Perfect Feast

Vol 8 Chapter 6: Dire

Chapter Six

"Yeah, yeah, Liu. Remember, my hometown is Jiangtun Village, Yangshi Township, Jinjia County, Renzhou ..." After hearing Yang Yang's words, Jiang Ying wanted to see life-saving straws, straightened up and looked at Liu Yang. Said.

Jiangtun Village, Yangshi Township ... This, isn't this the village where Jiang Haiyan's family is located?

"Do you know Jiang Haiyan?" Liu Yang asked subconsciously. After asking, he felt a little regretted. How can you talk about this with Jiang Ying?

"Swallow? She is my sister ... my uncle's ..." When Liu Yang mentioned Jiang Haiyan, Jiang Ying's eyes brightened, and his expression immediately became eager: "I see, Swallow said she was a badass in Renzhou last year Bullying, fortunately, I met a good-hearted person who stood up for her ... It is said that my kind-hearted person also contributed the money from my uncle's hospital operation ... That person is you? "

After hearing what she said is all right, this Jiang Ying is Jiang Haiyan's sister, and it should not be wrong.

Liu Yang nodded gently, then shook his head, then sighed, "I just helped her a little bit, but the person who paid for your uncle's treatment is not me ... you get up ... you all sit Right. "

However, when Yang Haiyan was asked just now, Liu Yang stood up unknowingly, and Wang Zhenpeng and Lu Zhihua naturally did not dare to sit anymore and stood up with him.

Wang Zhenpeng looked at Liu Yang with a complex look, and then looked at Jiang Ying again, his eyes turned a little complicated, and for a moment he couldn't return. How could these two people talk about each other?

"Is the swallow good?" Liu Yang asked with a smile when Jiang Ying sat down carefully.

In fact, this matter also plagued Liu Yang. Just now, I accidentally named Jiang Haiyan's name. At this time, it would be more skeptical to conceal it. It would be better to admit that she is her friend and care about her normally.

Besides, although I don't know how close Jiang Jiang and Jiang Haiyan are now, this woman is Jiang Haiyan's sister after all. What should I do to deal with this matter today?

Speaking of which, I just let Wang Zhenpeng and Lu Zhihua come in. The main reason was that Jiang Ying was so bold that she dared to send a woman to her room. He was more afraid that it was Hou Changshuo or Qu Xiangdong who were involved in the incident, so he asked Wang Zhenpeng to come in and ask Jiang Ying.

If Hou Changshuo and Qu Xiangdong were really involved in this matter, it would be necessary to say that they would have to kill the war.

However, now that things are clear, Hou Changshuo "knows nothing" from start to finish. Regardless of whether Jiang Ying reported to him for instructions, at least on the surface this matter has nothing to do with Hou Changshuo. And Qu Xiangdong at best can only be regarded as "misleading", even if he really thinks so, but you really can't blame him.

Besides, why does Jiang Ying want to deal with Qu Xiangdong by her own hand? Hou Changshuo said he was a bit "unjust" without knowing it.

But despite this, I really can't find Hou Changshuo to confront. Doing everything has certain rules of the game, and it doesn't matter who the official university is.

As he asked, Liu Yang's brain turned quickly.

"Very good ... Very good, leader, the swallow lives in my house. See if I call her and let her ..." Before Jiang Ying's words were finished, Liu Yang couldn't help but be surprised, saying "What are you talking about? The swallow lives in your house? Isn't she ... is she taking care of the sick old man at home?"

"No ... oh, yes. At the beginning, she was taking care of my uncle at home. She was ... she came to me half a year ago ..." With that said, Jiang Ying suddenly looked up at Liu Yang, In that look, a weird expression flashed, and she followed quickly and lowered her head.

Liu Yang gave a sigh, then sighed softly, and nodded, "Let's have a good life, just have a good life." That's what he said, but his mind was a little confused. Swallow, why did you come to Jiang Ying? Since she didn't need to take care of her old father at home, why didn't she find herself?

While they were talking, Wang Zhenpeng and Lu Zhihua and the little girl Liao Mei who was sitting on the side of her heart couldn't say anything. Several people could only listen with respect on the side, but they were guessing Jiang Ying and Liu Yang. Relationship. And who is Jiang Haiyan?

"It's almost time, let's go to dinner." It's really time to have dinner. Now Wang Zhenpeng and others are still in the room. In many words, Liu Yang can't tell Jiang Ying, what can he do without dinner?

"Secretary Liu, what do you want to eat, I'll arrange it for you ..." Hearing Liu Yang said, Jiang Ying quickly got up and said.

