Perfect Husband : The CEO's Sweet Wife

Chapter 349 - 349. You Want To Sleep Here?

"You flirt! No wonder Mom was so angry. You must have hugged me while I was sleeping and once again Doctor Glen found us in that position, which made her irritated and annoyed. Then you guys made a fuss again and Mom and Emily saw it, then Emily was annoyed and left this room because she couldn't stand what the two of you were doing. Is it really like that?" Tira asked who could only guess what happened from her mother-in-law's words.

"Emm... Can you say that? Because I'm not sure that it was me who made the brat angry? It seems like another reason. Anyway, you should rest again. I want to rest there too?" Yohan said, teasing Tiara by pointing to the other side of this beautiful woman's bed.

Instantly tiara furrowed her forehead until her eyebrows were almost together. "No....No...No! We just got a warning from Mom. Do you want to break it again? Obviously I don't want to make Mom angry and irritated with me. I've discussed a lot of problems for you and your parents. So this time I have to write to all of you. There's no bed for you here, honey. You sleep over there!" Said tiara pointed to another bed on her left, which was specially provided by the hospital for this handsome man beforehand. but in reality, this handsome man chose to sleep crammed with his wife in one bed.

"Honey, you're so mean. I don't want to sleep there. I just want to sleep here." Yohan refused.

This man is also lazy if he has to sleep alone. Besides, he wouldn't do anything, except hug his wife while sleeping. Why bother, isn't that annoying? Over time he will turn this hospital into a hotel maybe?

"I'm really bad at him. he just... So, you want to sleep here?" said Tiara with a grinning smile, while her hands patted the side of the bed next to the empty one.

"Hmm..." said Yohan, nodding his head with an innocent and happy face. But the more he observed it, it seemed from the expression of the tiara's smile. There was something wrong he felt. Maybe his wife just wants to prank on him.

Tiara shifted slightly and Yohan got up on the bed and lay on his side facing his wife. When this handsome man wanted to hug her, this beautiful woman just smiled and put her husband's hand on the bed. "Honey, I want to sleep in this bed, don't you? Have a good sleep, dear..." Tiara said while kissing Yohan's forehead and stroking her husband's hair several times until Yohan felt comfortable and chose to close his eyes, even though he had not slept. 

While he was enjoying every touch and the gentle caress of his wife. Suddenly this beautiful woman moved to remove the blanket she was wearing. Then start getting out of bed. Yohan, who was surprised, immediately opened his eyes spontaneously. 

"Honey, where are you going?" Yohan asked, surprised, seeing his wife suddenly get out of bed. Even though his body was still weak and his legs still hurt to walk.

"I'm not going anywhere." Tiara answered while grabbing the IV line supporting pole next to her, then shifting it little by little. At the same time, he uses it to hold on and support her body like a stick used by people with sore feet to support some of their body weight. Tiara walked a little wobbly and dragged one of her legs which had a fairly severe bruise, but not a broken bone. Only the blisters are wide enough to be slightly swollen and leave a fairly painful pain when made to walk.

Yohan immediately got up from the bed and walked over to Tiara. This handsome man quickly grabbed the body of the tiara and carried this beautiful woman, towards the bed next door. He knew exactly where he was going and what his wife was going to do. 

"Uh, what are you doing?" Tiara asked, surprised. When her husband suddenly carried her with a frown. 

Yohan put the body of the tiara slowly on the bed and adjusted the position of the infusion pole in the right position so that the tube would not get tangled and prevent the medicine liquid from entering smoothly. When finished, she wrapped Tiara neatly to keep her body warm. He also fixed the position of the pillow used by his wife, so that this beautiful woman could sleep comfortably and her neck would not hurt.

Tiara just looked at Yohan in confusion. Why is Yohan doing all this? "Could he be angry with me, because I purposely moved and gave the bed to him? But I don't want to refuse, I just don't want to disobey orders Mom's . Should I ask yohan if he's angry or not?" Tiara murmured in the heart. she's having some worries at the moment. On the one hand, she didn't want to disobey her mother-in-law's orders because she had been warned and on the other hand, she didn't want to disappoint her husband either. This beautiful woman's eyes looked at her husband with sadness and tears. her mouth wanted to speak, but the voice didn't seem to want to come out. I wanted to scream but couldn't, only a strong inner pressure remained.

Yohan only occasionally glanced at the tiara. He prefers to remain silent for now and control himself and his emotions.

"H-Honey, are you mad at me?" Tiara asked with a bit of hesitation. But she had to do it because her heart wasn't at peace if her husband kept putting on a sour face like that.

Yohan chose to remain silent and lay down on his bed, according to Tiara's wish. This handsome man even sleeps on her side and her back to Tiara as if he doesn't want to see his wife's face for a while. I don't know whether Yohan is angry and sulking or just wants to get Tiara's attention.

Seeing and losing her like that, Tiara became confused and also didn't know what to do. She didn't mean to offend or hurt her husband's heart. but her actions only sparked another problem between her and her husband. Tiara called and invited Yohan to talk several times, but her husband didn't want to answer her words at all, let alone just turn to look at her.

"Oh my God. What should I do? Yohan doesn't really care what I say or what I do now. How can I get she attention back?" Tiara muttered in her heart.

This beautiful woman started thinking and racking her brain to come up with ideas so that Yohan would pay attention to her again or at least answer the question that was enough.

At the same time, when Tiara was busy thinking about getting Yohan's attention. This handsome man is busy closing his eyes, he is indeed very sleepy. So, actually. Yohan slept on her side and turned her back on Tiara, it wasn't because this handsome man was sulking, or misunderstood his wife's behavior. But he was just very tired and sleep-deprived. What Tiara did Nevermind is right so that the cell phone will not be angry and can understand it.

"Hoam... I'm so sleepy. Coincidentally, he also doesn't want to sleep with me. So what's wrong, after all I can sleep freely without having to fight over the bed with her. Never mind, I just want to sleep." Yohan muttered in a very low voice, Just think relaxed and positive, don't think negative things about your wife. 

Yohan's silence was not because he was sulking or annoyed with Tiara. But this handsome man just doesn't want to fight, let alone fight with his wife over trivial things. This handsome man was sleeping soundly. Maybe this is the effect of a full stomach after drinking a bowl of soup made by his mother, and also a few pieces of fresh fruit.

This is exactly the opposite of Tiara who just woke up. Even though her stomach was full too. He had also just been fed by Yohan with the same portion, one bowl too. But this beautiful woman didn't feel sleepy at all or wanted to sleep. All that is in her mind now is floating and imagining things about her husband. 'An angry Yohan, a sulky Yohan, a misunderstood Yohan, huh... Yohan and only Yohan are on her mind right now.


At the same time in director Jerry Jiang's dormitory. Tara had come and sat on the sofa, arranging the documents she had brought specially to ask for her father's autograph. But she can't do it yet, because director Jerry Jiang is still fast asleep After taking medicine from treatment.

"Damn! Because Jonathan I'm late, so dad is asleep now. If only I had arrived 15 minutes earlier, maybe dad wasn't asleep and I wouldn't have to wait any longer just for you to ask for an autograph." This beautiful woman grumbled softly.

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