Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1330: Really planning to close?

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"Well..." I don't know what the ghost is doing in the end, but today's situation, Ye Hao can only nod.

"Oh... It’s so sad..." The streamer smiled a little: "In that year, the lord single-handedly killed a group of evil forces in China... At that time, several of us just offended the evil forces, It was a coincidence that it was saved by the lord..."

When I heard the sound, the five groups of mercenaries smashed the gods. When they were kidnapped by the evil forces?

"Lord, my name is Flowing, for so many years, do you remember us..." The stream laughed.

The meditation of Ye Hao’s pretense, immediately said: “Listen to you, have some impressions...”

"Unfortunately, when we were going to follow the ally, the lord refused... Finally, tell us that if we can come to the independent state, we can consider accepting us... the lord, we have experienced too many hardships, but we have finally followed you. In the footsteps, came to the independent state."

The **** in the mercenary five-person group first came back to God. Although it is not clear why the streamer and the owner say this, it is absolutely correct to follow the flow of the words!

"Allies...we want to follow you..." Ginger quickly spoke.

"Hey, you really have perseverance, but I can't enter anyone without fear of the alliance... And, you are outsiders... outsiders... but you are going to die." Beidou looks at the streamer and so on, cold Smiled.

"Wait." Suddenly, the Seven Stars said: "Before, you are not saying that you belong to the death rose power, and I am afraid that there is something wrong with the current rhetoric."

"This..." Ginger brows slightly.

"This is also some of our careful machines." Flowing film: "What a great thing is fearless alliance, we are such a small fish, if you come to the fearless alliance, shouting to see the fearless lord Pingtou brother, you should directly Let's go?

But if we say that we are death roses, with the death of roses, we should be alarmed by the lord... The result is obviously that our purpose has been achieved, isn't it? "The stream looks at the seven stars."

The seven stars fell into silence, a pair of blind, and looked at the flow.

"You have to work hard to get into the fearless alliance." Ye Hao looked at the flow and other humanities.

"Yeah... Lord... the lord, we really want to follow you." Little Lolita grievances.

"Feng Jie, they are outsiders, according to the traditional rules set by the martial arts union..." Seven stars look to Ye Hao.

"Why, what do I do, do you need to mention it?" Ye Hao said coldly.

"Nature is Feng Jie's own master." Seven stars retreated to the side, no longer open.

"Beidou, take them to my office." Ye Hao turned to the North, and turned away.


After returning to the office, Ye Hao looked pale and heart beat.

I have to say that today is really too dangerous, that stream, what the **** is it?

She originally thought that her identity would be revealed by the flow of images. Who knows, the flow of shadows helped her, but it was unexpected for her.

However, what leaves Ye Hao wondering is why the mercenary five-person group will be with the streamer, and all six of them have come to the independent state, and they also know that they are fearless.

"Feng Sister, are you going to accept these few foreign ones?" At this moment, Beidou pushed the door.

"They are people." Ye Hao asked.

"Outside the door, didn't let them in." Beidou said.

[End of July 14th, what is the end of the update? Tomorrow is the last day of the aid activity (the deadline for the 24th deadline). The last wave of tasks~~~]

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