's turn. But this time the investigative team did not allow Ou Xiaodan to serve as deputy leader, and it already gave a signal. I'm afraid, the above is also waiting for the outcome of this case in Binhai?

If the matter involves Ou Xiaodan, she can't do anything in this position. However, according to what Fang Xuebing said just now, Qian Mingming who bought the school bus was the master of Li Meizhi and gave it to the Binhai Education Bureau. Maybe the above is just waiting to see Li Meizhi's joke.

But just now Fang Xuebing felt that he was very hopeful to compete, or Tao would not take the news to himself as a vote. However, Liu Yang knew that his qualifications were too shallow. Although he said that in the history of Jihai City, the secretary of the provincial and provincial party committee at the deputy department level had appeared before, but it would be inappropriate for him to do so. Don't say that Li Jigao will object, I'm afraid Han Zonglin, Qi Daoyuan and others will not agree.

Looking at Fang Xuebing, Liu Yang had to look at her again. She also said that she was a lonely ghost that no one wanted, but the Standing Committee Coordination Committee is not a standing committee. Not only is there a small number of participants, but usually the service personnel are not allowed to listen.

Before the content of the coordination meeting was formally finalized by the Standing Committee, it was highly confidential. It was really too simple for her to get the news.

Even though there are shrimp and fish, and fish and fish, no matter what, it still shows that this woman is really very smart.

After speaking, Fang Xuebing slowly put his hands folded on his knees, showing a very ladylike, very quiet look. Now she is waiting, waiting for Liu Yang to measure her value.

In fact, if Liu Yang and Zhang Qixiong are not in a special relationship, they might really be tempted. Not to mention anything else, because she can get inside information in advance, this woman is worth pulling in.

Unfortunately, she missed it because she didn't know the relationship between Liu Yang and Zhang Qixiong. I'm afraid, this is why she can't rely on this to be favored in front of Li Meizhi.

Because Li Meizhi, like herself, has more reliable sources in the Standing Committee. It is even said that people you know can not only inquire about some gossip, but even say that they can influence the standing committee's direction.

Although Zhang Qixiong usually does not disclose any news to himself, as long as it is a matter of concern to him, even if Zhang Qixiong does not disclose to himself, he will make corresponding arrangements.

In such a comparison, Fang Xuebing's role can basically be ignored.

Thinking of this, Liu Yang looked at her with a small smile: "You are trusting in me, I am afraid that it will not be of any benefit, I think you are too clever. What you said today, I just did n’t hear it, you can rest assured . "

Liu Yang does not need a loyal running dog, but feels that Fang Xuebing's ambition is not small, and that little grace and small favor that she can give, she may not feel satisfied. I, myself, will never make mistakes because of taking care of the people.

And tell her not to worry, just because of what Li Meizhi said to her just now. In fact, to put it bluntly, since Li Meizhi did not put it in his belt, it was not a crime. It's just not in accordance with the procedures, and embezzlement of public funds ... This is the foundation's donation, I'm afraid that even public funds can't be counted.

At best, Li Meizhi is just a violation of discipline, and it is a relatively minor one. Even if you want to pursue it, what can you pursue her?

The money is considered to be well spent and the teachers have been repaid. Nothing can be considered a bad thing.

Since I don't plan to use Li Meizhi for this matter, what Fang Xuebing said just now will naturally rot in my stomach.

Fang Xuebing seemed to know Liu Yang's thoughts. He stood up with a smile and said, "Isn't he too clever? I have something in it. I don't dare to say about other strengths, but I always believe in my own vision. People go to high places and go to water Low-level stream. I want to set up a pier to make it easier for me to go forward. Is this not wrong? Secretary Liu is a big man and you are afraid that you wo n’t be able to control my little woman ~ ~惘 Fiction First Book

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