Perfect Feast

Vol 8 Chapter 53: D

Chapter 53: The Law Does Not Respond

Liu Yang would have stayed in the provincial capital for another two days, but Binhai City had to deal with such a big incident. Li Yibin and the delegation continued to attend the meeting, and boarded the plane to Binhai at 1:50 in the afternoon. An hour and 20 minutes later, he appeared at the gate of Binhai Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government Courtyard.

After returning from the airport, Liu Yang didn't call to ask the car to pick him up. Even if he called, the car didn't necessarily leave. He rented it directly outside the airport. As a result, he got out of the car in front of the city committee, and he saw it immediately. To the crowd of black people around the gate of the Municipal Party Committee.

This situation made Liu Yang feel a little bit angry, but at the same time he felt a bit of luck.

It is angry that for so long, Yu Liqing, Cui Kai and others have not resolved the matter. I don't know what these people are eating, but let the villagers of Heihe Village besiege the municipal government for more than two hours.

Fortunately, Cui Kai did not let the public security and the armed police force to use force, this boy is still calm. No matter where in the country people come from, they all have one common characteristic: when a person faces a government law enforcement machine, no matter who is involved, they are terrified. But once the crowds come together, they are often very daring and daring to do things that they usually do n’t dare to do. This time they can do it.

There is an old saying in their hearts that the law does not blame the public.

In fact, judging from the mass incidents in other cities in these years, this sentence is simply farting. Even if the government is under pressure and makes concessions on the spot, it will always be calculated after the fall.

Accountability is a certain thing, but it is only a matter of time. The so-called law does not blame the public, but I don't know what the ancients used to make troubles.

At present, the stainless steel retractable door at the gate of the compound of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government is closed. Standing in front of the door is a row of heavily armed police officers and armed police officers and soldiers, holding rubber sticks and shields in their hands, and are confronting the crowd.

The masses who rushed to the front were a group of old and weak women, with male laborers all behind. Looking at it like this, there are also superiors among the people, knowing that a row of heavily armed policemen in front of the door easily do not dare to attack the women.

Even these women are really anxious to rush inside, and more of them are fooling around behind everyone.

At this moment, the little daughter-in-law who was standing at the forefront wore a red skirt, which looked pretty in appearance, but she counted her most fiercely: "You get out, I want to go in and see your leader ... ... Do you still have human nature? What are you investigating? Today we have a wedding and you arrested my man. I saw with your own eyes that you were the first to hit someone. You also said that I would go back and wait for the news? I ca n’t wait Now, what are you doing to protect the murderer? "

She needs to be physically fit and well-dressed, even if she is abusive. The Liu Mei's eyes were slightly stunned, and her bright red mouth was one-on-one.

The little daughter-in-law made a quarrel, and the women who followed her shouted a few times: "... If you don't give a statement today, we will never go back ..."

"We want to see Liu Shu. Remember ... we want to see Mayor Li ..."

"We don't listen to you blindly, what you say is not counted, we want to see the official ..."

"You guys go away, we must go in today to discuss, do n’t you policemen grow up eating food? Just catch me if you want to catch, anyway, you catch my man, and our wedding will let you mess up Now, I have nothing left to live, I fight with you ... "The little daughter-in-law shouted, and with her head pressed against the policeman in front of her.

"Well, who is this little daughter-in-law, who has a pretty good mouth?" Liu Yang was still thinking, as she squeezed inside.

But the more he went inside, the more angry he became. Now he can see clearly. There is no city committee or cadre behind the police in that row.

Behind the gate, right in front of the city government building, there was an empty space without a ghost. Fu Haitao was smashed into the hospital by a brick, but also a group of people like Yu Liqing, Hou Changshuo, Yu Changxin, Cui Kai, etc.?

Where did they go this time? Is the city government dead? Not even a Deputy Secretary-General?

Just when he was about to squeeze near the little daughter-in-law, the little daughter-in-law was already mad and started to rush in. The police officer in front of her was holding a shield and opened her hands to stop her from entering. The little daughter-in-law was holding the shield in one hand and hit the police helmet with the other hand: "Are you saying a fart? You said it all morning? We want to see the official ..."