"Well, just be light. I eat the hotel's food every day for a few days, and my stomach is greasy." Think about it, and then smiled: "Forget it, there are other people, not because I am alone, just Let everyone follow the vegetarian diet, or you can look at the arrangement. You can get two bottles of wine, but not excessive. "

At this time, Lu Zhihua smiled and suggested: "Leader, if you do n’t want to go to the restaurant to eat, get two light dishes and bring them to your room. You do n’t want to eat greasy, you are sitting there , Big guys can't let go of their meals. "

"Oh, you Lu Zhihua, can't I still fight a tiger?" Liu Yang couldn't help but laugh when he said this: "That's OK, just do as you say. I just have a few documents that I haven't read yet. . "

He didn't mention how to deal with Jiang Ying's affairs, and Wang Zhenpeng also acted stupid, as if he had forgotten it. However, when Jiang Ying and some of them went out, Liu Yang called Jiang Ying again and said, "Chairman Jiang, you are a government official, but you have more ideas from businessmen, but you do n’t want to. Forgot, what is the most important thing for a businessman? "

Seeing Jiang Ying's incomprehensible look, Liu Yang waved his hand and said, "Businessmen are most concerned about integrity. You won't even know this, right? It's okay, you go ..."

Jiang Ying went out, thinking about what Liu Yang had just said. Seeing that Liao Mei was following her step by step, she could not help but flash her mind and whispered: "Xiao Liao, what I have said will definitely count, from now on, you will be the assistant of the guest room department. Manager, I will announce this at the morning meeting tomorrow. "

"Ah? Is it true, President Jiang?" Liao Mei asked with excitement, seeing Jiang Ying's affirmative eyes, Liao Mei said repeatedly: "Thank you, thank you President Jiang for training and trust, I will definitely work hard, no Shame on you. "Who is this little Dan? It seems that Minister Tang and Jiang Ying have deep roots.

Jiang Ying nodded and said, "Well, I trust you as a person and I also believe in your ability to work. However, what happened today, you better forget all ..."

"Yes ... I understand President Jiang." Liao Mei nodded heavily.

"Well, go and do yourself a favor." Jiang Ying reached out and patted her shoulder, smiled and nodded and entered the elevator ...

Liu Yang's dinner was brought to the room by Jiang Ying himself. You have to say that there are many smart people in this world. Maybe those so-called stupid people just didn't put their energy into the right place.

Jiang Ying quickly retired from Liu Yang's room. In the room, she and Liu Yang said nothing, no one knew. However, after this time out of Liu Yang's room, Jiang Ying's uneasy heart was truly let go.

The night gradually invaded, Liu Yang got up and walked out of the room. Lu Zhihua, who lived at his door, heard the sound and opened the door, but saw Liu Yang wave his hand gently: "I go out and turn around, I may come back later, you don't follow . "

Lu Zhihua hurriedly whispered, "I know Liu Shu. Remember, this is your room card. You don't need to ask someone to open the door when you return."

Liu Yang smiled, reached out and took it in his pocket.

After leaving the guest house, Liu Yang walked about 200 meters along the street in front of the door, and saw a supermarket on the street. Liu Yang didn't go in, just standing looking around the street, but listening to a low trumpet sound behind him, the window of a car around him slowly fell, and the people inside whispered: "Liu Shu. Ji , Hurry up ... "

Regarding Jiang Ying's connection with the spy, Liu Yang opened her mouth and wanted to say something. However, she also reminded herself to pay attention to "safety". In the end, she said nothing and just nodded: " Let's drive. "

The night view of Haicheng is extremely beautiful, and the tall buildings that are row after row are golden and glorious under the night lights. The traffic flow on the road is endless, and the lights are woven. It is indeed a new coastal city.

Although it is a small county, it is more prosperous than some prefecture-level cities in the Mainland.

On both sides of the road, the low ornamental pines are dazzling under the lights, and the artistic modern buildings on both sides of the street are flashing with dazzling lights, bringing the light and salty fresh air to make people feel refreshed.

Along the way, Liu Yang didn't speak, Jiang Ying drove her car and didn't dare to open her mouth.

However, the moment she brought the meals to Liu Yang's room, she heard that the young big leader wanted to lead her at night, to see her uncle and sister Jiang Haiyan, and she knew her The relationship between my sister and this young and handsome municipal party committee secretary is not as simple as my sister said to herself.

However, the more so, Liu Yang did not say that the more she dared not ask more questions. Some things that you should not know, even if you want to know in your heart, you still don't know.

Who knows if he asks, will it cause resentment from this leader? If it is just because of your curiosity that you are repelled by this young big official, then your end is a little bad.

Although I have said that I have always been doing business to make money in Binhai in recent years, I have seen a lot of things in the officialdom. A lot of things are not as colorful as they seem.

This book comes from the book network

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