Perfect Feast

Vol 6 Chapter 71: Doomed

Chapter 71

At the thought of being pleased, Li Xiulan almost laughed.

However, after her excitement gradually calmed down, it was discovered that the taxi name did not drive north as he said, but passed the intersection turned to the university town and went east.

"Master, where are you going from here? Shouldn't you turn around at the intersection to the university town?" Li Xiulan grasped the door of the car nervously and asked the driver.

"Oh, there's road construction over there, you need to detour to Binhai Road ..." The driver said calmly, not only didn't stop, but also added a throttle.

"Need a detour?" Li Xiulan muttered in confusion, saying that she wouldn't, just now I saw many cars driving in that direction ...

"Stop, where are you going?" Seeing the road ahead was getting darker and more remote, Li Xiulan suddenly felt a feeling of fear. At this time, if the car was not driving too fast, she would There is an urge to open the door and jump.

"Oh, there are times when the famous wild rose on the road is scared? This is so rare ..." The taxi driver kept his speed, but looked at Li Xiulan in the rearview mirror and laughed twice.

"Stop ... Who are you? What do you want to do?" Li Xiulan knew that she must be in danger now when she was called the "Wild Rose" nickname. However, it was not clear who the other party was.

"What do I want to do? Hehe, you'll know this after a while ... But the wild rose is really a noble person, and forgets me so quickly. How could I have been like this without you The taxi driver said, suddenly turning his head, a scar on his left face continued from his eyebrow to his left lip, similar to a crimson cricket lying on his back.

"Ah ... you ... are you Zhang Tao? You haven't died yet?" The surprised cry came out of Li Xiulan's mouth.

Zhang Tao grinned loudly and said proudly: "I didn't expect it? How could I die without watching you and Gao Wenjun die? Now Gao Wenjun has gone in, now it's your turn ..."

While talking, Zhang Tao turned the steering wheel and drove the car directly to an abandoned factory on the side of the road. Didi hit the horn twice. Suddenly, the original darkened workshop lighted up.

As the car stopped, two tall men walked out of the plant and stood on either side of the car. Li Xiulan's two legs seemed to be in the wind. She wanted to stand up and get off the bus without obeying the command. Her entire body seemed to collapse, and she sat in the back seat softly, her heart slowly. Spread out.

Zhang Tao, how could it be him? Shouldn't he have died?

At the beginning, Gao Wenjun and Zhang Tao were the two largest underground forces in Binhai. Gao Wenjun occupies the entire Xicheng District, while Zhang Tao's forces are mainly in the Dongcheng District.

As the city's center shifted to the east, Xicheng District gradually declined, while Zhang Tao's Dongcheng District gradually prospered. This situation made Gao Wenjun reluctant and looked jealous.

With the support of Yan Qinghua, Gao Wenjun began to penetrate Dongcheng District, and finally the two forces launched a battle for the site. Because of the cooperation of the police, Zhang Tao was not only seized by Gao Wenjun, but his people were also seized by Gao Wenjun.

The scar on his face was left by Li Xiulan himself.

At that time, Zhang Tao had kneeled down for mercy, expressing his willingness to hand over everything, and only asked Gao Wenjun to spare him. If Gao Wenjun would accept him, he would follow Gao Wenjun from then on. If Gao Wenjun is not assured, he will be far away from his hometown, and he will not step into Binhai City in his life.

At that time, Gao Wenjun was a little moved, but Li Xiulan stood up and said that only dead people are the most reassuring. The woman personally took a knife and opened Zhang Tao's face, and then asked someone to help him with a stone, put it in a sack and throw it into the sea.

It was also Zhang Tao's fate, and he didn't know what was going on, but he was always drifted by the sea water to Wenchang City, more than 60 miles south of Binhai City.

On that day, Cong Wanqing, director of the Public Security Bureau of Wenchang City, was fishing with a fishhook on a yacht. Facing the rippling blue sea, what he thought was how to transfer back to the city. It wasn't until the fishing rod in his hand almost came off that he saw that his hook actually "fished" to a dead person.

In this way, Zhang Tao was rescued by Cong Wanqing, and then began to develop in Wenchang with the support of Cong Wanqing. Originally, Cong Wanqing's idea was to let him control the underground forces in Wenchang City and increase his political achievements. Who knew that it didn't take long before Miao Xiaoou realized his promise at the time of divorce and asked Liu Changyou to transfer him back to the city bureau.

It was not until Gao Wenjun's accident that Cong Wanqing called Zhang Tao back to Binhai City again, allowing him to work secretly to take over the vacuum left by Gao Wenjun's fall.

