Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1328: The breath of the end of the world

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"Allies... Then you see, I am going to detain them first, please investigate them, or do you personally go to the trial?" The old man looked at Ye Hao and asked.

"Go and see." The seven-star tone is slightly indifferent.

In desperation, Ye Hao can only do this, follow the old man and walk downstairs.

On the third floor, the room is in custody.

Little Loli and Heidi and others, face each other.

That Jihuang is too pitted, isn’t it telling their masters to be fearless?

This is good, they have the courage to come to the fearless alliance, and reported the name of the death rose, but the people who are not afraid of the alliance are simply, they shut down them directly.

Even in the independent state, their owner’s death rose, it should be very famous...

"I rely on... We will not be killed in the fearless alliance. What is the power of this fearless alliance? Everyone can be clear..." Heidi looked around and wanted to escape from here. reality.

"What to do, strong brother... I am so scared..." The long-haired man took the beard man's arm and shivered.

"Afraid! There is a strong brother here, the fearless alliance has to give a strong face to the strong brother!" The bearded man sneered.

"Strong brother... You are so powerful... Then why are we still locked here?" Long hair man looked at the beard man.

"Coughing... It may be a special way for the guests to treat the guests without fear." The bearded man said.

Hearing, Heidi stunned the beard man: "It’s all dead, are you still blowing?"

"Let's go, you dare to question my strong brother! Dead fat man!" Long hair man glanced at Heidi.

Heidi: "..."

"Ginger, what should I do now?" Heidi is too lazy to take care of the long-haired man and look at the **** that has not been opened.

When I heard the sound, Ginger shook his head. For the situation in the independent state, several of them were completely unclear. Nowadays, they are trapped in the fearless alliance, and they know how to be good.

"It’s so hungry..." Little Loli sat on her stomach with her hands in her hands.

Not waiting for what Heidi spoke, the lights in the house suddenly turned on.

Seven Stars and Beidou plus the old three were the first to enter the house.

"What do you want to do! Why do you catch us?" The long-haired man looked at the old man and shouted in anger.

They didn’t do anything at all, they came to the fearless alliance, but they just wanted to find the owner. They just mentioned a death rose and they were arrested. Is there any reason, and Wang Fa?

"To shut up!"

The old man glanced at the long-haired man, and among the five, he had more words.

"Shut up?" The long-haired man sneered: "Shut up and shut up!"


Aside, the faint glimpse of the seven stars and so on, has never been open.

Until now, Ye Hao was late and walked into the house.

However, Ye Hao looked at it and was locked in the house. It was not a mercenary five-person group. Who else? !

For a moment, Ye Hao felt the breath of the end of the world...

How did the mercenary five-person group run from China to the independent state? How did you find the fearless alliance and know that you are here?

Little Loli and Heidi, after seeing Ye Hao, the whole person was shocked. Ji Huang did not lie to them. The master is really fearless!

Xiao Loli suddenly stood up and looked at Ye Hao with excitement.

"the Lord……"

Little Loli just wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Ye Hao.

"You said that you are a member of the death rose?" Ye Hao looked at the little Loli, and snorted.

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