Perfect Feast

Vol 8 Chapter 72: Retreat

Chapter 72—Retreat for Progress

However, in the next second, Liu Yang's voice stopped.

A soft little hand reached over and pulled Liu Yang into the room. With the door door slammed shut tightly, a tender body with a gentle fragrance was tightly pressed against his arms.

"What are you doing ..." Before Liu Yang's words were finished, the little girl in front of her feet curled her toes, two hot lips, and blocked what was going to be said.

The moment Liu Lip touched, Liu Yang petrified instantly. Han Bing seemed more excited than him. She jerked her tongue against Liu Yang's teeth, and clumsily moved in Liu Yang's mouth. The numbness makes Liu Yang even more at a loss.

Han Bing completely ignored Liu Yang's bewilderment and kissed him while hugging him, pushing him into the room.

Unconsciously, Liu Yang's hand had reached Han Bing's chest. I can still feel the softness wrapped in it across my pajamas.

Liu Yang's heartbeat began to accelerate, and I felt my heart was jumping out! At this moment, he simply forgot where he was, and even forgot that this exquisite girl in front of him was a person who could not be touched at all.

Suddenly, Liu Yang's tongue was entangled with her lilac tongue. This wild and chasing fight was completely different from Han Bing's initiative alone. The extremely strong stimulus that Han Bing caused her breathing sound to increase tenfold in an instant.

Listening to her thick breath, it made Liu Yang feel as excited as a stimulant, and she no longer let go of her little tongue. At the same time, his hands moved very dishonestly.

"Woo ... wow ... wow me ..." Han Bing shoved Liu Yang and saw Liu Yang's wrong face, but kissed Liu Yang's lips once.

"Ahem ... don't ... go on like this, I can't help it ... make mistakes ..." This time, it was Liu Yang who was awake, reached out and pushed Han Bing away.

However, when he clearly saw the appearance of Han Bing, he did not know what he should say.

Before he came in, not long after taking a shower, he was wearing only a long-legged nightgown, and a loose belt was tied around his waist.

Just now, when the two of them forgot to kiss each other, before they knew it, Han Bing ’s robe was opened by Liu Yang ’s hands.

The current Han Bing, the cloud-like black hair spreads, the white jade forehead is crystal clear and tender, the two slender willow eyebrows are curved, a pair of eyes as deep as the autumn water, as beautiful as the stars with a touch of cowardice, a touch of resentment; slightly tall The nose, **** bright red lips, and pointed jaw are all beautiful and tempting.

True to the color of the country, the beauty of the closed moon.

In particular, in the separated nightgown, Han Bing's smooth and delicate skin flashed with the luster of white Yingying like snow and jade. The sharp peaks, trembling cherries, beautiful and soft lines, like the blooming stamens, stood proudly in front of Liu Yang's eyes.

The small, thin waist that gripped Yingying, and the beautiful arcs formed by the perfect lines extending downwards, were full of infinite temptation, and people couldn't bear to miss their eyes.

Liu Yangzheng looked at Han Bing's hair dumbly, but listening to her faint voice sounded in his ears: "You ... what do you mean by that? Do you think that ... it can happen as if nothing happened ..."

Liu Yang lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry ... I ..."

"Sorry for a fart? I've been seen by you, isn't it fair to me?" Then Han Han suddenly lifted himself, pressed Liu Yang's body, and pushed him down on the sofa. She stretched her mouth to continue kissing Liu Yang, and at the same time she reached out to loosen Liu Yang's belt.

"Don't! What are you doing ..." Liu Yang grabbed Han Bing's hand.

"What are you talking about? You look at me and I have to look at you so that's fair ..." Han Bing's face turned red, but she was crazy and ignored Liu Yang's resistance at all, the other hand Then he stretched over again and untied Liu Yang's belt.

"You're crazy ..." Liu Yang snapped.

"I'm just crazy, even if you go out now, I can still say that you are being rude to me ..." Han Bing blushed, threatening with a sly expression in his eyes.

"When you get up ... you have done it, you have done it, you have never done it, you have n’t believed what you said ..."

"Then let's try if anyone believes it. Believe it or not, I'll call 'indecentness' now and let everyone outside come in to see the glorious look of their leader?"

Liu Yangqi was annoyed, "You ... you are simply unreasonable ..."

Han Bing smiled and lowered his voice and said, "I'm just unreasonable. What can you do? I tell you, Liu Yang, I'm not a virgin anymore. In front of you, there are two men who have been better with me because of them. Disobedient, all by me ... giggle, do you want to know their end now? "

"You **** is just a devil, a demon girl ..." Liu Yang turned over, reached out and picked up Han Bing: "You want to die, right, then I will complete you, and the people who dare to intimidate me are not born yet ... "

"Ah ... you hurt me ..." With Han Bing's exclaim, her body was hugged by Liu Yang.