Cong Wanqing knew very well that no matter where it is, such things as underground forces will never disappear. Instead of letting others master, it is better to change to someone you can trust. In this way, the director of the Public Security Bureau is also relieved.

This time, Li Xiulan was going to take a look at Yulinglong. Just in case, Cong Wanqing used Zhang Tao's people. No matter where Li Xiulan ran away, Zhang Tao's people would surely find it.

However, Zhang Tao himself drove a taxi, which was originally intended to be used by his staff. How could Li Xiulan beckon to take a car? This was taken to Zhang Tao's hands.

I don't know if it is Li Xiulan who deserves it, or does it really seem to have a will? !!

"Damn, what do you do when you get there and get off the car ..." Seeing Li Xiulan sitting in the car, one of the tall men said, reached out and drove the door, making her like an eagle The chicken entered the factory.

Inside the spacious Xuanchang plant, several light bulbs hung high exuding a yellow glow. In the middle of the two rows of old machines, someone was separated by colored steel tiles into a place like a living room and a bedroom.

It's a living room, because it contains daily items such as tables, sofas, televisions, coffee tables, and so on. It's okay to say it's a bedroom, because of the walls made of colored steel tiles, and two large Simmons beds in the inner corner.

The quilt on the bed was messy, and there were a few muddy leather shoes on the bed thrown to the ground. There is a hot and sour smell in the whole space, and I don't know how this taste comes.

Li Xiulan was thrown on the sofa, and she couldn't help shivering in the sofa. She knew that she had fallen into Zhang Tao's hands this time, and there must be nothing good to eat.

Thinking of being tortured by Zhang Tao in accordance with her treatment of Zhang Tao, Li Xiulanqiang said in a spirited way: "Zhang Tao, look at you like this, you are very nervous, right? What do you need, I try to be satisfied, just don't hurt me ... ... "

"Smells, now I still give Lao Tzu the Ecstasy Soup, Lao Tzu is not so easy to pass ..." Zhang Tao sat opposite her and said with gritted teeth.

Another tall man was coming over with a rope and sealing tape at this time. Zhang Tao waved his hand and said, "No, in a place like this, she would tear her throat and no one would hear it."

Said, Zhang Tao was playing with a gold-plated lighter, and the flames would ignite and extinguish after opening and closing. Zhang Tao seemed to enjoy the kind of dingling voice. After playing for a while, he just said, "Wild rose, let's say, how do you want to die?"

"Don't ... don't kill me, I have money in my bag, and gold and silver jewelry, and I can give you all these things ..."

Before Li Xiulan's words fell, Zhang Tao laughed and laughed, "Fuck, where is your savvy? You are dead, these things are not mine?"

"Yeah ... you're right ... but there are billions on the bank cards in the bag. If I die, you won't be able to get the money ..." At this time, Li Xiulan was the only one The trick is to delay. On those bank cards, there are still billions of dollars, not RMB but US dollars.

With so much money, I don't believe that Zhang Tao is indifferent. As long as he wants the money, he doesn't want to kill himself now. As long as he doesn't do it immediately, he can always find an opportunity to escape.

After hearing her say intermittently, Zhang Tao scolded loudly: "You **** ... joke, you do n’t even believe a three-year-old child, who do you think I am? Gao Wenjun's money has been taken away by the government , Where are you **** billions? "

To this day, Li Xiulan knows that it would be useless if he did not take out a little work. She stretched out her finger and pointed at the travel bag on the coffee table, pretending to have a calm look, and looked at Zhang Tao. "If you don't believe it, open the bag, and there will be a million dollars in cash alone. Add diamonds, gold, etc. There are about 200 million. If my money is confiscated by the government, where does this money come from? "

Zhang Tao listened, and a look of excitement appeared on his face. The tall man standing next to him reached for the travel bag on the coffee table, but Zhang Tao kicked it apart.

"Brother Zhang ..." the man yelled puzzledly. Zhang Tao said coldly, "What are you doing? Forget what I said to you? You don't know who these things are, and you dare to reach out ..."

"Boss, I just took a look, but didn't think ..." With that said, the guy smiled wretchedly: "Hey, let's leave one or two, isn't it a big deal?"

Zhang Tao said coldly, "If you want to die, I won't stop you ..."

The guy smiled blackly and dragged back two steps: "Hey, I'm just kidding, why are you so serious, Brother Zhang?"

Listening to their conversation, Li Xiulan felt powerless, with a cold air on her body. Is there anyone on Zhang Tao? who's that person? He ... how is he going to treat himself?

The fear of the unknown made her now stand up and run out. However, at this time, Li Xiulan only felt that she was so soft that she didn't want to move, and she didn't have the strength to stand up.

This article comes from reading novels

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