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At the dinner table.

Naturally chatted about the movie.

From the beginning to the end, Liang Meizhen is a proud expression with two old faces. "Every part of this movie that Emperor Tiantou shot this year is a big explosion. The big favourites of the awards have also been taken over by Huangtian Entertainment! Dad, Mom, you are Although rest assured! Huangtian in the hands of Yiyi and Shaoan, will definitely get better and better!"

Ye Hongwei and Tan Yilan heard the words and looked very happy.

"Mom, don't praise me, I still have a lot to learn from my grandfather!"

Ye Yiyi modestly said a few words, then looked at Ye Mufan, and said intimately, "Mu Fan, I heard that your box office is not ideal? It is a family, if there is a need to help, despite the opening."

Liang Meizhen sneered, "Yiyi, you don't worry about it, what is the box office, the two men and men are all shortlisted for the Jinlan Award! As long as one wins, it is more than a few times!"

Ye Hongwei heard the words, Shen Shendao, "I have seen this Jinlan Award shortlist. The other shortlisted films are all from the hands of the famous guide. The competition is very fierce. The prize may not be big, but it has already The finalists are good, keep working hard!"

Although Ye Hongwei did not say much, he only encouraged a few words, but disappointment is naturally inevitable.

He knew very well that if the film could not get a corresponding return, Ye Mufan, the small company, could not last long.

Compared with Yiyi, the other two children are still too far away...

Ye Mufan nodded. "Yes, Grandpa, I will work hard."


After dinner, Ye Hao and Ye Mufan left the old house together.

Ye Hao’s cell phone suddenly rang.

It was Jiang Yanran who came over.

Ye Hao connected the phone, and then smiled and said: "Hey, stun, congratulations!"

"Hey, how can you make a phone call?" Jiang Yanran complained.

"Sorry, I have been in the mountains for two days. The signal is not stable. I just flew back today and I have been busy until now."

Jiang Yanran did not care, excitedly said: "Hey, have you seen it? I am a finalist! I was the best woman in the Golden Orchid Award!"

Ye Hao smiled and said: "Well, I saw it! Very powerful! I just wanted to call you back when I went back!"

Fortunately, I left my mind before, no one knows that Jiang Haoran is her person, so Jiang Yanran has been very successful from shooting to propaganda. The box office and word of mouth of the movie are good, and it is one of the big favorites.

"Fortunately, I didn't let you down, but the competition is too intense. I don't know if I can get the prize."

"This is your first film. It is very good to be a finalist. This is a very good starting point." Ye Hao encouraged.

Jiang Yanran asked nervously. "Hey, will you come at the awards ceremony? Right, Gong Xu and Luo Chen are also short-listed, and you will definitely be there!"

Ye Hao said: "Yes, I will go."

Jiang Yanran was relieved. "That's good. You won't be in the market for me. I am still attending this occasion for the first time."

Ye Hao talked with Jiang Yanran for a while, told her something to pay attention to, and then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the mobile phone, Ye Hao looked at Ye Mufan, who was worried. "Well, it’s good, don’t worry about it, and it’s also shortlisted. We’re shortlisted here, according to probability, the possibility of winning. It’s quite big, if you’re lucky, you might be able to take advantage of the shadows, and you’ll be able to walk in front of them in front of them!”

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