Perfect Husband : The CEO's Sweet Wife

Chapter 347 - 347. Spesial Sup

The Kim family are not just random people who can be bullied without putting up a fight. Those who start our therapy will end it and be the winner. Pei Family, just wait for our arrival to play together.

"The problem is I'm not so sure either, that night when my bodyguards and I beat them and were about to send them to the authorities, one of them threatened me by mentioning the name of one of the most powerful and influential families in this city. Hmm... That's what makes me curious. How, do you understand what I mean?" Yohan was clear about something he was suspicious of his mother. Yohan is sure that his mother can do what he asks her to do well. Mrs. Kim is very smart and agile, but very careful like Yohan.

Mrs. Kim just smiled at Yohan. this beautiful woman just blinked her eyes as a code that she understood what her son was saying. she deliberately did that because she felt that Tiara was moving or starting to wake up and slowly opened her eyes. she just didn't want her son-in-law to have an additional burden if she heard the contents of the conversation between him and Yohan.

Now what Mrs. Kim wants to do is see Tiara's condition and talk to her daughter-in-law."Are you awake dear?" asked Mrs. Kim to the daughter-in-law who had just opened her eyes and was still dumbfounded.

Tiara was still trying to face her eyes several times to wake herself up so she could concentrate fully after waking up. "Mom's been here?" said tiara in a low voice. Tiara's face looked a little pale for fear that her mother-in-law would be angry with her. Once again, Tiara is only causing trouble for Yohan and the Kim family because of their know-it-all and Stupid.

Another beautiful wife is trying to sit up, according to her, If she stays lying asleep it's not polite. but she seems to be having a hard time. " Honey, you should just lie down, don't sit down. Mom just wants you to get well soon and be able to go back to the Kim family residence. There you are more free to do anything than having to stay in a hospital like this. So as long as you are at the hospital Mom hopes you really and rest and don't do anything weird anymore let alone endanger your life and also be happy in your womb." This beautiful woman with soft words so that Tiara does not feel offended or depressed. The point is that she doesn't want her to run away from the house again secretly because of the impact of the current arrangement that hurts not only herself but also her husband and the servants who are trying to protect her.

"Mom, Not angry with me?" Tiara said in her heart.

Hearing her mother-in-law's words, Tiara felt very guilty, especially when she glanced at Yohan's point with her own eyes. She saw so many bruises on her husband's face area and also Yohan's arm. Seeing her husband's state like that, this beautiful woman suddenly burst into tears and her face also turned red because of guilt towards the person involved because of her mistakes and selfishness.

"Hik ... hik ... I'm sorry mom ... I'm sorry, dear. Hik ... I really regret it. I promise I will not repeat to secretly leave the house without your knowledge." she said in a hoarse voice and tears dripped from her cheeks. Tiara's heartfelt so sad that it couldn't be expressed in words. she wiped her tears with the shirt on her arm.

sure confused to see Tiara who was crying. she thought, Did she say something wrong earlier? Or to offend her daughter-in-law, so that Tiara is hurt and cries.

"Honey, did you say something wrong? If so, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend or hurt your feelings. I honestly just don't want you to harm yourself, because if that happened we couldn't forgive ourselves for failing to protect you. I hope you don't misunderstand." Tiara. This beautiful woman looks a little nervous. she also didn't want Yohan to misunderstand what she was saying and get angry with her because he thought he would make his wife sad and cry.

Yohan, who saw his mother confused and confused, tried to calm Tiara so that her daughter-in-law would not cry all the time because of her regret. This handsome man finally stood up with a bowl of warm soup and also a box of fruit that had been sliced ​​neatly. Then he walked over to his wife. 

"Honey, look at me now with your own eyes. Do you see these wounds? Do you know how much it hurts? These wounds are less painful than the pain of seeing tears fall. So if you don't want to hurt me more then stop crying. " Yohan's words instantly made Tiara wipe her eyes and stop her crying. It's true that if she keeps crying, it's the same as adding to her husband's burden, who is now sick and has lots of bruises because of her, who ran away secretly without Yohan and his dad's knowledge.

Tiara just nodded her head then wiped her tears with her own hands. "Yes, I'm sorry for being stubborn, if that time I didn't leave the house at night maybe all of this wouldn't have happened. Honey, I'm sorry." There was nothing in a low voice while lowering her head. Until her beautiful face was not seen by Yohan's eyes.

Tiara did not dare to blame her husband for the disaster she received at that time. However, at that time she could have chosen to go back into the Kim family residence when she didn't find Yohan's car parked in the yard. But she decided to walk and catch up with Yohan. She didn't even know where her husband had gone. She should have also believed that her husband would be able to bring her sister-in-law home safely or not. And from the beginning of the hostilities, she also didn't allow her to come to pick up Emily because her body was not in good health. he gets tired easily and also faints.

Yohan put the fruit on the table near the patient's bed. he prepares to feed his wife who hasn't eaten at all from 

"Yes, of course I forgive you. All of that happened because of my fault. Now you better fill your stomach first because since last night you haven't eaten anything at all. Take a look honey, Mom really loves you. This is for you. I'm really jealous. Do you know that Mom hasn't cooked in a very long time? But this time for your sake Mom has to go down to the kitchen and say dirty hands to hold food ingredients she hasn't touched in a long time." explain to Tiara that her beautiful wife will eat as a sign of appreciating what her mother-in-law has cooked.

Tiara suddenly smiled and was very moved by what her mother-in-law had done. she even forgot all the pain in her heart and also the disappointment in herself. Now is the time for her to repay the kindness of her mother-in-law and her husband by making them smile again and not be sad because of her. Tiara knows that she has always been a nuisance and even tends to give trouble after trouble to her husband and family. though she didn't do it on purpose.

"Wow... Mom's cooking must be really good. I want to give it to me, I can't wait to taste it." Said this beautiful woman excitedly. 

The sadness in Tiara's heart was instantly healed and replaced with a smile. He didn't think that his mother-in-law had to To bother cooking for her.

Mrs. Kim, who saw Tiara's happy and exciting news, also felt happy and replied with a smile. "God give all that to Tiara. Honey, you don't have to worry if you still want more food. Mom still has a lot of stock for you. On the condition that you get well soon. Mom promises, on the first day you get out of the hospital and return to Kim's residence. Mom will cook a special meal for you herself." she said he promised Tiara that her daughter-in-law should feel excited and happy.

"Thank you mom, you are very good to me." Said Tiara who was touched And grateful for having a very good mother-in-law like Mrs. Kim.

Yohan took the bowl but did not give it to Tiara. this time it was the one who would feed his beautiful wife with his own hands as a sign of apology for leaving Tiara and not doing what they promised that night. 

"Honey I'm sorry, let me feed you as a token of apology for my mistakes.." Yohan said to Tiara sincerely and hoped that Tiara would forgive his mistake that night, which had broken his promise and was one of the causes of this fatal incident.

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