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On the platform, Yamamoto was thrown out directly, squatting there, motionless.

Looking at the posture, the one that fell only after Ye Hao was estimated to be enough to break him into an internal injury.

Three representatives, the referees on the court, including Sun Yizhong, Senny, Mu Suifeng and others, have all been sluggish there.

After a few seconds of silence, everyone finally reacted and suddenly made a big splash.

"Looking... lying trough! So strong!" Sun Jia over there, believing that his face was shining and marveling.

"I didn't expect that Miss Ye would not be hidden..." The big state has a complicated look.

"No wonder people are not interested in coming to power! It is not a level with us!"

"Before I thought that our lady was already a leader among my peers. Now it seems that there are people outside, there are days outside!"


On the other side of the Qin family, the five elites looked up and watched the girl who defeated Yamamoto on the stage. They were all unbelievable.

I can't believe that defeated the wolf king Senny, Sun Xueyu and their family, together, have no confrontation, Yamamoto Yu, was defeated by this delicate and delicate woman...

The strength of this woman is even stronger than Miss Ruo!

No... it is too strong...

"Why, for the first time, I saw that a woman’s skill can be so powerful!"

"It's no wonder that the Secretary of the Night Cold sent her to be the representative of the Secretary!"

"Isn't it! I am taking it!"

Listening to the constant amazement and discussion of the other two elites, the five guards on the side of the division are boiled in the chest, and they feel that they are dreaming.

"Oh... is our lady really so powerful?"

The five people face each other, and at the same time, because they are only looking at people by appearance, there is a face on the face.


"How are you, master!"

At this moment, the two disciples of Yamamoto Yu were shocked and rushed directly to the ring.

"" Kawada looked at Ye Hao’s expression as if he was watching a monster.

Ye Hao did not take a step forward, his brow slightly picked, "What?"

Kawada and another disciple saw Ye Hao suddenly come forward, suddenly scared to roll back to the rear, "Don't come over!"

Lianshan Benyu has been beaten like this, and they dare to move.

Ye Hao continued to walk in the direction of Yamamoto.

The two disciples had a stiff face and the footsteps were as if they were nailed to the stage.

Ye Hao step by step and walked slowly to the mournful Yamamoto. "Will you want me again?"

Yamamoto Yu heard, his face was white, his body twitched. "No... No, I admit defeat! I admit defeat! I lost!"

This time, he was careless. He did not expect that the strength of this woman was actually above him. Even if it was more than ten times, there was only one ending.

The people in the audience may not know, only he is the most clear, only the one-time test, his injury is multiple, it is absolutely impossible to play with her again, unless he does not want to die.

This woman is not only terrible, but also too embarrassing!

Under the stage, everyone listened to the voice of Yamamoto Yu, and they were all excited.

"Play well! Let him see the dog low!"

"We have a long history of martial arts in China, and we are bold and profound, and dare to come to our site to scatter wild!"


In the end, Yamamoto was squatted by two disciples, and slipped away in a snoring with his tail.

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