Perfect Feast

: Ear fever

Chapter 74 Ear-Fever

However, what Cong Wanqing didn't know was that he and Liu Yang were not at the same level. With his gunshot, Liu Yang was taken to the hospital, and he was put into the confinement room of the military division. Outside, there was at least one The soldiers of the squad looked at it and couldn't escape if they wanted to escape.

Looking at the only small window in the confinement room above which could not be smaller, Cong Wanqing realized that, like ordinary people, he had nothing at all.

What power? What status? What money? What woman? After being imprisoned here, everything has become nothing.

"Haha, the big deal is to be shot. I'm dying, and I also pulled a municipal party committee secretary. I'm worth this life ..." Now, he can only comfort himself like this.

Hearing that this was the new municipal party secretary and secretary who was sent to the hospital, the doctors of the president of Binhai People's Hospital all panicked. If such a character is rescued, it is okay to say that the benefits will definitely be inevitable in the future. However, in case ... it is not impossible to lose your job and be demoted or even to fill the army.

Didn't see the lady who followed her, is it the daughter of the Provincial Party Committee Secretary Zhang Ji? Seeing her two eyes swollen like walnuts, who knows what they are about?

Liu Yang's inspection results came out the first time. Zhang Hui followed the film, and the others didn't understand it, just stared at the bones above.

"A miracle, it is really a miracle!" The old man who watched the film had white hair and a reading glasses with a black border. When watching the film, he said nothing and just grinned and shook his head.

"What a miracle, what do you say, how is my younger brother injured, is it life-threatening?" In this way, no one else has said anything, but Zhang Hui is already in a hurry.

What miracle is not a miracle, Fairy A Zhanghui doesn't care at all, she only knows that Liu Yang was shot. So much blood bleed. These people are not panicking to save people, but here they are shaking their heads and sighing at the film. What kind of doctor is this? Is there still a spirit of saving lives?

"Uh ... this ... Liu Shu. Good luck, the bones aren't broken, but here is the right arm ..." Then, the old man reached out and pointed at the shoulder socket above the film: "Liu Shu. Ji's The point of the shot is here, because the muzzle velocity of the 64-type pistol bullet is about 238j. If it hits the chest, it may not penetrate the chest cavity, but it will also be fatal, but it will not kill other body parts. It would be great. And the place where Liu Shu remembers the shot is exactly between the clavicle and the shoulder bone, such a gap ... Oh, the gap I said is worth the absence of bone in this place, there is just a bone and There is a gap between the bones, but there are still muscles in this place ... "

Zhang Hui hoared and pointed at the old man and shouted, "Okay, I can't understand your professional terms, you can just say, what about his injury, will it be fatal? Also, you are all here What are you standing for? Hurry and save someone? "

The old man said a little embarrassed, "This ... there is no danger to life. However, the bullet is stuck in this position, the cracks on the bones are also obvious, and the muscles are injured for 100 days. In this case, surgery is required. Take out the bullet stuck in your body. When you can be discharged from the hospital, you still have to look at Liu Shuji's constitution ... "

What Zhang Hui wants to know is whether Liu Yang will die. But the old man said that when this situation will be discharged, it depends on the specific situation ... This means that Liu Yang will not only die, but may not have any major impact in the future.

This old man has been talking for a long time, and only this sentence can be heard. Zhang Hui's eyes flashed with tears, but she burst into tears and said, "Thank you, thank you, I know ..."

In fact, Liu Yang had been pushed into the operating room at this time. If it was not the role of anesthesia needle, he should have been able to wake up at this time.

This is not to say that his injury was not serious, but because of the pain. Even if he fainted when he was shot, he should be awoken by the pain now.

The police pistols currently in use in China are 54-type, 64-type, and 77-type. A small number of places are equipped with 92-type 9mm pistols. And Cong Wanqing's current gun is, fortunately, the weakest 64 type.

The 54-type pistol fires 7.62 * 25mm51 pistol bullets with an average kinetic energy of 485j at the muzzle. It can penetrate 10 25mm thick pine boards in 25 meters in the normal direction. If it hits the chest, its power is enough to penetrate the chest cavity, and it must be fatal; the 92 type 9mm pistol fires 9 * 19mmdap92 type pistol bullets with an average muzzle kinetic energy of 525j. If it hits the chest, its power is sufficient to strike the chest cavity Wear, this is also undoubtedly dead.

If it is a 77-type pistol, it also fires a 7.62 * 17mm64-type pistol. The average kinetic energy of the muzzle is about 242j. If it hits the chest, it may not penetrate the chest, but it will also be fatal, but it will kill if it hits other body parts. The effect will not be too good, and the fatal situation generally does not appear.

Among these types of pistols, the 64-type pistol fired a 7.62 * 17mm 64-type pistol with an average muzzle energy of about 238j, which is the weakest of these types. If it hits the chest, it may not penetrate the chest cavity, but it is also fatal, but if it hits other parts of the body, the killing effect is average and it is difficult to kill someone.

