Perfect Feast

Vol 6 Chapter 91: Better than not know

Chapter 91 Better Than I Don't Know

Facing Liu Yang's awkward eyes, Li Yibin coughed out: "I believe that everyone in this room has this determination just now. Otherwise, we would not be worth sitting here. But, just now I have already said that there are so many jobs in Binhai City. There are many places to spend money. You have to go step by step, and you have to eat bite by bite. There are many things that you do n’t want. A little solution ... "

Li Yibin said that it was obviously shirk.

He said just now that he has just arrived, and he is not familiar with many situations. Many things cannot be solved without solving them, but it will take a lot of money to solve them. Now he said, "The road must be taken step by step, and the food should be eaten bit by bit." Not only did he not only have no idea of ​​how to solve the problem, but it also revealed that he had no courage in doing things.

This point, compared with Liu Yang, immediately sent a verdict. No matter what method Liu Yang wants to use, at least, people dare to think and dare to do it. You can say that they dare to brag, anyway, they dare to say.

You dare not even talk, what can you expect?

Listening to his words, Jiang Runguo sighed again in his heart. Just now I was thinking about cooperating with Li Yibin. Now he is dead. This person doesn't look at the righteousness and sternness when he talks just now, but he is strong and capable. Based on this, we can know that this person will not be a big deal in Binhai City in the future.

Following Li Yibin's speech, Song Jinkun also made a statement. Now his status seems to be second only to Liu Yang and Li Yibin. According to the standing committee ranking, it is his turn to speak. In addition, Liu Yang just talked about the topic of economic construction. As executive deputy mayor, he has more say.

"Yeah, there are a lot of difficulties before us now. A motor factory is tossing out six or seven billion yuan, and it is still losing money, and no improvement is seen. The income of more than 10,000 employees of Dahua Textile Group has now Below the city's minimum guarantee line, it is said that the rotation mechanism can no longer be maintained. The thinking of these workers is very unstable, and the petitions are often constant, which can cause confusion. No one is raised by a queen mother. Why? These companies can only be hungry if the company can eat. These problems are not solved, but they are going to be a mess. Now we are not so much waiting and discussing, it is better to be frightened and not to touch this problem. I I think Liu Shuji has made a lot of sense just now, and now it is time for us to make up our minds ... "

He seemed to be talking about the matter. In fact, Li Yangbin was strongly refuted by Li Yibin with a clear banner.

Next, Zhu Jianjun and Sun Qingyun also spoke, showing their determination.

One of them is the head of the Organization Department and the other is the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. The ordinary work has little to do with economic development, and there is no burden to speak at this time. Liu Shu. Ji depends on whether everyone has the determination and confidence, then follow Liu Shu. Ji said that it is, anyway, when the time is good to follow up with the light, or they ca n’t take responsibility.

At present, there are nine standing committee members in Binhai City: Liu Yang, Li Yibin, Song Jinkun, Zhu Jianjun, Sun Qingyun, Jiang Runguo, Yu Changxin, Zhao Gongsen, and Pei Wenjie. Except for Jiang Runguo, Yu Changxin, and Zhao Gongsen who did not speak, Li Yibin found that Song Jinkun, Zhu Jianjun, Sun Qingyun, and Pei Wenjie all supported Liu Yang.

Jiang Runguo knows that no matter how hard he can lean on Liu Yang, speaking in support of him will only make people laugh. But he really did not like Li Yibin, so he simply said nothing.

As the commander of the military division, Zhao Gongsen has never been involved in the discussion of local affairs. At this time, he still just sat there smoking, as if he hadn't heard anything. His participation in the Standing Committee gives people the impression that they are making up for everything.

At this time, Yu Changxin was more contradictory and wanted to support Liu Yang. But when Jiang Runguo didn't speak, he felt a little embarrassed.

With such hesitation, he had no chance to speak. In fact, Liu Yang convened this meeting today, not to force everyone to make a statement, this was not his original intention. The purpose of convening the Standing Committee today is to unify thinking and encourage energy.

Therefore, seeing more than half of the Standing Committee members speaking in support of his formulation, he feels that this goal has been achieved today. Don't look at Zhao Gongsen not talking, Liu Yang knows that he will never oppose himself. If we now have **** fans on the Standing Committee, it is naturally Pei Wenjie and Zhao Gongsen.

In the lower row, it may be Zhu Jianjun's turn. As for Song Jinkun, he is still in the inspection stage, and Sun Qingyun can cooperate in work no matter how he behaves, but Liu Yang will never lead her to herself.

As for Yu Changxin, he can support himself or not. Although he is also a member of the Standing Committee, his position is only the secretary of the District Committee of the Central District. The weight is still slightly lighter.

Jiang Runguo? Hehe, he took down the Secretary-General of his municipal party committee. He would be blamed if he didn't have any anger in his heart.

The candidate for the director of the Public Security Bureau has already passed with Xu Zonglin Gou and plans to transfer Cui Kai. In two days, I went to Jiang Runguo's propaganda department and plugged a deputy minister, and he will be honest in the position of minister. Unless he has the ability to transfer himself away, otherwise, he must sit on the cold bench honestly in Binhai City.

