Perfect Husband : The CEO's Sweet Wife

Chapter 352 - 352. Hospital [2]

Jonathan's face still looked very serious in thinking. "Um... Who is it? Who is it...?" He mumbled over and over again. The impatient Tara returned to being emotional.

"Am... Emm.... um... Emm... So from earlier? Can't remember either! Basic old and senile !!! "chirps of this beautiful woman snapped. The face looks very jealous, her lips pouted and her eyebrows almost alone together. she kept harping no stopping because it was played by Jonathan.

Jonathan smiled when seeing his beloved woman sulking. It turned out to be nice to see tara like that. All he knew was that this woman in front of him was very stubborn and never wanted to look weak or spoiled it wasn't clear. If he was spoiled to seduce, of course, he was an expert. If only to sulk, it's rare for her to show others. What is usually clearly visible in public is only the beautiful, intelligent, strong, stubborn, and ambitious woman.

Jonathan grabbed the tiny waist and whispered. "He... He ... I am still young and mighty. How could I easily forget such a small thing. If I tell you who's sick, you'll be very surprised dear. I can't wait to see you so sad and shocked." Jonathan explained, turning to be spoiled, by resting his head on Tara's shoulder.

Tara who was irritated, instead of being touched, pushed this handsome man's head away from her shoulder. "Come on, don't make excuses. Say it fast! Indeed, what news will shock me Until I am dumbfounded And my mouth is open." Said Tara who still forced Jonathan to say it. She didn't like being curious at all. What made me curious about her life until now was only one thing. "Why is yohan more choose a tiara over her? Obviously everything she has is much better than Tiara." Tara thought.

" Mr. Kim said that the sick one was President Kim aka Kim Yohan. already? Satisfied?" Jonathan said irritated and half jealous if he had to mention the man's name in front of tara. There was this beautiful woman in front of her that would sparkle in her eyes and her passion for chasing the billionaire would rise again. Yes even though it's none of her business, or her right to forbid? Still, she felt rivaled.

As predicted by Jonathan. This beautiful woman gave off an exaggerated expression. "What! yohan? Are you sure? Why would he be sick? So where is he being treated now? How is he now?" said tara who kept asking questions and shook Jonathan's shoulder frantically. Even she was the opposite when she found out that her father was sick, who looked relaxed, calm, and didn't seem to care. But this time her expression was very panicked and worried It's as if the one who is sick is her mate and the most important person in her life.

Jonathan just stares at the exaggerated expression of this tara Jiang, which according to him is considered unnatural. Who is Yohan in this beautiful woman's life, her lover? Not really. Her husband? What's more, it's obvious, isn't it? Brother or sister, younger brother? Not really. But why does Tara seem to give a very special place to this man? Whereas she who has accompanied him in the ups and downs of this beautiful woman can only be just an insult. Yes.. even though they are together only by agreement.

"Jonatan! Why are you just keeping quiet? Come on, quickly answer my question?" Tara asked once again.

"I don't know? I'm not a medical officer, after all, I'm also here to visit your papa, besides that Mr. Kim was in a hurry earlier. Where did I ask? Where is Yohan's room now?" Jonatan answered with annoyance and emotion. Sometimes Tara would ask him about other men. Indeed, Tara, if I talk about Tiara, can she accept that? Jonathan can only think about all his feelings, without being able to express them. everything was plain and clear for now. If he were to anger tara even a little, the company could be in danger.

Director Jerry Jiang had been awake and silent all this time. suddenly cleared his throat loudly, as a code that there were still people in the room. He only caught a glimpse of the back of the man who was with Tara.

"Ahem... are you guys done yet? If so, then go! Don't make noise in my room. I need a break, not listening to people who are arguing!" said director jerry half sarcastically both with harsh and piercing words. It was as if the two people sitting on the sofa did not know good manners and manners in visiting the sick.

Tara and Jonathan When looking at the patient bed, where the director Jerry Jiang lay.

"Dad are you awake?" said Tara who stood up and walked closer to the patient's bed.

Director Jerry Jiang looked indifferent, looking at his daughter walked over and asked her how she was. Moreover, she had heard before herself. how much Tara cares for her brother's husband. 

"I guess what you see. How do you think I'm Replied in an annoying tone of voice when heard directly.

"doingTaraHaist?" Papa... Papa, can't you be a little sweet when you talk to me? Your words are annoying and hurt my ears." Said tara who started protesting her papa's behavior towards her

"Yes, as you can see. I've calmed down. I should thank Steve's assistant as well as my best friend Yuchen's daughter. They were the ones who brought me in time to the hospital, just as I was dying. Even though they were obviously just another person, but willing to wait and watch over me until morning. Very different from someone who claims and is said to be still my own family. I was lost and didn't come home for a day and a night, no one cared. Moreover, looking for me, there they even accuse me of playing crazy with women out there. To someone like that, I have to be sweet?" said director Jerry Jiang sarcastically about the behavior of his wife and eldest daughter openly.

Tara couldn't help but be silent because everything her Papa said was true. Even though basically yesterday she was just joking with her mother. she didn't think that her mother would be jealous and scold her father. Yes, who knows if her father didn't come home because he was admitted to the hospital, because his old illness had relapsed. The animal came closer to greet director jerry Jiang. In the current situation, it is impossible to discuss cooperation between the two companies for a while. all of that can be seen from the emotional state of director Jerry Jiang, Who doesn't seem to be able to communicate easily. if his daughter Tara alone can't conquer him and win his heart for now, moreover he is just an outsider and has no family ties with the owner of the JT group company.

"Good afternoon director Jerry." Jonathan greeted with a sweet smile. 

The man of this place was standing right beside the North who had been silent all this time and could not refute her father's words.

"Oh, you're Nathan. What are you doing here?" asked Jerry Jiang curtly. Yes, I still remember correctly, how dad from the young man in front of him asked him to drink at the bar yesterday. They were all friends who made him bedridden in a hospital-like there.

Jonathan had a blank look on his face when he heard the words of director Jerry Jiang. What does it mean by asking, Why did Jonathan come from that place? Wasn't the answer obvious, of course, this handsome man was in the room to visit the old man who was sick? It wasn't unusual for director Jerry Jiang to be so cold to him, and to say something like sarcasm to this handsome man.

"Why does dad ask that? It's clear that Jonathan is here to see papa. Is there anything else that can be done in a hospital room like this?" Tara said to help answer her father's question to Jonathan.

Tara felt her father's question was also a little strange. Even though her father was a rude and strict person. sometimes also annoying, but he also will not say carelessly to outsiders just like that.

Director Jerry kept his gaze fixed on Jonathan, without even blinking. He ignored Tara's presence. He wanted to know what purpose the son of his impudent friend had come to see him.

"You, Tara. Shut up! Did I ask you a question? You've been really presumptuous and uncivilized lately. I think I'll have to teach you more so you know how to behave in front of parents." Jerry answered with spicy words to his favorite daughter. 

This beautiful woman wrinkled her forehead. she never expected that her Papa would say such embarrassing things about her in front of Jonathan so clearly. It was tantamount to her father showing his face in public and not showing the slightest respect for this beautiful woman in front of her lover.

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