Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1107: My boyfriend is not handsome.

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Li Yan smiled. "Your child, once jumped to graduation, the entire Emperor Communication University has been a school for nearly a hundred years. In total, only three people have done it. It has been spread all over the school. How can I not? know?

I chatted with your grandfather and several other friends last night. Your grandfather didn’t say anything, and the tail had to go up to the sky! ”

Ye Hao heard the words and laughed, but she really thanked Professor Li Yan, always talking about her grandfather and brushing her a lot of good feelings.

"Oh, you have finished the test now, shouldn't you be busy?" Professor Li chilled with her for a while, then suddenly asked.

When Ye Hao heard this question, she suddenly felt awkward and had a bad feeling.

Professor Li Yan looked forward and said: "When you have time, I am going to have your grandparents together, and our two families come out to have a light meal, just as my stinky boy is back!"

Ye Wei: "..."

Professor Li has not forgotten this...

What to eat... This is a blind date...

No, she has to hurry and make it clear.

Ye Hao scratched his head and looked at the dilemma. "I am really sorry, Professor Li. I have been busy reviewing and writing papers before, so I have no time, I have been busy, so I have already agreed with my boyfriend. Going out for a few days, maybe not available these days..."

Professor Li heard it and suddenly stunned. "Hey, do you have a boyfriend?"

Ye Hao nodded: "Yes."

Professor Li suddenly felt like the pain of the flowers that he had picked up. However, after thinking about it, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. "No, you are not yelling at me! Before I explored the tone of your grandfather, he said that you didn't make a boyfriend!"

Ye Hao was busy explaining, "That, Professor Li, my family's situation, you also know, I usually don't have much chance to see my grandparents, they still don't know what I am doing with my boyfriend!"

"You really didn't lie to me?"

"Of course it is true, how can I lie to you!"

"Oh, I know that you young people are more resentful and arranged marriages, but I told you, I am not blowing, my son is very handsome, and absolutely match with you!" Professor Li Yan only "has a boyfriend." "It is Ye Xuan's pretext, so I continue to persuade."

Ye Hao lightly coughed, "Hey, this... Professor Li, I don't think it looks important to look at it. Two people still feel together..."

Professor Li Yan heard the words and said, "Why, you don't believe this, don't believe me to show you photos!"

In order to let Li Yan die, Ye Hao had to rush to open his mouth. "No, I really have no requirements for appearance. In fact, I like to look ugly and have a sense of security..."

Ye Hao’s positive force persuaded Li Yan, and suddenly there was a rustling sound that stepped on the fallen leaves.

Ye Hao turned his head subconsciously, first staying, then slammed his eyes wide open.

I saw a blue-gray suit with a cold night, holding a large bouquet of flaming roses in my hand, coming towards her...

It is rare for the night of the night to wear a color other than black, and with a large bouquet of fire in the arms, the face is even more dazzling.

Ye Hao was almost blinded and looked at the man with a stern look. "Hey... Ah Jiu... You... how come you!"

[520 biggest lie, Ye Wei: I like to grow ugly! 】

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