Perfect Feast

Vol 6 Chapter 44: Cousin

Chapter 44: Cousin

Although unlike Zhang Hui, Zhang Qixiong and Liu Yang only met for five minutes. However, after two or seven minutes of conversation, Zhang Qixiong looked at his watch and ended his conversation with Liu Yang.

His car and secretary were already waiting at the gate of the courtyard.

"I still have a meeting, let Zhang Hui send you back." Zhang Qixiong hurriedly walked out of the yard after speaking. Watching his car leave slowly, Liu Yang also said goodbye to Zhao Hongying.

"Wait a while, I'll change my clothes ..." Seeing this, Zhang Hui really looks like a very good girl. When Zhang Qixiong left, he said he would send him back. Although Zhang Qixiong had already left, Zhang Hui still Also meticulously executed Zhang Qixiong's order.

In fact, Liu Yang knew what had changed about her elder aunt. Don't look at her beautiful and dignified appearance, but she was also full of flowers. The last time she made herself impersonate her boyfriend and almost put herself in a dilemma. I do n’t want to be with her without being with her. I want to get away from her as far as I can, but I do n’t want to let her give her away.

Liu Yang quickly refused: "No need ... I'm driving."

"What kind of car do you drive? Dare to run to our house after drinking so much ... Do you think the traffic police on the road are also your relatives?" Zhang Hui stared at Liu Yang and gave Liu Yang a harsh look: "Huh Do you think I really want to send you? I went to see your wife, my cousin. She came to our house a few days ago and was severely beaten by my mother. What about it? I'm fine if I don't go and see? "

"What?" Liu Yangxin said no, Zhao Jingjing was normal these two days. How could it be a little emotional?

As he thought, he looked at Zhao Hongying. Zhao Hongying snorted and said, "You girl, do you say your mother like that? What I said is like the old monster in Montenegro? Quietly came a few days ago and said that he didn't want to separate from you. Let me tell your uncle that this time I still let you stay in the Youth League, and I did n’t agree with her. I said let me move you and I do n’t care, do n’t let you move me and do n’t care. It ’s not what I said at home. How could this be my grammar? That was my baby niece, and I did n’t like it too late ... ”

Zhao Hongying's remarks seemed to be complaining about her daughter's slanderous self, and she seemed to explain to Liu Yang. "Your sister talked a lot and told your uncle and quiet things, and also said that our two women had a quarrel. Your uncle called you today, and he was worried that you might have the same idea ..."

"Uh ..." Liu Yang couldn't help but startled and said that there was still such a drama in the internal force? Zhao Jingjing's Danzi is too big, so he gave himself such a hand? See how I can pack her when I go back.

"Well, who do you want to show your face to? It's a dog biting Lu Dongbin that doesn't know people's hearts." Said it was to Liu Yang, but Liu Yang drove Zhang Hui in his car.

In the car, Liu Yang only uttered a word, causing Zhang Hui to become furious, rolled his eyes like a cannon, and stormed Liu Yang.

When Zhang Hui arrived at the house, Zhang Hui didn't stop, and immediately she took Zhao Jingjing to sue herself. She made Zhao Jingjing look cold and pamper her eyes. The two sisters really looked alike. The look of rolling eyes was just from one Carved out of the mold.

"Okay, okay, do n’t I just say that you do n’t want to participate in this kind of thing, how can I get it as if it was a big bad thing? Just be careful with both of you, you think I really do n’t understand Ah? Why are you afraid of separation between the two places, and what made me stay in the Youth League for a few more years? Did n’t you just reach out and give me an officer? Thank you, okay? ”Liu Yang said, while holding the tea cup Pushed in front of Zhao Jingjing: "Wife, drink saliva, moisten your throat and scold me again, anyway, my sister is here, otherwise your sisters will relay, one tired and the other up ..."

Is this normal? I don't know why Zhang Hui listened to her ears, and suddenly raised her hand, and smashed the pillow on the back waist: "The dog can't vomit ivory, nonsense, go to death!"

"Well, what did you say that made your sister so angry?" Just now the son was in his arms twice. Zhao Jingjing's energy was all on the little baby. He didn't hear what Liu Yang said, and saw Zhang Hui. Angrily smashed Liu Yang, and then asked unhappy.

"You ask him, he ..." Zhang Huiguang opened his mouth without making a sound, just looking at his mouth, but the words below were "stinky hooligan".

"Wife, I'm really wronged. You give me a comment. Where did I say these words wrong?" Then, Liu Yang wanted to repeat what he said just now. This time Zhang Hui pulled the diaper that Yang Haoyu, the young master of the Yang family, had just changed, and hit Liu Yang's face with a swipe.

