Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1335: Oh, don't be angry!

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Ji Xiu dye heard this, and looked at Ye Hao with a smile, and there was a strange insult in his voice: "This is like you..."

Ye Wei: "..."

"Xiao Feng, I want to ask you a question." Ji Xiurai looked at Ye Hao and whispered.

"What problem?" Ye Haodao.

"You are happy these years." Ji Xiu Dian Dao.

Hearing this statement, Ye Hao is silent, what does Ji Xiu dye mean?

"Fortunately..." Ye Hao thought for a moment and replied.

"This sentence, I don't have to answer me now, I will tell you later, I still have some things to deal with, I will go first." Ji Xiu said, turned and left.

After the disciplining and dyeing left, Ye Hao was full of inexplicable color.

In short, it’s good to mix it!

Immediately, Ye Hao turned around and looked to the side of the white, full of joy, she could not think of anyway, she would meet with Dabai in the independent state without fear.

Not waiting for Ye Lan to go to the white, but Russ was inserted in and inserted in the side of Ye Hao.

At this moment, Birus seems to be a little annoyed, whispering from time to time, like warning.

However, Dabai is only squinting than Russ, as if he is too lazy to take care of it.


Not waiting for Ye Hao to react, there was a gloomy and powerful roar in the mouth of Ruth, and he immediately walked to the side of Dabai, and took a few shots on his big head with his claws, as if he was testing something.

Ye Hao’s face is arrogant, this is better than Russ, it’s not going to attack Dabai...

Don't take it for granted. The leopard is a leopard after all. How can it compare with the tiger? Moreover, it is still a proud tiger.

Dabai was repeatedly challenged by Birus, but he finally stood up slowly, and the cold-blooded beast looked at Birus and gave a warning of a low roar.

"Rely on..." Ye Hao was shocked by a cold sweat. These two ancestors, it would not be intended to start...

This battle between people, Ye Hao does not matter, the most open is, but if the two beasts really fight, how should they pull, who dares to pull the rack?

"Big white, oh... don't be angry..." Ye Hao looked at Dabai and quickly advised.

However, what Ye Hao did not think was that her persuasion was actually igniting the anger of Birus.

Not yet waiting for Ye Hao to return to God, but seeing a group of Birus turned into a black shadow, and instantly rushed toward the white.

Only for a moment, Birus and Dabai were in one place.

In the office, the sound of beast roaring and anger is endless.

Ye Hao stood in the same place, watching the battle between Birus and Dabai, and could not help but help her, what did she create?

"Feng Jie, what happened?!"

At this moment, Beidou suddenly rushed in from the outside.

You don't need Ye Hao to answer, Beidou just entered the office, and naturally can see what happened.

"Oh... this white tiger can, it can match the battle of Birus..." Beidou stood aside and watched the two beasts screaming at each other and could not help but nod.

"Separate them!" Ye Hao looked at the North Road.

Hearing the words of Ye Hao, Beidou suddenly squatted in the same place, and looked at Ye Wei in an incredible way: "Maple sister... You are not serious... You let the frame of two beasts?!"

If he really did it, he was afraid that he would tear him away than Ruth and the white tiger...

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