And Liu Yang was injured by the 63-type bullet because he was leaning at the time and was pushing Zhang Hui away with his shoulder, while holding a wine glass in his right hand and smashing into Cong Wanqing.

In this case, his right arm is actually raised. In this way, almost all his strength is used on the entire right arm, and the muscles of the right arm are also full of explosive power.

Who is Liu Yang? He is not an ordinary person, and his kung fu is quite good. It is impossible to say that the body is as hard as iron, but the muscle strength is much stronger than the average person.

That's it, so after the shot, the bullet did not penetrate his shoulder, but the bullet was stuck in the shoulder socket. If the bullet penetrates his shoulder, it will definitely hurt him more than he does now.

But even so, when he was shot, the powerful shock still made him feel uncomfortable. The part of the shot seemed to be hit by hundreds of thousands of steel needles. The human brain will have a natural protection for this kind of pain, that is, when the pain can't bear it, the brain will automatically make you faint.

When he was pushed into the operating room for surgery, some cadres in Binhai City hurried in, sweating all over their faces.

Song Jinkun and Liu Yanggang's secretary, Lu Zhihua, rushed over first, and Zhang Hui did not know who they were. The hospital director Hu Tianshui rushed forward. Song Jinkun's first sentence was: "How about Liu Shu. Remember, is there any danger to life? If the technical strength of the city hospital is not enough, immediately apply for an expert from the provincial hospital to come for a consultation ..."

"Mayor Song, rest assured, Liu Shu. Ji is not in danger of life ..." Hu Tianshui quickly explained Liu Yang's injury, and whispered to Zhang Jinkun the identity of Zhang Hui, who was sitting at the door of the operating room.

When Song Jinkun heard that the girl who was actually Zhang Shu of the Provincial Party Committee, the head suddenly banged, and she said, "How do I say Zhang Shu?" So I knew the situation so quickly. It turns out that there is an insider?

Looks like Comrade Liu Yang's backstage is hard? Since Liu Yang can't die, he will have a good relationship with him in the future.

The spirit of Lu Zhihua who followed him was arching. As a secretary, who doesn't want to follow a strong leader? As long as the leaders are satisfied, the better the leaders are mixed, the greater the future achievements of the secretary.

"President Hu, the body of Liu Shuji, has a bearing on the overall political situation of our city, it has a bearing on our city's economic development, and it has to do with ... you must draw the backbone of the hospital, whether it is a nurse or a doctor, all must be the most OK, we must ensure that Liu Shu. Ji recovers smoothly ... "

Zhang Shuji's daughter didn't know herself. At this time, even if she wanted to seduce her, she was not waiting.

Song Jinkun quickly judged what he should do, so he didn't come close to Zhang Hui to pretend, but instead pretended not to know that there was such a person, it was just a loud arrangement of Dean Hu to express it. My concern for Liu Shuji.

It must be said that Song Jinkun's hand is still very effective. Zhang Hui sat there, although she didn't come to speak to him, but she was very grateful for this chubby man.

Next, Sun Qingyun and Jiang Runguo came in one after another, and President Hu explained it all again. Then, Zhu Jianjun, Yu Changxin, and several deputy mayors also came over and saw Song Jinkun and Sun Qingyun standing in front of them. They didn't ask any questions, and they stood behind them.

Not long after, Meng Xianlei, the deputy director, and Wang Yanzhong, Liu Yuefang, Geng Guiwen, Ke Youcheng, Wang Zhenpeng, Zhang Junchi, Gong Haixiang, Huang Botao, Chen Kening, and other vice-chairmen of the CPPCC all arrived, watching the door in the operating room light up. Red light, these people have mixed tastes in their hearts.

Pei Wenjie and Zhao Gongsen did not come. They were both more busy than others at this time.

Some time ago, things like Shen Kunhe and others made the entire cadres in Binhai City unable to look up. Now there is another incident that Cong Wanqing shot and shot the city party committee Liu Shu. The sensational effect is not much worse than the previous one. This is simply telling others that the cadres in Binhai City have been rotten.

With the results, everyone is collectively glorious. Although it is not necessarily a collective promotion, as long as someone raises it, the vacated position can also allow everyone to move.

It's better now. When this happened, everyone's face was covered with a black ash. What the leaders above think, you can almost be sure without asking. Not to mention promotion, if you can continue to stay in this position, you can burn high incense.

Cong Wanqing this dog day, this shot broke everyone's future!

At this time, almost everyone was hating Cong Wanqing. I'm afraid that from the old days of Cong Wanqing's family, as long as they are female relatives, no matter how many generations, they have been greeted by everyone.

I don't know if his old ancestors who have already become immortals are also feverish in the ears across the Nether Huangquan.

This novel comes from reading books 惘

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