Perfect Life

Chapter 613:

Sometimes, he simply danced wildly with both hands, and said something in his mouth: "Huowu whirlwind is coming!"

...Looking at a firecracker and fireworks blooming, Gao Xiang and Gao Yiyi also had a lot of fun, playing with the children in the village like the king of children.

The time in the village is very joyful, with bursts of laughter and laughter.

Such a scene cannot be seen in the city.

Gao Xiang and Gao Yiyi's return to the village is not only a visit to their hometown, but also a search for the joy and taste of their previous childhood.

Soon it will be the third day of the new year.

Gao Xiang's high school classmates gathering time is also set for the third day of the Lunar New Year!: Second, Guiqiu automatic subscription and monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation tickets, all support, thank you.

Many people will think of this piece of water, but what I want to say is that I want to use this chapter

Mime private 667

Reunion of classmates, this is also an indispensable program during the holidays! High school and junior high school reunions are the most worthy of gathering, because the classmates at these two stages are relatively pure, and there is not much intrigue and interest.

The time set for Gao Xiang’s classmate gathering is... on the third day of the Lunar New Year! The third day of the first lunar month is also called Xiaonian, and Chao, also known as Chigou Day. As an ancient traditional festival, it is said that the Nuwa Empress created pigs on this day.

According to folklore, the night of the third day of the junior high school is the day when the rat gets married. Therefore, most people turn off the lights to sleep early to avoid disturbing the rat generation. Some people say that the lights are turned off early at night to make the rats invisible and unable to marry, so as to reduce the speed of their reproduction and stay in the house. Sprinkle some rice grains and pastries on the horns for the rats to eat. It is called the mouse divides money, which means the old "Basansan"

Rats share a year's harvest.

Moreover, the folks take the third day of the first month as the birthday of the millet.

Of course, there is not so much attention now.

The main reason why Gao Xiang's class reunion is scheduled on the third day of the new year is... the reason of the customs on the third day of the new year.

According to the legend, the red dog is the **** of anger. People who meet him will definitely be unlucky. Therefore, the third day of the middle school is a bad day. It is not suitable to go out. A banquet on this day will offend the red dog and bring poverty.

Therefore, on the third day of the new year, neither visiting relatives nor visiting friends, so it is the most time to party! During the day, Gao Xiang and Gao Yiyi both went out to have fun.

In the evening, Gao Xiang was ready to go to the class reunion.

Junlong Shengjing Villa.

The time for the high school party this time was set for the evening, so at around five o'clock in the afternoon, Gao Xiang cleaned up and got ready to go out.

"Gao Xiang goes to the party"

Before leaving, Gao Yiyi smiled and called Gao Xiang.

Gao Xiang nodded: "Yeah! Something is going on.



Gao Yiyi shook the phone in his hand and said with a smile: "If you go to the party if it is unpleasant, send me a WeChat message, I will call you and give you an excuse to leave, haha!"

"If I want to leave, I don't need a reason at all!"

Gao Xiang smiled, and then went out.

The location chosen for the reunion of high school classmates this time was grandma's house.

Gao Xiang drove a car insurance this time.

This is the cheapest car in the family.Bentley and Lamborghini are both better than Porsche, so in order to keep a low profile, I bought a Porsche.

Porsche is also a brand under the Volkswagen Group, also known as Porsch, headquartered in Stuttgart, and is one of the representatives of European and American cars.

The main models are 911,,.

,, For Gao Xiang, this car is the cheapest car, but for many people, it is an unattainable existence. The existence of luxury cars is also a very long history of running for 19 years. Porsche was established. In Stuttgart, it is well-known in the world for its production.

The founder Ferdinand Porsche is a well-known designer in the world-renowned car industry.

The Porsche currently driven by Gao Xiang is a very classic model among Porsches.

, As a medium-sized Porsche.

The Audi 5 chassis is adopted, and the design tends to be more sporty, making it look like a crossover, equipped with 3.

0 Twin turbocharged engine, maximum power 250, speed is not slow! Buzzing...whoohoo...driving the Porsche.

Gao Xiang went directly to the grandmother's restaurant.

Except for a small number of people, most of the high school classmates are students, so naturally the place to choose to eat cannot be a high-end restaurant, so I chose the grandmother's house.

Grandma's is a restaurant chain restaurant, and the taste is not very delicious, but there are also stores in Tongzhou, and the price is affordable, and it is still relatively affordable. Just like if you don't go to the night market in Taiwan, you will feel that you don't know how to eat and are not localized enough.

For the people of Hangzhou, the grandmother’s house is... such a "restaurant for our people in Hangzhou"

, In the small city of Hangzhou, my grandmother's house has 21 branches, because it is delicious, cheap, good service, and the restaurant is comfortable and clean.

Catering, this can be regarded as an industry almost all year round.

Gao Xiang drove the Porsche to his grandmother's house.

A plaque was placed at the door of my grandmother's house, which said that Tongzhou kind of high school classmates reunion, and in the parking lot at the door of my grandmother's house, there were many luxury cars, including BMW, Audi, and Mercedes-Benz. In the majority, there are even Ferraris and Porsches.

Gao Xiang's Porsche is not the most expensive car in the parking lot.

These...The luxury cars are not all cars driven by classmates, but Gao Xiang relies on his intuition and feels that these five invisible competitions seem to have begun.

They come, the security.

Originally, Gao Xiang wanted to turn around and left, but after thinking about it, he walked into his grandmother's house.

Grandma’s family was founded in 199. With its precise restaurant positioning and superior dining experience, it has successfully created a "hanger style" of legendary restaurants in Hangzhou’s catering industry.

Become the “outside 2.” that the industry talks about.

8 in-laws phenomenon"

, And promoted the grandmother’s family to gradually complete the nationwide distribution, currently has the grandmother’s family, refers to the Fu Men, the second movement

According to the relevant instructions, the meeting place for high school classmates is on the second floor.

Gao Xiang immediately went up to the second floor.

: Third, Guiqiu automatic subscription and monthly ticket, flowers, evaluation ticket, all support, thank you.

The wonderful plot has begun, and I ask for a wave of support.

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