Liu Yang reached out and took off the diaper from his face, took it in his hand, and said with a smile: "Oh, my son's must not smell, it smells good ..."

"You ... especially shameless ..." Not only shameless, but the most prominent in shamelessness, what more can you say about him?

"Okay, look at you, don't hurry up to wash and wash ..." The two quarreled. Zhao Jingjing still had to tie Zhang Hui under normal circumstances. After all, there is something different inside and out. Zhang Hui, the cousin, will never get closer to his man. According to the "Chinese-style hypocrisy" principle of life, at this time she should be on the side of Zhang Hui.

However, when Liu Yang's diaper was smashed on Liu Yang's face, Liu Yang didn't think about it, but Zhao Jingjing was a little upset.

Zhang Hui didn't rub the sand in her eyes, turned her face to Zhao Jingjing, and sneered coldly, "Why, is this distressed?" Zhao Jingjing teased her son and deliberately didn't talk to her.

"Well, do you two bully me in partnership? Well, I decided on the civil defense project in Binhai City, I want 70% ..." Zhang Hui was a little bit gritted, she did n’t agree, she would n’t Willing posture.

"I've said it before, business matters, I don't care ... Nono, Xiaoyu obedience ... what do you want to do, you and Hu Xiaohong talk." Zhao Jingjing is light and light, just teasing with a smile With his son, there is one that doesn't have one to talk to Zhang Hui.

"You ... you dead girl, do you believe that Hu Xiaohong so much?" Zhang Hui asked unwillingly.

Zhao Jingjing smiled and said, "What's not to believe? Money and money are all things outside the world. She turned the company into her own. With Liu Yang's salary, it was enough for us to eat. Besides, I do n’t want to. And your billionaire cousin? "

"You ... I'm not telling you, neither of you have normal brains." This time, Zhang Hui was completely defeated, and he stood up and went out: "Xiaomei, send me to Shuiyuntian, I Going to a spa to relax ... "

"Giggle, let's go, I hope that Ye Zuming is not waiting for you ..." Zhao Jingjing looked at her with a smile, really which pot is not open to mention which pot.

Zhang Hui's footsteps were a little hesitant, but in the end he turned back and said, "I'm so scared! But, I'm more afraid of you ... nervation!"

"Well, let's go so soon?" Liu Yang washed his face and came out, looking at only Zhao Jingjing and his son in the living room, and couldn't help asking.

"Well, I'm angry ..." Zhao Jingjing told the truth, without hiding anything.

For the pair of cousins ​​Zhao Jingjing and Zhang Hui, Liu Yang also couldn't figure out how to get along with them. Obviously the two people are close and close to each other, but they have to quarrel as long as they are together, I really don't know why.

Regarding this phenomenon, Liu Yang has already seen something strange, so he won't ask Dong Wenxi's vain comment, and sat beside Zhao Jingjing, reaching out to take over his son for a while to tease. I do n’t know. His hand has not been extended, and the cell phone in his pocket rings.

Zhang Jing called, which made Liu Yang feel a little strange. About, Zhang Jing didn't expect to be at home at this time, and his wife was sitting beside her, right?

But the more hesitant at this time, Liu Yang quickly answered the phone and asked, "Hello Zhang Shu. Remember, call at this time, any instructions?"

Zhang Jing wasn't stupid. When Liu Yang shouted at her sister, he knew that there were others there. In fact, Zhang Jing made this call and really told Liu Yang that he was serious, even if there were people on his side, he wouldn't seem to have a ghost.

However, she still asked, "Why, isn't it convenient for you?"

Zhang Jing asked the meaning of this statement, and he was asking Liu Yang if he was with an outsider who was inconvenient to tell secret things.

"No, I'm home!" Liu Yang's answer was also very interesting. Sister, I'm at home now, except for the two of us, we can't say anything, just talk.

With that said, Zhang Jing understood. She coughed on the phone before she said, "Congratulations, you have taken another step up."

Oh, this is what my dear sister Zhang called. This reassures Liu Yang. During this time, I will definitely call the congratulations of many people on the street, which is nothing.

Liu Yang smiled and said, "Haha, thank you Zhang Shu. Remember, I'm just making progress, and I still follow you behind you, step by step forward? Are you always my guiding light? ... "

Zhang Jing wants to say that you are also sweet. Now that you are already the Deputy Hall, catch up with my main hall, which is just two or three years? In the future, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up behind you.

However, considering his wife is still with him, Zhang Jingzhong didn't say so, but said in a quiet tone: "But there is one more thing you know now? Li Yibin went to Binhai City as mayor ... "

"Who are you talking about? Li Yibin?" I rely, why did this guy go to Binhai? He and himself were absolutely wrong. Li Yibin went to Binhai to become mayor, and it seemed that he was busy.

This article comes from reading novels

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