Next, Liu Yang continued his enthusiasm: "Big waves and sands, and all those who are able to sit here for a meeting now are all outstanding cadres who have passed the test. From what you have said, you still have a passion for the development and development of Binhai City. Take off, make a certain contribution. As long as we have this enthusiasm, our purpose must be achieved. The three Zhuge Liang can reach the last Zhuge Liang, we are not eating dry food. Brainstorming, consensus, I do n’t believe in us No way to solve the problem ... "

A unit, a collective, the most feared is a loose sand. If you want everyone to twist into a rope and work hard in one place, there is nothing you can't do.

Therefore, Liu Yang didn't talk about specific things today, but just became a "people's teacher." However, the object of his education is not primary school students sitting in the classroom, but various members of the Binhai Municipal Party Committee.

Maybe, there is no real effect through today's meeting, but Liu Yang firmly believes that as long as he persists, he always talks, he will instill his will in the end.

Only when the ideology is truly unified can the collective of the Binhai City team be able to produce combat effectiveness.

Of course, Liu Yang is not naive to think that everyone will be touched by himself. The great man once said, "There is no party outside the party, the emperor thinks; there is no faction in the party, and there are so many strange things." This sentence is reality, but also the helpless voice of the great man facing the reality. Liu Yang is not arrogant enough to think that he can be Zhao Yuewei, cancel this situation, and make Binhai City to the point where only one voice exists.

However, as long as you are in Binhai for one day, your voice is the loudest, which is enough.

Encouraging, not just shouting a few slogans, you have to let people see hope. Therefore, in the following time, Liu Yang used a lot of time, from the primary industry to the tertiary industry, and used a lot of facts and examples to illustrate that the current situation of Binhai City is not without hope, but promising.

"In the first half of 2012, Binhai achieved 2.263 billion yuan in agricultural value added, an increase of 1.8%; added value of forestry was 22 million yuan, a decrease of 1.1%; added value of animal husbandry was 1.384 billion yuan, an increase of 5.1%; added value of fishery was 6.312 billion yuan, Increased 6.2%; the added value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery services was 158 million yuan, an increase of 8.2%. The total fruit output was 440,600 tons, an increase of 8.0%. The total meat output was 85,700 tons, an increase of 2.8%, of which pork was 54,100 tons, an increase of 9.1 %; Total output of poultry eggs was 79,600 tons, an increase of 16.1%. "

"The total output of aquatic products was 1,243,400 tons, an increase of 5%. The aquaculture area was 70,400 hectares, an increase of 8%, and the aquaculture output was 81,100 tons, an increase of 9.8%. The city's agricultural industrialization enterprises above designated size have grown to 267. Among them, agriculture 8 key national leading enterprises for industrialization; 8 newly identified key provincial leading enterprises for agricultural industrialization, totaling 46; newly identified 24 key leading enterprises for agricultural industrializing municipalities, for a total of 162. New registered farmer professional cooperatives There are 211, a total of 1,291, 71,900 members, and 171,800 farmers. The agriculture, forestry, and fishery industry has a good foundation as a primary industry. What reason do we have no confidence in? "

Liu Yang smiled, and finally set his eyes on Li Yibin's face.

Li Yibin could only nod his head lightly, and said to his heart how this guy's brain grows? Can he even remember these boring data?

Then, Liu Yang went on to say that all aspects of industry, retail, tourism, service, etc., are all convincing data.

However, when it comes to the introduction of foreign investment in foreign exports, Liu Yang's application turned solemn.

"From the perspective of the main trade markets, our city's companies have trade relations with 186 countries and regions. Among them, the value of trade with South Korea was 5.28 billion U.S. dollars, a decrease of 5.5%, accounting for 30.9% of the entire city; It accounted for 12.1% of the city's total; East China's 2.07 billion US dollars, an increase of 14.4%, accounting for 12.1% of the city; Rice Country 1.68 billion US dollars, a decrease of 1.3%, accounting for 9.8% of the city. From the perspective of export commodities, mechanical and electrical products exports of 4.82 billion US dollars, a decrease of 6.3 %, Accounting for 45.2% of the city; textile and apparel exports were 1.85 billion US dollars, a decrease of 3.7%, accounting for 17.4% of the city ... "

At the moment, in the face of Liu Yang talking about Li Yibin, he was quite emotional. This young man who has never been seen by himself is indeed better than himself.

It cannot be said that he was because he had been here for more than a week before him. Most of Liu Yang's time was spent in the hospital. The total time he spent working in the office did not add up to more than three days.

But that's it, they have put the entire city of Binhai in their minds, and what have they done since receiving the appointment? How much do you know about Binhai?

If it wasn't for Liu Yang's hospitalization, he might have to stay in Renzhou for more than half a month before he could come over. At that time, how much can he know about the situation in Binhai?

No comparison, no comparison, only one comparison, he knew that he had actually fallen behind Liu Yang a lot, a lot ...

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