The president immediately pulled his hand that was holding a bunch of red roses together with Steve's assistant, so the flower fell on the table.

Yohan and Steve looked at each other. Their faces looked ridiculous because they held back laughter.

"Tsk! Ha ... ha ..."

The president and his personal assistant bursted out laughing.

"Shit! They both must think we both are gay. This is crazy, really crazy." the President said.

"Yes, those two are very strange. How can we be called same-sex lovers just for holding a bunch of roses together." Assistant Steve commented. This man knew that his boss was just kidding. Why should he care, whoever his match will one day he meet.

Yohan took a small note paper that was tucked between the beautiful flowers. He began to unfold the pink heart-shaped paper, on which was written the name of the sender.

In the paper it was written:

(Dear, Tiara. I really miss you, contact me after you receive this rose. Your lover Jonathan).

Reading the note, the president's emotions began to rise and his jealousy began to emerge.


The president slammed his hand on the table. He squeezed and threw the flowers into the trash and crumpled out Jonathan's note paper that was in his hand.

"Shit! How dare he seduce my wife again after hurting and dumping her pathetically like that." the president said, filled with emotion.

In Yohan's mind, still muttering and cursing. "He doesn't know who I am yet. A Kim Yohan will not let his beloved wife be taken away or tricked by a bastard like Jonathan again. I will make those who hurt Tiara crush and suffer."

Steve took a deep, harsh sigh. He knew this was bound to happen. Therefore, he tried to hide this from the president, but unfortunately he forgot and bring the evidence directly in front of this super jealous and over protective president.

Director Lee, looks like your bad luck is getting close. You better stay away from Mrs Tiara, or your life will really be like hell because of the uncontrollable anger of the president.

Steve took the report documents that secretary Tang and her assistant Youli had just put on the sofa, before she went after Tania Tang. He walked to the sofa in the president's room.

The document in the blue folder was the hotel development project report in J city that the president director asked to give this morning.

After taking the important documents, Assistant Steve turned around and walked towards the president.

"President, this is the project report you requested"

Steve handed over and put the important document on Yohan's desk. His feet went back one step back.

Steve remained standing near the president's desk, until the president finished checking the document.

Steve was ready, perhaps, there was something the president wanted to ask about the report.

However the president had entrusted the temporary person in charge of this project to him, as long as Mrs Tiara took time off or until the president allowed his wife and personal secretary to returned to work at the Lianxi Group company. But it seemed that it was also uncertain, when Mrs Tiara returned to work it was only the authority of the president who decided.

Yohan examined the report closely. He flipped through the pages of the report carefully. At first glance there was nothing suspicious or cheating on the part of the JT Group company owned by his love rival.

However, making Steve in charge of this project was the best choice the president had made. Until whenever, Yohan will not gave Jonathan a chance to approach his wife again.

"Steve, did you find anything wrong with this project? If I look at all of this report, it is clear that everything is normal and in accordance with the existing agreement, starting materials and workmanship are in accordance with the agreed standards. But somehow, I feel like something strange and wrong here? " the president asked, a little guessing.

Yohan stood idly by and put his chin on his hands. He was still thinking about something that was disturbing his mind, but he had not found the source or root of the problem.

"The President is right, I also feel the same way. Calm down President, I have put some of our trusted people in the project. So, if the JT Group company cheated on this project, we will easily find out, and of course we need solid evidence for that,"Assistant Steve replied.

Steve explained in detail about their plans for the company owned by his wife's ex-fiancé.

"Okay, I trust you. Keep watching their movements, lest the trash rats take advantage of our negligence. Look for their weaknesses and mistakes. After that we take the path and what is the right way to eradicate the shameless brown rat. like them " the president ordered.

The president director had his own ways and plans to wipe out his business enemies who dared to cheat on his company mercilessly, as well as repay all the crimes they committed to his wife according to his promise to tiara.

"Alright president. I will report their every suspicious move to the president."

"Okay, you can go back to your study. If I need you, I'll call you again."

"Alright president"

The assistant answered the president's words, then he turned around to step out of the president's room.

Just a few steps Steve stepped from in front of the president. The president's voice echoed back in his sensitive ear.

"Steve wait"

Steve looked back at the sound source and looked at the president.

"Yes," he answered simply.

"Hmm, one more thing. Keep an eye on Tara Jiang too. I have a bad feeling, about her wanting to hurt Tiara. Put some of my bodyguards to watch Tiara and also Tara Jiang." the President Director added.

The president was worried about his wife's safety. Tara jiang can not to be taken lightly. A woman like Tara Jiang, can do anything to achieve the goal of what she wanted.

"Fine president. What else?"

Assistant Steve asked the president director, rather than having to go back and forth in and out of the president's room because of his deafening screams.

"Nothing, you can go now"

Steve stepped out of the president's room.

After Steve left his room, Yohan was again busy with his job looking at company reports and other important documents.

After finishing checking the company report documents. Yohan decided to go home early. For some reason today he really wanted to be with his wife, be close to her and spoil her.

The president walked to take his coat which he hung in the corner of the room, then walked toward the exit of his office.

Yohan took out his cell phone and started to call his wife's cell phone. He continued to walk to the president's special elevator while waiting for his phone call to connect.

"Hello… honey. What's wrong?" Tara replied in a weak voice.

"Oh, it's okay. I just miss my beautiful wife. Isn't that okay?" the president started teasing

"Lies! If you really miss me go home. Why do you even call?" the wife replied.

The president started to think. "That's right, why did I call? What was I going to ask? I always suddenly become stupid when I talk to Tiara."

The president started looking for excuses, so it wouldn't look awkward.

"Ah, no. I just wanted to ask my dear. I'm going home, is there anything you want me to buy?" the president asked to his favorite wife.

Yohan just thought, 'Usually a woman who is pregnant, will want a lot. Yes, as a good husband, I want to offer it as a form of attention and affection. '

"Erm… What? What…?" Tiara said over and over.

"Haiits ... dear. What? It's been a long time to think? I'll hang up the phone first. If you need something, just send a message." the president said.

Ting .... (sound of the elevator door opening).

Yohan got into the elevator and went down to the ground floor.

Ting .... (sound of the elevator door opening).

The president got out of the elevator and walked towards his car which was in the parking lot.

Now he was in the parking lot and ready to get into the car. As usual Steve was waiting for him in the car park, since 30 minutes ago in his boss's car.

Now the president was in the parking lot and ready to get into the car. As usual Steve was waiting for him in the car park, since 30 minutes ago in his boss's car.

"Chairman, please," Assistant Steve said as he opened the door. Invited Yohan to get into the car.

The president immediately got into the car as usual. Without talking much, he sat in the back quietly and occasionally played with his cellphone, to check if there were incoming messages.


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