Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1147: Of course it’s important for boyfriends.

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Ye Haozheng sat on the sofa with Han Yuyu and waited for Gong Xu and Luo Chen. At this time, the phone suddenly rang.

Caller ID is easy.

At this time, Xu Yi called her to do something?

Ye Hao suspiciously picked up his mobile phone and went to the outside corridor to answer the phone.

"Hey, Xu Guanjia?"

As soon as Ye Haogang was connected, the phone immediately heard Xu Yi’s anxious voice. “Miss Yan, have you quarreled with Jiuye?”

Ye Hao was asked a confused face, "Ah? Quarrel? No, we are good!"

Xu Yi hurriedly said: "Impossible! Then... how was the nine-grand suddenly so violent..."

Ye Hao heard a word of silence, "Hey! He is not necessarily irritating because I am so good? Don't want any pot to slap on me..."

Xu Yi’s tone is almost crying, and the phone seems to be mixed with noisy broken sounds. “Miss !! In short, you still come over to the company to see it, please! I’m really wrong today’s mood!”

Ye Hao heard that his face was a little dignified.

Xu Yi generally does not call her easily, unless the situation is really urgent.

"Okay, I know, come soon."

After the call, Ye Hao returned to the modeling room and covered it in the ear of Ye Mufan. "I will leave and I will be back soon."

"Where are you going?" Ye Mufan asked casually.

Ye Wei: "My boyfriend is not very well, I will go see it."

Ye Mufan listened to the hair suddenly, "Rely! Today is such an important day, it is important for your boyfriend or the award ceremony!"

Ye Wei: "Of course it is a boyfriend."

Ye Mufan: "..."

Ye Hao appease: "Brother, I will come when I go, this time is still early!"

Ye Mufan said unhappyly: "Go and go!"


At the same time, the Sis Group.

Xu Yi had been waiting at the front desk. As soon as she saw Ye Hao, she took her to the top of the elevator.

"What the **** is going on?" Ye Hao asked in a hurry.

Xu Yi screamed and replied, "Miss Yan, the mind of Jiuye, where can I guess, this... this should ask you..."

Ye Wei: "..."

The problem is, this time it is really not her pot! Today she was still fine when she left!

Although Ye Hao has not seen anyone at this moment, but feel the low pressure of the office area seen when passing by, and the expression of all the staff's bloodless face, I know that Xu Yi's words are not exaggerated.

The two finally walked to the door of the president's office, and Xu easily knocked on the door a few times and then pushed the door in.

Ye Hao walked in and walked in. Even if he saw the office in the wind, it was a mess.

The large desk was in front of him, and the night was wearing a black shirt. The body rested on the leather seat casually. One hand held the forehead, and the whole body was filled with a decadent air and a madness that could destroy everything at any time... ...

Don't say that it's easy, even she is a bit guilty, out of instinct for danger and jail, subconsciously want to escape.

Xu Yi atmosphere did not dare to stand on the edge of the door.

Ye Hao only slightly hesitated, and immediately stepped forward: "Ajiu..."

After approaching, Ye Hao found that the face of the night was very bad, and there was almost no blood in the white.

She just left for a few hours without seeing him. How did she suddenly become like this?

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