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Ye Wei: "..."

Looking at this villa without a door, it seems that I suddenly understand why the dog is looking for myself...

"Before someone came to assassinate me, I accidentally broke the door when I shot." The dog looked at Ye Hao and said.

"Assassination of you..." Ye Hao couldn't help but laugh, this top-level BOSS, when it was originally assassinated.

"But... I always think that the person who came to assassinate me should be looking for the wrong place..." Between the words, the dog’s gaze looked at the murderous house not far away: "It is estimated that the owner of the assassination is going to assassinate the wrong place. ""

Ye Wei: "..."

Although Ye Hao wanted to kill the dog, but the dog shredded, but also let Ye Hao fall into meditation.

If the dog is said to be a fact, isn’t there anyone who wants to assassinate himself?

In the independent state, she seems to have only the three elders Lis...

Naturally, Ye Hao is not too serious. After all, no killer will make such low-level mistakes. Even the address of the assassin is unclear...

"So, the meaning of the dog is to let me change the door for you?" Ye Hao looked at the dog, and slowly began.

"You are not the doorkeeper, I don't know about this, help me to change a larger security door." Ye Hao said that the dog's miscellaneous value.

I heard the sound, but Ye Hao was speechless. She is the master of a fart, and she knows what kind of security door...

"Well, I try to be..." In desperation, Ye Hao can only nod and promise, after all, it is a pit that he dug himself.

"As soon as possible, or if I go to your store, you can." The dog shredded.

"Don't... I mean, no, we have a home delivery service... I will give you the door tomorrow, let the workers come to the door and help you install it..." Ye Hao’s mouth twitched slightly, she had a fart Store.

"Okay." Dog miscellaneous dagger: "Miss Ye came in and sat down."

"Dog, you don't have to be polite..." Ye Hao shook her head. She had time, and she had to buy a security door for the dog.

"Have a light meal together." The dog smashed and turned and walked into the house without a door.

When I saw it, I sighed softly in the mouth of the leaf, and I could only go in with the dog.

The dog cram residence is very simple, except for a few beds, a few tables, there is nothing else in the big room.

"I am going to cook, you can take a look." The dog chopped toward Ye.

Hearing the words of the dog, Ye Hao slightly stunned, this top-level BOSS, actually will cook, but also some of the appearance of a man at home.

"Miss Yeh eat meat." The dog chopped and looked at Ye Wei.

"Eat!" Ye Hao nodded again and again.

"Oh...that's not. I have been vegetarian since recently." The dog shouted and turned and walked into the kitchen.

Ye Wei: "..." Special, then you ask me if I can eat meat? !

As the dog chopped into the kitchen, Ye Hao looked around in the room.

This dog is chopped, the place to live is not bad, the area is quite large, but it does not understand life, although the room is well organized, but if you decorate it, it will look even better.

On the wall not far away, there is a photo hanging on it. From the appearance, there are still some similarities with Ye Hao, and the appearance is also very delicate.

After a while, Ye Hao sat on the sofa, and couldn't help but sigh. She was so close to the dog, she was a neighbor... and the top BOSS was a neighbor, and the pressure was not small.


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