Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1189: Almost didn't recognize it

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Ye Hao faintly looked at Liang Shihan and Ye Yiyi, ignored the two and directly connected the phone.

Ye Wei: "Hey, President Chen."

Listening to the voice of the girl from the phone, Chen Yanfeng subconsciously snorted, "Hey, you are..."

Ye Wei: "I am jealous."

Chen Yanfeng suddenly reacted and smiled and said, "Oh, hey, I didn't react for a while! Have you not yet arrived at the ballroom?"

Chen Yanfeng knows that Ye Hao is using the identity of Ye Bai, so it is inevitable that Ye Hao is talking with the voice of a girl.

Ye Hao opened the answer: "It's already, just, there are some troubles."

Chen Yanfeng asked with care: "What's wrong? What's wrong? Don't worry, wait a little, I have already arrived at the door, I will arrive soon."

Ye Wei: "Okay."

Ye Hao said that he had hung up.

Liang Shihan saw a sneer, "Hey, this is finished? Why don't you pretend like a point, let's open aloud!"

Seeing that Ye Hao doesn't talk, Liang Shihan only can't pretend that she can't fit it. She looks at the director's side. "Zhang Li, now you see it, this person is obviously mixed in. As for what kind of thinking, everyone knows In the end, in order to avoid being harassed by the guests, I think the organizer can't sit back and ignore it?"

With so many eyes staring at the scene, Zhang Lizhen naturally can't care, so he can only be forced to open his mouth. "This lady, I am very sorry, you have not received the invitation, please come out immediately."

Ye Mufan’s eyes were slightly stunned, and he was about to speak. At this moment, there was a sudden embarrassment at the entrance of the door. The artists took the initiative to let a road come, and looked with respect to the coming.


"Chen Chen is coming!"

Chen Yanfeng followed several high-level executives and greeted the guests casually, then hurriedly walked in the direction of Ye Hao.

"Ye Ye, Chen Huichang is here, I see how you still wear it!" Liang Shihan saw the president coming, and suddenly overjoyed, and immediately greeted President Chen, and asked Chen to deal with it.

Chen Yanfeng did not seem to notice Liang Shihan at all, and walked straight over her and walked toward Ye Hao.

After seeing Ye Hao’s body dressed up, he smiled and said, “Ye’s director, you suddenly wore the clothes of this girl, I almost didn’t recognize it!”

Liang Shihan, who is about to complain, heard the words, and what did President Chen call Ye Hao? Ye... Director?

In the company of the gods era, the director of the surname Ye... Isn’t there only one leaf?

Is Ye Hao also mixed with the position of the director?

However, what does it mean to wear girls' clothes? How does this sound so strange?

Seeing the side for a lot of people, Zhang Li is also there, Chen Yanfeng directly looked at Zhang Lizhi, "What happened?"

Zhang was busy explaining: "The lady came in without an invitation. I was communicating with her and asked her to leave..."

When Chen Yanfeng heard it, he suddenly changed his face and angered: "It’s just a mess!"

Zhang Li was shocked by the president’s anger. He didn’t know where he was doing wrong. “Hey,’s wrong?”

Chen Yanfeng was full of anger: "Do you know who she is? I am so hard to bring people in, you actually have to go!"

"Ah? President! Sorry! I... I don't know if you invited..."

When I heard Chen Yanfeng’s words, it was not only Zhang’s affairs, but the people around him were all stunned.

What the **** is this all about?

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