Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1286: Are you really a sister?

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The old man explained with a stern and trepidation, and carefully looked up at the girl and continued to admit his mistake. "The lord, who was just under the eyes, did not know Taishan, but he could not recognize you..."

When the old man finished, he flashed a glimmer of light and continued to speak. "Just, what is your lord? Why don't you say your identity?"

Sure enough, it is not so good, this is testing her!

Ye Hao measured the psychology of Pingtou. She hasn’t gone back because she has been outside for so long. If it’s not an accident, then it’s definitely not enough to go back.

So, Ye Hao snorted, "What words? What can be eaten indiscriminately, can't talk nonsense, who said that I am your ally?"

If Ye Hao directly said that he is their ally, they may not believe it, but Ye Hao did the opposite and suddenly refused to recognize it, and they collapsed.

The old man really stopped, and then suddenly bitter face, look at the expression seems to cry, "Lord, you don't play! In addition to you in this world, who else may make the move just now! Your feelings under the genius, Your subordinates will never admit their mistakes! Since the lord is back this time, please don't run again!

Because you have been away for too long, these years, the appearance has changed a lot, so, the next time is not able to recognize you immediately, but also ask the lord to forgive! ”

When I heard the old man say this, Ye Hao showed a look that he couldn’t help because he lost his vest. "Trouble!"

The old man quickly flattered and flattered: "In the independent state, dare to take the gun out, I am afraid that only the lord will be you... I never thought of it..."

The old man said, how much annoyed, if you can find such details in advance to recognize the lord, it will not be smashed like this...

"You..." The youngster star stared at the girl in front of her eyes.

When Ye Hao was relieved, he noticed the seven stars, and suddenly the hairs of the whole body were blown up. This young boy is not a good character, and it is even harder to deal with than this old man.

Ye Hao tried to keep his mind steady, his mouth slightly rising, and his look calmly toward the teenager.

"You... really a sister?!" Seven stars stepped forward, and there was an invisible luster in the inside.


Ye Hao heard the words, a glimpse of the heart, how... Is this the seven stars of the fearless alliance, the brother of the lord?

Dear brother, still recognize?

Either way, if it is to treat the younger brother, the way of speaking is the same tone, should there be some changes...

Looking at the style of acting without fear, the flat-headed brother who is the lord must be a murderer, such a person, what kind of attitude should he be to his younger brother...

Feeling, it seems a bit out of order...

"Seven stars, how, don't you know your sister?" After a little thought, Ye Hao changed his way of speaking, plus a trace of tenderness and thoughts, but also without majesty.

It should be this feeling...

Ye Xie’s heart all mentioned the eyes of the scorpion. At this moment, she may say that a bad word is a murder.

The seven stars stared at her, coveted, and the look seemed complicated.

At this time, other members of the Fearless Alliance also began to talk.

"She must be our ally's flat-headed brother... Otherwise, how could it be the unique martial arts of Pingtou's brother... In the same year, the seven lords asked the lord to teach him a trick and a half, and he could learn the talent of the seven lords. Learn..." A member of the fearless alliance, excited.

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