The policeman's face flushed, apparently breathless. But it was pretty good. He didn't fight back from beginning to end. He just stood there with a javelin to explain to the daughter-in-law: "You stop, you are assaulting the police, you are violating the crime ... the leaders are meeting to study you Things, please keep calm ... "

At this moment, a loud shout rang out from behind the crowd: "What are you doing? No matter how big it is, it can't impact the government office, let alone hit people. I'm the municipal party committee secretary. Liu Yang, what do you do to me? Say……"

"Ah ... City Liu Shu. Ji?"

It seems that the golden signboard of "City Party Committee Liu Shu. Ji" is still very useful. The chaotic crowd just now calmed down and turned around one by one and looked at the place where they spoke.

"Who ... who are you lying to? I'm not old yet, can you be the secretary of the municipal party committee?"

"Handsome guy, haven't you found your daughter-in-law? If the sister-in-law is not in trouble today, I would like to invite you for a drink ..."

"Yang Er's, don't send idiots, and don't look at the fat on your body? Be careful Yang Er hears you in the back ..."

"Go away, my name is plump. My young guy likes me like this ... You're as thin as a stalk, and you've got bone pain on your body. Who wants to ignore you?"

Seeing Liu Yangyushu standing in the wind, a few middle-aged women actually joked and joked, making Liu Yang face the hot eyes of these people, and he couldn't help crying.

There is also a 40-year-old woman's eyebrows glanced at Liu Yang and said with a pouting mouth: "Rolling and rolling ... you are a milky baby who has not gotten wet. Where should I go for milk or for milk? Well, I have no time to ignore you ... "

Facing this group of women who were whining, Liu Yang felt very embarrassed, but the man standing behind Heihe Village was reluctant. In the face of the police just now, these people did not dare to move forward, and now a man came out, which turned his wife into excitement, and no man would agree.

So these people crowded forward and scolded.

It's all because Liu Yang is usually too low-key to easily go to TV. Even if it is rare to show his face on TV, most of them are well-dressed. Where can these villagers dare to believe that the young man standing in front of him is really Liu Shu, the secretary of the municipal party committee?

"Dear folks, I am really the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. Secretary Liu Yang. I used to meet in the provincial capital and did n’t know what happened in your village. Yes, you can talk to me ... "Looking at the crowd, Liu Yang once again raised his breath and shouted.

"Liu Shu. Remember, it's too dangerous here, you should leave here ..." At this time, the police standing at the door clearly recognized Liu Yang. Two people came over to crowd the crowd and stood beside Liu Yang, holding a shield. Protecting Liu Yang, one of the policemen whispered to Liu Yang.

"Where's your director, let him come right away ... And, whoever is here today, the city party committee and city government all called me ..." Liu Yang pushed away the policeman and ordered to him loudly.

"Liu Shu. Remember, you can't be here ..." Seeing more and more people around him, the sweat on the policeman's face dropped.

Liu Yang Shen said: "Nothing ... I'm the secretary of the Binhai Municipal Party Committee. These people are ordinary people in Binhai. Are our cadres afraid of the people? What about our work? You don't care about me, Hurry up and call someone ... "

"You gray grandson, you give me ... hey, you really are Liu Shu. Ji?" An old lady in her sixties was also crowded in the women, and she just scolded halfway, and heard the police call Liu Yang Liu Shu. Remember, this regained the curse, looking at Liu Yang with an unbelievable look.

This young man is not as big as the second kid of his own family. How did he become Liu Shu of the municipal party committee? I heard people say that the municipal party committee secretary is a very big official. He actually pointed at his nose and scolded him ... Thinking of this, the old lady's body could not help but shake.

Liu Yang hurriedly reached out his hand: "Ma'am, you stand still, but don't get crushed ..."

Liu Yang was kind. She was afraid that the old lady would fall over and hurriedly helped. But the men in Heihe Village who stood outside did not know the reason, and they could n’t understand it. It was Liu Yang who actually dragged the old lady by hand. Even the old man hit, brother, hit him ... "

"What are you doing? This is really Secretary Liu. I heard the police just call him like this, we can't do it ..." But in the tumult, few of the elderly people could hear the words, or even if they When I heard it, I didn't have time to think about what the old man meant.

Everyone has been standing at the door for two or three hours, and they have already lost their patience. Except for a row of heavily armed police at the door, no one in the city came out to solve the problem.

They don't have the courage to do anything to the police and armed police. Now it's hard to find an object that can let everyone vent. Villagers in Heihe Village are like cats seeing fish, and they rushed up when they screamed.

The book first appeared on the reading rim

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