"Now I'm afraid it's too late ..." Holding the washed white and tender, put on the Simmons in the body like the peeled green onion, Liu Yangsan disarmed two of them.

Listening to the man's heavy breathing, knowing that he was about to transform from a girl into a real woman, Han Bing's eyes were tightly closed, without the courage to break free.

She blushed and anxiously waited for the moment to arrive, but at the bottom of her heart she was proud of her conspiracy. It was just that she did not figure out the account, and her strategy was successful. Who is taking advantage?

All that was quiet in the room was the sound of air conditioning and the breathing of men and women. Looking up from the tightly closed legs, the gap between Yan Si's seams was pure and white, and there was no black as it should be.

Liu Yang seems to remember that a certain book said that such a woman is called a white tiger. Don't look at the grass, but the need in that area seems to be stronger than normal women.

Your mother, I said how could she be so crazy, it turned out to be this reason!

Thinking of this, Liu Yang's anger was even stronger. To turn a girl into a woman, Liu Yang is already very proficient in this program. Just when he flew over, he unexpectedly felt that Han Bing's body was shaking slightly.

According to Han Bing, it seems that she should not have such a nervous reaction? Regarding her, today she was eating fat when she was losing weight. Although it was a little greasy, it was still open!

The realm of chaos and passion is coming soon. It wasn't until her legs were stretched that Han Bing's consciousness returned.

However, at this time she was thinking it was impossible to repent. With Han Bing's exclaiming lightly, she announced her formal farewell to her virgin career.

A burst of torn pain spread, causing her to tremble without asking herself, tightening Liu Yang's neck.

"You ... you lie to me!" Liu Yang's pores contracted at the same time, and his rich experience made him different from Han Bing. "Don't you say you've had two men before? How could that be?"

Han Bing's legs firmly clamped the man's waist, and his arms were tightly wrapped around Liu Yang, preventing him from moving. "I ... the two men I said, one is called Zixu, the other is called Wuyou! But from now on ... I will only have one big idiot named Liu Yang, the only man in my life ... "

"From today, I can finally be with him. I will never be separated from him in this lifetime ..." This is the only thought that flashed through Han Bing's mind at this moment. Immediately afterwards, her thoughts were turbulent and chaotic with sweet and tense knots.

The beloved man changed from a girl to a little woman. Although the process was a little painful, it was wonderful.

The knowledge that Liu Yang saw in the book seemed credible, and the woman after tasting the taste of being loved was terrible. Han Bing, in particular, thought to himself that the man around him was not completely his own. In a legal sense, I am the one who is looking for a chance to steal food.

Since it's stealing, eat while you can.

With this in mind, Han Bing couldn't care about his weakness and fatigue, and was constantly wounded into battle. The first night she became a woman, she ignored it and made a real, never-ending sleepless request.

As a result, Han Bing was lying in bed all day the next day, and even the strength of moving a finger was gone.

However, this day meant that Liu Yang was very busy and had no time to take care of her in the hotel. She had to be cheeky and called Li Shanshan on the phone. She shamelessly asked her lover to take care of another lover.

Early in the morning, Li Yibin came to Liu Yang's office. He didn't say how to deal with Meng Jun's affairs, but told Liu Yang the treatment he had received at Chu Qin. The final conclusion was to ask Liu Yang to deal with this little policewoman who did not listen to greetings.

This old guy is not afraid of shame, the dignified big mayor was embarrassed to come out and say.

However, for his true intentions, Liu Yang felt like Ming Jinger in his heart. He was using Chu Qin in disguise, putting pressure on himself to get himself out of handling the decision of Meng Jun.

Even, Liu Yang was a little skeptical. If he clapped Meng Jun into the eighteenth floor of **** now, Li Yibin would be happier than letting Cui Kai let him go.

This guy is now anxious to offend Prime Minister Meng himself and was repaired severely to relieve the tone that has been under his heart.

Liu Yang said with a serious face: "Mayor Li, the question you mentioned was reported to me yesterday by Comrade Cui Kai. I also think she is a bit excessive for Chu Qin's behavior. Even if you stick to the principle, you have to Who is it for? Mayor Li will communicate with Meng Jun and ventilate the letter? During the interrogation, criminals cannot see outsiders. This is a good system, but it should have a degree, right? This Chu Qin is simply How can I do this? I propose that we hold an extended meeting of the Standing Committee and let Cui Kai and Chu Qin attend as a seat. Regarding how to deal with the issue of Meng Jun, we still have to check the city committee. At that time, You proposed to deal with Chu Qin, I support you ... "

When Li Yibin heard Liu Yang say this, his face suddenly became hard to look.

He ran to Liu Yang's office and said that Chu Qin's affairs were okay. After all, even if the relationship between the two was delicate, Liu Yang couldn't carry himself to advertise with Chu Qin's little girl. But if this matter is brought to the Standing Committee and said, I may be a mayor, but why ca n’t I have a little girl from the traffic police team, where can I keep my old face?

This book comes from the book network

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