Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1354: The value of the emperor

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Beidou looked at Ye Wei: "Feng Jie, this is already good... When is the appetite so big... What do you want?"

Hearing this statement, Ye Hao thought for a moment and said casually: "Hey, at least it is the level of Ji Shuai..."

These people did not know the words of the night of the cold, so the name of Ji Xiusheng emerged in Ye Hao’s mind.

"Ji Xiu dye?" Beidou slightly stunned, full of inexplicable color: "Who, is I handsome?!"

"Yihuang..." Qiu Shui on the side of the road stunned Beidou.

Beidou finally reacted. Ye Hao said that it was the name of Jihuang. "Where! Maple sister... You are not... We ask not to be so high, I still like the first beauty of the independent state... People can take care of me. ?"

Ye Xiaoxiao does not speak, this is her purpose, anyway, she has such a request, there is the value of the emperor's face, can come up, no, then forget it...

However, what Ye Hao did not expect was that at this moment, Qiu Shui took out his mobile phone in secret, found the phone of Ji Huang, and sent a text message to Ji Huang.


In desperation, Beidou can only let the waiter retreat this group of people, Ye Hao can not see, there is no way.

At this time, Ye Hao’s cell phone rang, which was called by the stream.

Immediately, Ye Hao got up, left the private room, and went to a slightly quiet place to get a call from the stream.

"The master." The sound of the stream was heard from the phone.

For the name of the stream, Ye Hao is somewhat unaccustomed.

"What's wrong," asked Ye Hao.

"Master, where are you?"

"Night shop." Ye Hao as truthful.

The stream was silent for a while, then immediately said: "The master... I am a few people with Jiang and today, and by chance, I may have got some of the traces of Jiuye... However, we don’t have a pass for the independent state, and there is no money and There are many inconveniences in the investigation.

"Ajiu’s whereabouts..." Hearing the words, Ye Shuguang was slightly bright.

Ye Hao only wants to find the division night cold as soon as possible, and return home with the Secretary of the night, Ye Jia, Si Jia... There are too many things that need to be resolved and need to be dealt with.

Moreover, the time left by his father, Ye Shaoting and Ye Mufan, is not too much. There will be more than five months to pronounce the sentence, and before that, she must find the Secretary to return to China.

"What news have you got?" Ye Hao hurriedly asked.

"Master, this is a long story... but please rest assured that we can investigate clearly, but ... we need an independent state pass, and money... identity."

Hearing, Ye Hao slightly decapitated, the pass and money are not a problem, but the identity in the stream of mouth should be to seek an official and part-time job in the fearless alliance, without calling the members of the fearless alliance, this does not seem easy.

"Tomorrow, I have already dealt with the pass, and I don't have to worry about the money." Ye said.

Hearing this statement, the flow of photos was slightly a little excited, and quickly said: "Thank you, the master..."

"The flow of shadow, do not have to call my master." Ye Haodao.

"That... I will call you Feng sister before the people..."


After a while, Ye Hao hangs up the phone. It seems that the decision to leave the film and the **** and others is correct.

After coming to the independent state, I finally got the news of the night of the cold, I hope to see them, I can find some clues.

After the mood converges, Ye Hao turns and walks into the night.

"Oh... this girl is pretty... I just didn't see it."

Not yet in the room, a man stopped Ye Hao.

"Oh... where is beautiful, but it’s just a watch." One of the red women glanced at Ye Hao and smiled coldly.

I heard the sound, Ye Hao brows slightly, this group is a female model who regards herself as a nightclub?

[July 20 update is over?]

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