Perfect Husband : The CEO's Sweet Wife

Chapter 144 - 147. The Arrival Of My Husband's Papa And Mama (3)

Mr and Mrs Kim were warmly welcomed upon entering the company by every employee they passed. Who did not know or did not know the old man, the number one man in the company and the city.

"Mr. Kim, Mrs. Kim welcome. Can I help you? Are you looking for President Kim? I will escort Mr. and Mrs. Kim to President Kim's office now." Secretary Tang said when she passed the two of them.

"Oh, isn't this Miss Tang? Oh, no we weren't looking for Yohan. We know he must be busy right now. Do you know where Miss Tiara Jiang's office is?" the old lady which mother Kim Yohan asked to Tania, when the daughter of the Tang family stopped in front of her.

Tania was a little surprised how Mrs. Kim knew Tiara, wasn't Tiara not present at the party. "Ah ... yes, do you mean Secretary Jiang?" the secretary asked out of curiosity in himself.

"Yeah, right. Oh, it turns out she's a Secretary? Is there another Jiang name in this company besides Tiara? I don't think so, right? If there's then takes us to meet them," Mrs. Kim answered. yes, only that short answer can be given Mr. Kim at this time. they have not been able to publicly acknowledge Tiara as their son-in-law.

"Oh, sorry. Nothing. There is only one Secretary Jiang here, Ms. Tiara Jiang from Jiang family. OK, I will take Mr. and Mrs. Kim to Secretary Jiang's room. Let me take Mr. and Mrs. to Secretary Jiang's room." Tania replied immediately. She felt bad, afraid that she would play with the president's parents. Can die and lose hope later to become the daughter-in-law of two people in front of her now, if they have a bad impression of her.

"Oh, of course. Thank you for your help, Miss Tang." Mr. Kim said with a smile.

The three of them walked towards Tiara's office which was not far from the President's room. They headed for the president's only elevator, because Secretary Tang was impossible to bring the president's parents in and jostled with the other employees in the employee elevator to go to Secretary Jiang's room on the 5th floor. Arriving at Tiara's room, the three of them immediately entered because the door was wide open without being closed. This beautiful woman looked very serious looking at her computer monitor screen, to the point that she didn't realize that someone else were at her door.

Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim smiled at Tiara who was sitting quietly on her chair. Luckily she wasn't lifting heavy weights, or her mother-in-law would definitely lose control and grumble regardless of where they were.

"Secretary Tang, thank you for escorting us. Now you can get back to your work." Mr. Kim said, asking Tania to leave them in Tiara's room because he didn't want their secret to be exposed if someone else was in the room.

Tania was a little surprised, she felt that she was being gently kicked out by the two parents of her prince. "Huh ... Ah, yes. Sorry, thank you Mr. Kim. I will continue my work now." Secretary Tang replied Immediately walking away from Secretary Jiang's room.

Tania walked while grumbling in her heart. She wondered what relationship Secretary Jiang had with the president's parents. Where did they meet and when? Why did the president's parents look so familiar with her, that they even went to the trouble of Secretary Jiang in the company, even her joy in person. Big people like them didn't have to do something like that. Simply snap the fingers, and say over the phone that the person they want to meet will automatically come to meet them and they just have to sit there waiting. Secretary Tang's mind was being filled with questions that had not yet been answered.

Tania walked absently, as if her brain was full. Without looking at the road in front of her.

Brukkk ....

This beautiful woman collided shoulder with her best friend Youli.

"Ough ... aw. Hey, Tania dima where did you put your eyes? Why can you suddenly be careless and hit people while walking. Honey, are you in trouble?" Youli asked, wondering how unusual her best friend was walking daydreaming.

"Oh, nothing. I just escorted Mr. and Mrs. Kim to the Secretary Jiang's room. I just wonder how they know each other, even though Mr. and Mrs. Kim rarely come to this company, they don't even recognize me even though I've worked in this company for several years while the secretary who has worked in this company has only been a few months. Besides that you also know that during the party at that time the secretary did not come to our Company's birthday party at all? That's what is bothering me now and make me curious. " Tania explained to Youli.

Her friend looked very surprised, it was clear from the expression on her face, which was with her mouth gaping as if she didn't believe what she heard from Tania.

"Huh! Are you kidding? I'm the only one who has been instrumental in this company for almost 4 years. Not even the parents of your beloved prince glanced at me or looked at me when we were passing and I greeted them. And now you say, they came to Secretary Jiang's office! That really amazed me. Looks like there is something behind all this?" Youli said, guessing.

"You're right! But never mind I want to go back to my room first. My head is getting dizzy," Tania said, who then walked away to go to her room.

Tiara turned suddenly, when she heard the soft voice of her father-in-law. He stood closer to the two of them, but did not dare to say hello because there was still Tania there. After Tania left the room, then she greeted her father and mother-in-law and hugged both of them.

"Papa..mama, why are you two in this company?" Tiara asked, who was confused and surprised to see her father and mother-in-law in her office.

Tiara invited the two of them to sit down, but Mrs. Kim stood still, sullen and angry. "Where is the brat?" She murmured, asking.

"Eh ... mama mean Yohan?" Tiara replied a little scared.

"Yes! Who else!" Mrs. Kim folded her arms across her chest while looking away.

"Oh ... He's in a meeting with company employees and also with Assistant Steve in the meeting room" this beautiful woman explained.

She knew this mother-in-law must be angry because she and Yohan yesterday did not return to the Kim family residence yesterday, but instead returned to the villa and also did not give them any news.

Mrs. Kim suddenly smiled "Hmm ... what a coincidence" This woman winked as a signal to her husband to act immediately.

Mr. Kim stood up and walked to the computer on Tiara's desk, then turned off the computer. He took his daughter-in-law's bag near the computer and gave it to his wife.

Mrs. Kim stood up and took her daughter-in-law's hand. "Stand up" she ordered.

"Eh ... fine ma" Tiara just followed her.

"Follow mama! Now" Mrs. Kim took her daughter-in-law's hand and invited them out of Tiara's office. they made their way to the company's exit swiftly now, before it was discovered by the son or that everything she had planned would go to waste and fail miserably.

"Honey ... Is there another way out of this company without running into Yohan?" Mrs. Kim asked to her husband and Tiara.

"There's ma ... through the emergency staircase." Tiara replied with a grin.

Instantly Mr. and Mrs. Kim looked at her with a feeling of surprise and surprise.

"No!" both said together. at the same time Tiara fell silent and closed her mouth tightly. it looked like she had the wrong answer

"Oh, my God! Those two. Mom and dad are scary." Tiara muttered to herself. She can only continued to be silent and walk following her father and mother-in-law who were holding tightly to both her right and left hands, the problem was that if they don't, she will run away.

"Ma, slowly what if our daughter-in-law falls?" Mr. Kim protested to his wife who looked hurried while walking and holding the daughter-in-law.

"Husstt ... Shut up, don't protest too much! We have to hurry. Later the bad boy comes out of the meeting room and finds us bringing his wife's news." Mrs. Kim replied softly, placing her index finger in front of her lips.

Tiara's feelings were not good, it looked like yesterday's events will repeat itself today.

"Pa ... Ma, are we going through the emergency staircase?" Tiara asked on purpose because she saw the funny behavior of her father and mother-in-law, who seemed to be playing cat and mouse with their own son. This beautiful woman was now like a salted fish mentioned by both of them. They deliberately took a path that was at an intersection with their son for fear that his son would be angry if he found out about their current behavior.


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