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Ye Hao looked up and was about to talk to the secretary of the night, but suddenly felt that something was wrong, so he looked straight toward the night, and the body was close to smelling.

Under the moonlight, the man wore a white shirt, and the cold and sloppy face turned downside down as usual, and the black hair seemed to be slightly wet...

The point is that there is no **** smell on his body, but it is all the fragrance and water vapor after the shower.

"How?" Secretary of the night cold on the girl's bright voice.

"Hey, are you taking a shower?" Ye Hao asked.

Secretary night nodded: "Yeah."

Is it worried that **** smell will scare her? I also took a shower before coming to see her...

Thinking of this, Ye Hao is not only the body covered with a jacket, but the heart is also wrapped like hot water.

"You are these days... are you dealing with Si Mingli?" Ye Hao asked with some concern.

I don’t know if the people behind Si Ming’s curtains have found it. During this time, I also tried to let the **** and Jiaojiao inquire through the line of Tang Long and Long Yin Mercenary. The mercenary’s tone is too strict. Ways to find people behind the scenes through them.

Secretary night cold eyes micro-ling: "Do not worry about these, I will deal with."

After that, the dark look looked like a girl in front of the pool. "Hey, promise me one thing."

"What?" Ye Hao looked up.

"The last time, don't happen for the second time. Once the danger occurs, immediately leave the house and leave the country, understand?" The secretary was cold and serious.

Ye Hao heard his brows tightly. "There will be no second time. Is your body not good? Dr. Sun has no problem with these recent inspections, saying that you are recovering very well!"

Secretary Night Cold did not refute: "Yeah."

"So, if you handle things, don't delay sleeping! Staying up late is very hurtful, it will hurt the liver and kidney, the memory will decline, and you will lose your hair. The important thing is that it will become ugly! If you become ugly, I am To overturn the wall!" Ye Hao shattered and warned.

The Secretary of the Night faintly glanced at her: "What are you talking about?"

Ye Wei: "I said staying up late to hurt!"

Secretary Night Cold: "Not this sentence."

Ye Wei: "It’s getting ugly at night!"

Secretary Night Cold: "The next sentence."

Ye Wei: "Oh... even if you get ugly... I don't overturn the wall! It's not right! Other men look good, I won't take a look, you'll be the best looking if you get ugly! ”

Secretary night cold: "..."


Under her tight eye, the company’s night was finally resumed, and her exams ended smoothly, and it was on the day of the audition.

Ye Hao accompanied Jiang Ruran to the audition site.

"Don't be nervous, just play normally..." Ye Haozheng spoke to Jiang Yanran and the phone rang.

Ye Hao reluctantly switched to male voice, "Hey?"

"Ye brother..." The mobile phone has always heard the magic sound of Gong Xu.

"Stop, wait for me to call me again, I have something now."

"Is there something? How is it? I am not with Luo Chen. Can you have anything to do? Are you carrying me to find other small meat!" Gong Xu was very wary.

Ye Qi mouth corner micro-draw, Gong Xu this goods is really a beast-like intuition...

"What do you want? What little meat, nothing, you are enough for me, I don't plan to accept new people." Ye Hao did not speak openly.

Her words are not lying, Jiang Yan is not a small meat, nor a newcomer, she received it in the morning...

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