Perfect Husband : The CEO's Sweet Wife

Chapter 113 - 117. Attract Mr. Han's Attention

However, in fact, none of the male employees dared to come forward to help her except a man whom she had just seen this afternoon and was walking towards her.

This man approached Tara then lifted this beautiful woman's body for him to carry and got out of the elevator with a manly and gently. It was a boy who was in the top 10 of the criteria that Tara Jiang was looking for. Tall, handsome face, cool body, cool, he didn't seem like a poor person either. "Hmm ... perfect" she thought.

Tara's eyes sparkled as she looked at the handsome man wearing a black suit with a white shirt inside and also a polka dot tie in blue.

"Hmm ... This guy is handsome too, who is he, is he perhaps one of papa's new employees in this company? It's okay to be a playmate in the spare time at the company, if someone is handsome like this maybe I won't be bored even though you have to linger in this office." she muttered to herself.

"Miss, where should I take you?" the man asked to Tara who was still dumbfounded because she was fascinated by the good looks of this man.

"Oh, just take me to director Jiang's room. The place is at the end of the hall, let's just go ahead." Tara replied while biting her own lip. It was one of her bad habits when she saw the handsome men who were around her. "Ah ... I want to eat it now! ... Tara, Tara ... control yourself. Don't let your behavior make her run away from you." She muttered as she continued to stare at the handsome face without blinking.

"Haist ... what is this woman doing, why is she looking at me like that. Like a cat looking at anchovies!" this man who felt uncomfortable muttered.

"Oh alright I will take you to director Jerry Jiang's room." this man replied casually as he continued walking towards the room of the director Jiang Group, he also happened to have a little need with director Jerry Jiang.

"May I know who you are? It seems I never saw you in this company?" Tara asked the man. This beautiful woman began to carry out her actions little by little but surely. The step she used to take when trying to conquer a man's heart. But it looked like this guy just ignored her and didn't come up with any answer.

Tara and this man arrived at the door of director Jerry's room then Tara helped open the door with her hand ...

Ceklek .... The sound of the door opening. After the door opened.

"Why did you immediately open the door without knocking first? Isn't that very rude! After all this is the room of the president of this company." This boy said quietly to Tara Jiang.

"Puff ... ha..ha ... I don't need to do something as formal as that. This is my papa's office, I don't have to be like other employees if I want to enter." Tara replied with a little chuckle.

This man could only sigh, "Whatever."

The man came into the room and placed the beautiful woman's body on the sofa in director Jerry's office.

Brukkk .... he put Tara's body a little hard and rough on the sofa.

"Aoouhh ... it hurts. Could you be a little more gentle."

"Well, she easily just protested. She did not know my arm felt numb to carry her that far. She thought her body was so light! It's good that I want to help her, she still has a lot of wants and no sense of gratitude" the man muttered in his heart.

"Oh, sorry if it hurts you." The man preceded apologized, even though his heart was not willing. He did it just to honor director Jerry Jiang who had started walking over to them.

Jerry Jiang immediately stood up and approached his daughter who was already lying on the sofa. with a sullen face and a little annoyed at the actions of her Papa's employees who left her trapped in the elevator for hours and did not immediately help her when it opened. As if she was a priceless animal. Even though they clearly knew that this beautiful woman was the daughter of the owner of this company.

"Honey are you okay?" Jerry asked Tara to find out the condition of her beautiful daughter. Jerry Jiang took a position to sit close to his daughter as well as face to face with the great man who helped her daughter with a slight smile on her lips.

"Oh, of course I'm fine. How could I be harmed if there was a handsome man like this Master who saved me." Tara said, winking at the man who had carried her from the elevator to her papa's room. Tara tried to grab the man's hand as a sign that they were getting closer, but the man pulled her hand quickly and put her hand on her own thighs.

"Oh, miss too praising. I'm just helping you to get out of the elevator. It's not a big deal, I'm sure a lot of people who want to do it just I was lucky today." This man replied in a slightly uncomfortable tone.

At first he was just sorry because none of the men dared to approach her and help her, somehow it all happened. whereas they should all clearly know that this beautiful woman was the daughter of the owner of this company.

"Ah, you are too humble sir. If you weren't there earlier, maybe I still lay helpless in the elevator. May I know who you are?" Tara asked for a second time.

"Oh like that. Then thank you assistant Han, you've helped my daughter Tara and brought her to my office" director Jerry said, thanking the head of the Jiang group branch company in J city. The company that was once led by Tiara before he returned to the city of S.

"Oh it turns out that your name is Mr. Han. So, you are the former assistant of my younger sister Tiara when she was the director of the branch company in J city." Tara asked clarifying her doubts.

"Hiist ... it turns out he's just a small employee." She complained that once again failed to find a rich man.

This handsome man just smiled, he saw the change in expression of this beautiful woman clearly, from a face full of enthusiasm to a sour face when She heard that he was just a small assistant from a branch company that owned by her papa and did not fit the criteria she wanted. More or less Han had known the Jiang Family's eldest lady from the stories and complaints of director Tiara while still holding the position of director at the branch office in J city. Assistant Han also knew that the one who thwarted all of her superiors' efforts at that time, was none other than her sister.

"You are right, miss, I am Assistant Han. My name is Han Rui. You met me during a visit to a branch company with general manager Jonathan to visit Tiara's mother," Han replied plainly. He didn't care what Tara Jiang thought.

"Oh, is it? I really forgot to ever meet you assistant Han. I think I'm in amnesia because I hit my head in the elevator earlier. Oh, my head is so dizzy" she replied while looking away.

"Oh, it's a shame he's just a small clerk. Even though his face is very handsome and his posture is very handsome," Tara thought with squinting. He who had been flattering Assistant Han, now turned 180 degrees to look down on this man because he was just a small clerk of his father's branch office.

"If it's true like that, you should just rest a lot," he replied with a smile. Assistant Han seemed to already know the thoughts of a Tara Jiang.

"Oh yes assistant Han, didn't you come here to give me a progress report on the Jiang group branch company?" Director Jerry Jiang asked to break the atmosphere that was a little tense and tended to corner Assistant Han.

"Yes, director. I have put the report on your desk. The director can check it, if something is not clear you can ask me directly." Han explained to director Jerry. In fact, Jerry Jiang knew everything about Tara's actions while in J city at that time, from the detailed report sent by Han along with the evidence. This handsome man was really unwilling if the kind and innocent Director Tiara would be made a scapegoat by her cruel sister.

"Okay I'll check it out, you can sit down first, chatting with my daughter Tara." Jerry said then he walked to his work chair to check the results of the report brought by Han.

*Will Tara succeed in getting director Han's attention with her little tricks?


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